Executive Orders
The Governor of Iowa has issued executive orders dealing with a variety of matters from Iowa’s statehood through present day. A governor generally issues an executive order derived under power granted by a state’s constitution, or as delegated by state or federal law. Iowa governors’ executive orders have covered a range of topics including the establishment of councils, committees and task forces, and appropriation reductions to prevent a state budget deficit.
Sort by Governor:
Order Date | Executive Order | Description | Governor | IAB Publication | Further Disposition |
06/06/2024 | Executive Order Number 11 | Amends 1 and rescinds 62 Executive Orders dating back to 1964. | Kim Reynolds | XLVI, No. 27 (06/26/2024) p. 10334 | |
01/10/2023 | Executive Order Number 10 | Directs state executive branch agencies, boards, and commissions to review each chapter of the Iowa Administrative Code to determine whether to renew or rescind each chapter. Establishes a moratorium on certain rulemaking beginning February 1, 2023. | Kim Reynolds | XLV, No. 16 (02/08/2023) p. 2145 | |
06/22/2021 | Executive Order Number 09 | Establishes the Carbon Sequestration Task Force to study carbon sequestration, including its economic value and agronomic impact on row crop production in Iowa. | Kim Reynolds | XLIV, No. 2 (07/28/2021) p. 295 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (63) |
03/10/2021 | Executive Order Number 08 | Establishes the Governor’s Child Care Task Force to develop a comprehensive strategy to address the child care shortage and barrier to work in Iowa. | Kim Reynolds | XLIII, No. 21 (04/07/2021) p. 2313 | |
08/05/2020 | Executive Order Number 07 | Restores the rights of citizenship, including that of voting and qualification to hold public office, to any person who forfeited those rights by conviction of an infamous crime, except for a violation of Iowa Code Chapter 707. | Kim Reynolds | XLIII, No. 5 (08/26/2020) p. 436 | |
06/18/2020 | Executive Order Number 06 | Establishes the Governor’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board to serve as the central point of coordination of state activities for the recovery and rebuilding efforts following the COVID-19 pandemic. | Kim Reynolds | XLIII, No. 1 (07/01/2020) p. 42 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (62) |
12/03/2019 | Executive Order Number 05 | Directs state executive branch agencies to ensure that any procurement solicitations for vehicles containing diesel engines shall require the responses to certify that the engine manufacturer has provided explicit written support for the use of B20 biodiesel. | Kim Reynolds | XLII, No. 14 (01/01/2020) p. 1683 | |
04/15/2019 | Executive Order Number 04 | Establishes the Flood Recovery Advisory Board to serve as the central point of coordination of state activities for the recovery and rebuilding efforts following the severe and widespread flooding in Iowa. | Kim Reynolds | XLI, No. 23 (05/08/2019) p. 2838 | |
07/18/2018 | Executive Order Number 03 | Establishes the Governor’s Empower Rural Iowa Initiative that will identify legislative, regulatory, and policy ideas designed to increase opportunities and quality of life throughout rural Iowa. | Kim Reynolds | XLI, No. 4 (08/15/2018) p. 440 | |
04/23/2018 | Executive Order Number 02 | Establishes the Children’s System State Board to serve as the single point of responsibility in the development and implementation of a Children’s Mental Health System. | Kim Reynolds | XL, No. 23 (05/09/2018) p. 2899 | |
01/29/2018 | Executive Order Number 01 | Creates the virtual Iowa Clearinghouse for Work-Based Learning to ensure access to high-quality, in-depth work-based learning. | Kim Reynolds | XL, No. 23 (05/09/2018) p. 2896 | Amended by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (61) |
08/29/2016 | Executive Order Number 88 | Creates the Future Ready Iowa Initiative and the Future Ready Iowa Alliance to promote postsecondary education and training. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXIX, No. 6 (09/14/2016) p. 429 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (60) |
12/21/2015 | Executive Order Number 87 | Directs the Office of the Chief Information Officer to develop a State of Iowa Cybersecurity Strategy. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXVIII, No. 14 (01/06/2016) p. 1389 | |
09/28/2015 | Executive Order Number 86 | Establishes the Governor’s Office for Bullying Prevention within the University of Northern Iowa’s Center for Violence Prevention. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXVIII, No. 8 (10/14/2015) p. 628 | |
03/24/2014 | Executive Order Number 85 | Mandates that personnel settlement agreements entered into by state agencies must be nonconfidential, available online, and reviewed by the Attorney General. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXVI, No. 20 (04/02/2014) p. 2039 | |
02/17/2014 | Executive Order Number 84 | Creates the Governor’s Council on National Service in Iowa. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXVI, No. 18 (03/05/2014) p. 1857 | |
10/16/2013 | Executive Order Number 83 | Mandates that only the State of Iowa, not the federal government, shall determine the content and related assessment of the Iowa Core academic standards. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXVI, No. 18 (03/05/2014) p. 1855 | |
08/20/2013 | Executive Order Number 82 | Creates the Iowa Juvenile Home Protection Task Force for the purpose of making recommendations concerning the Iowa Juvenile Home, and orders that staff at the facility undergo trauma-informed care training. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXVI, No. 5 (09/04/2013) p. 650 | |
05/15/2013 | Executive Order Number 81 | Expands and replaces Executive Order 74 (July 26, 2011), creating the Governor’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Advisory Council. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXVI, No. 5 (09/04/2013) p. 647 | |
08/20/2012 | Executive Order Number 80 | Directs that each state agency appoint a stakeholder group and receive public comment when proposing an administrative rulemaking. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXV, No. 5 (09/05/2012) p. 471 | |
08/20/2012 | Executive Order Number 79 | Rescinds 12 previous Executive Orders on the grounds of being unnecessary, outdated, or inefficient. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXV, No. 5 (09/05/2012) p. 469 | |
07/02/2012 | Executive Order Number 78 | Directs the Department of Administrative Services to implement an arrangement whereby state employees may voluntarily contribute 20% of their own health care costs. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXV, No. 5 (09/05/2012) p. 468 | |
05/11/2012 | Executive Order Number 77 | Rescinds an administrative rule banning the use of traditional lead shot in hunting. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXIV, No. 24 (05/30/2012) p. 1624 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (59) |
03/30/2012 | Executive Order Number 76 | Places the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program within the Department on Aging. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXIV, No. 21 (04/18/2012) p. 1426 | |
10/24/2011 | Executive Order Number 75 | Creates the Iowa Partnership for Economic Progress for the study and recommendation of solutions and policy alternatives for issues arising in the area of economic development. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXIV, No. 10 (11/16/2011) p. 724 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (58) |
07/26/2011 | Executive Order Number 74 | Creates the Governor’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Advisory Council to promote STEM education. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXIV, No. 4 (08/24/2011) p. 236 | |
05/03/2011 | Executive Order Number 73 | Creates the Website Standardization Committee for the purpose of improving the accessibility of Executive Branch websites for individuals with disabilities. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXIII, No. 26 (06/29/2011) p. 1757 | |
04/04/2011 | Executive Order Number 72 | Rescinds administrative rules implementing certain national air pollutant emissions standards. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXIII, No. 21 (04/20/2011) p. 1482 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (57) |
03/07/2011 | Executive Order Number 71 | Directs state agencies to analyze the effect of proposed administrative rules on private-sector employment and to include a Jobs Impact Statement in any published notice of intended action. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXIII, No. 19 (03/23/2011) p. 1363 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (56) |
01/14/2011 | Executive Order Number 70 | Rescinds Governor Vilsack’s Executive Order 42 (July 4, 2005) and requires discharged criminal offenders to file an application for the restoration of citizenship rights. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXIII, No. 16 (02/09/2011) p. 1165 | |
01/14/2011 | Executive Order Number 69 | Rescinds Governor Culver’s Executive Order 22 (February 3, 2010) and prohibits the use of Project Labor Agreements for state-funded construction work and other public works projects. | Terry E. Branstad | XXXIII, No. 16 (02/09/2011) p. 1162 | |
11/29/2010 | Executive Order Number 27 | Directs the Iowa Finance Authority to administer the allocation of qualified energy conservation bonds bonding authority provided by federal law. | Chester J. Culver | XXXIII, No. 15 (01/26/2011) p. 1103 | |
10/14/2010 | Executive Order Number 26 | Outlines the authority of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and directs the CIO to oversee the Department of Administrative Services’ continuing information technology consolidation efforts. | Chester J. Culver | XXXIII, No. 9 (11/03/2010) p. 746 | |
08/06/2010 | Executive Order Number 25 | Creates the Lake Delhi Recover and Rebuild Task Force to develop strategies for both the recovery and rebuilding of the Lake Delhi area, including, whether and under what conditions the Lake Delhi dam should be rebuilt. | Chester J. Culver | XXXIII, No. 9 (11/03/2010) p. 743 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (55) |
05/28/2010 | Executive Order Number 24 | Separates the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman from the Department on Aging so that the Office may function independently as a lobbyist, in compliance with the federal Older Americans Act. | Chester J. Culver | XXXIII, No. 9 (11/03/2010) p. 741 | |
04/09/2010 | Executive Order Number 23 | Directs the Insurance Commissioner to implement recently enacted consumer protection provisions, and to form a Work Group on health insurance cost reduction and health care reform in connection with the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. | Chester J. Culver | XXXIII, No. 9 (11/03/2010) p. 738 | |
02/03/2010 | Executive Order Number 22 | Directs all state departments and agencies to consider using Project Labor Agreements when awarding contracts for large-scale construction projects. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 18 (02/24/2010) p. 2107 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 69 |
02/01/2010 | Executive Order Number 21 | Designates the Executive Director of the Iowa Finance Authority as the administrator of Qualified Midwestern Disaster Area Bonds under the federal Disaster Relief Act. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 18 (02/24/2010) p. 2105 | |
12/16/2009 | Executive Order Number 20 | Mandates the implementation of a series of cost-reduction recommendations outlined in the Iowa Efficiency Review Report. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 18 (02/24/2010) p. 2102 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
10/08/2009 | Executive Order Number 19 | Implements a 10% budget reduction for FY 2010. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 9 (10/21/2009) p. 1139 | |
09/25/2009 | Executive Order Number 18 | Transfers $45.3 million from the Economic Emergency Fund to the General Fund in order to balance the FY 2009 state budget. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 9 (10/21/2009) p. 1138 | |
09/25/2009 | Executive Order Number 17 | Directs state agencies to prioritize the rehabilitation of existing real estate and the use of historic properties and districts when locating or developing state facilities. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 9 (10/21/2009) p. 1136 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
08/20/2009 | Executive Order Number 16 | Creates the Green Jobs Task Force to study and craft proposals, including proposals for Recovery Act funding. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 7 (09/23/2009) p. 898 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (54) |
07/15/2009 | Executive Order Number 15 | Creates the Ex-Offender Re-Entry Coordinating Council that shall establish an integrated system for coordinating the planning and provision of offender transitional and re-entry services. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 5 (08/26/2009) p. 599 | |
06/22/2009 | Executive Order Number 14 | Authorizes the Larned A. Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center to apply for a Strengthening Communities Fund – State, Local and Tribal Government Capacity Building Program Grant. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 5 (08/26/2009) p. 597 | |
05/26/2009 | Executive Order Number 13 | Directs the Department of Administrative Services to implement policies to ensure tracking of reimbursements to state employees. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 5 (08/26/2009) p. 596 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (53) |
04/14/2009 | Executive Order Number 12 | Creates the Iowa Accountability and Transparency Board to oversee the administration of the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 5 (08/26/2009) p. 594 | |
02/17/2009 | Executive Order Number 11 | Establishes the Dependent Adult Task Force to examine and report on the issues related to dependent adults with mental retardation. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 5 (08/26/2009) p. 592 | |
12/22/2008 | Executive Order Number 10 | Implements a 1.5% budget reduction for FY 2009. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 5 (08/26/2009) p. 590 | |
11/07/2008 | Executive Order Number 09 | Assigns administrative responsibility of bonding authority for the federal Disaster Relief Act to the Iowa Finance Authority. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 5 (08/26/2009) p. 588 | |
07/16/2008 | Executive Order Number 08 | Establishes the Independent Contractor Reform Task Force to address employee misclassification. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 5 (08/26/2009) p. 586 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (52) |
06/27/2008 | Executive Order Number 07 | Establishes the Rebuild Iowa Office and the Rebuild Iowa Advisory Commission to coordinate disaster recovery efforts. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 5 (08/26/2009) p. 582 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
02/21/2008 | Executive Order Number 06 | Rescinds and replaces Governor Vilsack’s Executive Order 41 (April 22, 2005) and establishes the Green Government Initiative for the State of Iowa. | Chester J. Culver | XXXII, No. 5 (08/26/2009) p. 577 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
10/30/2007 | Executive Order Number 05 | Creates the Youth Race and Detention Task Force to consider the importance of public safety and its relevance in the use of juvenile detention. | Chester J. Culver | XXX, No. 12 (12/05/2007) p. 1076 | |
10/26/2007 | Executive Order Number 04 | Creates the Diversity Council and mandates that state agencies develop a Diversity Plan that outlines steps to increase diversity within the agency’s workforce. | Chester J. Culver | XXX, No. 12 (12/05/2007) p. 1073 | |
06/21/2007 | Executive Order Number 03 | Directs that at least 60% of fuel purchases for state flexible-fuel vehicles must be E-85 fuel, and instructs the Office of Energy Independence and the Department of Administrative Services to develop a plan to reach this goal. | Chester J. Culver | XXX, No. 2 (07/18/2007) p. 220 | |
02/28/2007 | Executive Order Number 02 | Extends the deadline for individual taxpayers who are farmers to pay their 2006 individual income tax. | Chester J. Culver | XXIX, No. 19 (03/14/2007) p. 1211 | |
01/27/2007 | Executive Order Number 01 | Directs that the United States flag be flown at half-staff when a member of the Iowa National Guard or Iowa Air National Guard or an Iowa resident serving as a member of the United States Armed Forces is killed in the line of duty. | Chester J. Culver | XXIX, No. 17 (02/14/2007) p. 1100 | |
12/08/2006 | Executive Order Number 51 | Creates the Targeted Small Business Advisory Council, which will offer oversight and recommendations regarding policies affecting the Targeted Small Business (TSB) program. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIX, No. 17 (02/14/2007) p. 1098 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (51) |
12/01/2006 | Executive Order Number 50 | Establishes the New Iowans Policy Task Force, which will make recommendations on how to address the public safety issues surrounding the lack of a comprehensive identification system. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIX, No. 17 (02/14/2007) p. 1096 | |
08/04/2006 | Executive Order Number 49 | Creates a task force that will study how to improve the efficacy and efficiency of Iowa’s Targeted Small Business (TSB) Assistance Program. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIX, No. 6 (09/13/2006) p. 381 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (50) |
06/01/2006 | Executive Order Number 48 | Directs the Institute for Tomorrow’s Workforce to design a pay-for-performance compensation plan for schoolteachers, as set forth in Section 27 of House File 2792 (2006 Iowa Acts, chapter 1182), and study the program’s cost and effectiveness in improving levels of student achievement. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIX, No. 6 (09/13/2006) p. 379 | |
02/07/2006 | Executive Order Number 47 | Creates the Keep Iowa Clean and Beautiful Task Force, which will launch a wide-ranging campaign focusing on litter abatement and greater public awareness about recycling, responsible waste disposal, and the environmental damage and the public health and safety hazards caused by illegal dumping. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIX, No. 6 (09/13/2006) p. 376 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (49) |
01/16/2006 | Executive Order Number 46 | Requires the Director of Human Services to meet with an authorized representative of nonregistered child care home providers who receive payment from the State of Iowa Child Care Assistance Program in order to discuss measures to improve the quality of ca | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIX, No. 6 (09/13/2006) p. 373 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
01/16/2006 | Executive Order Number 45 | Requires the Director of Human Services to meet with an authorized representative of nonregistered child care home providers who receive payment from the State of Iowa Child Care Assistance Program in order to discuss measures to improve the quality of care they offer. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIX, No. 6 (09/13/2006) p. 370 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
09/02/2005 | Executive Order Number 44 | Directs the Department of Human Services to act in accordance with federal directives regarding how disasters and public health emergencies impact public assistance programs. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVIII, No. 9 (10/26/2005) p. 659 | |
07/04/2005 | Executive Order Number 43 | Instructs the Director of Human Services to confer with an authorized representative of Iowa’s home-care providers about implementing policies that will facilitate the recruitment and retention of caregivers who can provide quality in-home assistive care to elderly and disabled persons through the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Medicaid waiver program. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVIII, No. 3 (08/03/2005) p. 221 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
07/04/2005 | Executive Order Number 42 | Restores the rights of citizenship, including the right to vote and qualification to hold public office, to offenders who have been completely discharged from their sentences as of July 4, 2005, but have not yet applied for restoration of those rights. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVIII, No. 3 (08/03/2005) p. 218 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 70 |
04/22/2005 | Executive Order Number 41 | Directs state agencies to adopt energy-efficiency measures, including: (1) reducing energy consumption, (2) deriving at least 10 percent of total electricity from renewable sources, (3) acquiring equipment with the lowest life cycle cost analyses, (4) purchasing only alternative-fuel or hybrid-electric vehicles for light duty, and (5) ensuring that by 2020 all diesel fuels purchased by the state will have a renewable energy content of at least 20 percent. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVII, No. 24 (05/25/2005) p. 1570 | Rescinded and replaced by Governor Culver Executive Order 6 |
03/03/2005 | Executive Order Number 40 | Directs all state agencies in the Executive Branch to adopt Continuity of Operations and Continuity of Government emergency management plans so that they may keep delivering essential services during disasters and other emergency situations. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVII, No. 24 (05/25/2005) p. 1567 | |
01/11/2005 | Executive Order Number 39 | Establishes the Iowa Great Places Program, in which the Department of Cultural Affairs will work with other state agencies to develop the distinctive and authentic features of neighborhoods, communities, and regions with an emphasis on encouraging innovative programs and revitalizing communities culturally, socially, and economically. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVII, No. 24 (05/25/2005) p. 1564 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (48) |
10/22/2004 | Executive Order Number 38 | Continues the work of the Iowa Food Policy Council as set forth in Executive Orders 16 (March 31, 2000), 19 (May 21, 2001), and 29 (August 15, 2003). | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVII, No. 24 (05/25/2005) p. 1561 | |
10/01/2004 | Executive Order Number 37 | Creates the Aging Services Cabinet, which will address issues affecting older Iowans, including healthy aging habits, long-term care, the recruitment of qualified caregivers, and ways to better integrate the delivery of health care and social services. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVII, No. 24 (05/25/2005) p. 1558 | |
06/25/2004 | Executive Order Number 36 | Restores 10 percent of the across-the-board cut in allotment requests called for in Executive Order 31 (October 14, 2003), thereby creating an effective across-the-board budget reduction of 2.25 percent rather than 2.5 percent. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVII, No. 2 (07/21/2004) p. 167 | |
01/30/2004 | Executive Order Number 35 | Establishes the Governor’s Non-profit Taskforce, which will evaluate both the current and possible future roles that Iowa’s nonprofit organizations can play in advancing the vitality of communities throughout the state, including collaborating with government agencies and local businesses and encouraging greater citizen participation in nonprofit activities. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVII, No. 2 (07/21/2004) p. 165 | |
12/05/2003 | Executive Order Number 34 | Disbands Governor Ray’s Executive Orders 20 (December 16, 1975) and 49 (January 7, 1983), which established the Governor’s Economic Advisory Council and the Iowa Economic Forecasting Council respectively, and replaces them with the Council of Economic Advisors, which will track key economic indicators and make recommendations on improving methods used by the state to gather and analyze economic data and estimate future state revenues. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVII, No. 2 (07/21/2004) p. 162 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
11/17/2003 | Executive Order Number 33 | Establishes the Iowa Council on Homelessness under the administration of the Iowa Finance Authority and instructs the directors of over one dozen state agencies to participate in the council and coordinate efforts toward developing programs to alleviate and eventually end homelessness. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVII, No. 2 (07/21/2004) p. 159 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
11/11/2003 | Executive Order Number 32 | Authorizes the Iowa Veteran’s Commission to create a Commemorative Iowa Medallion, which will be available for purchase by the public and will feature an image of the Iowa State Capitol on one side and a profile of the five Sullivan brothers on the other. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVI, No. 12 (12/10/2003) p. 1074 | |
10/14/2003 | Executive Order Number 31 | Calls for a uniform reduction of allotment requests so that the state may achieve a budget reduction of 2.5 percent for FY 2004. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVI, No. 11 (11/26/2003) p. 983 | |
09/25/2003 | Executive Order Number 30 | Creates the Iowa Learns Council, which will direct its efforts toward achieving two goals: (1) a quality preschool experience for 90 percent of Iowa’s children and (2) the completion of two years of college by 90 percent of Iowa’s high school graduates. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVI, No. 11 (11/26/2003) p. 980 | |
08/15/2003 | Executive Order Number 29 | Continues the work of the Iowa Food Policy Council as set forth in Executive Orders 16 (March 31, 2000) and 19 (May 21, 2001). | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVI, No. 11 (11/26/2003) p. 977 | |
07/01/2003 | Executive Order Number 28 | Designates seven state agencies as Charter Agencies which grants them the maximum degree of administrative flexibility in terms of procurement and personnel management. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXVI, No. 4 (08/20/2003) p. 307 | |
02/04/2003 | Executive Order Number 27 | Directs the heads of state agencies to undertake steps to identify and address barriers to community living and quality of life for individuals who are disabled or afflicted with long-term illnesses. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXV, No. 19 (03/19/2003) p. 1277 | |
06/21/2002 | Executive Order Number 26 | Establishes a Commemorative Quarter Committee and a process through which all Iowans may participate in selecting the design of the Iowa Commemorative Quarter. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXV, No. 2 (07/24/2002) p. 159 | |
06/04/2002 | Executive Order Number 25 | Rescinds Governor Branstad’s Executive Order 60 (May 19, 1997) and directs state agencies to act in accordance with Iowa Code sections 8.47 and 18.3 when procuring professional services with the goal of reducing waste, duplication, and inefficiency. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXV, No. 1 (07/10/2002) p. 83 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
11/01/2001 | Executive Order Number 24 | Calls for a uniform reduction of allotment requests so that the state may achieve a budget reduction of 4.3 percent for FY 2002. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIV, No. 11 (11/28/2001) p. 858 | |
10/12/2001 | Executive Order Number 23 | Directs the Adjutant General of the Iowa National Guard to deploy National Guard personnel to Iowa laboratories that keep stocks of biological agents that could potentially be used in a terrorist attack. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIV, No. 10 (11/14/2001) p. 772 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (47) |
10/03/2001 | Executive Order Number 22 | Directs the Adjutant General of the Iowa National Guard to deploy members of the National Guard to monitor checkpoints at airports and assist existing security personnel in enhancing security operations. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIV, No. 8 (10/17/2001) p. 601 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (46) |
07/03/2001 | Executive Order Number 21 | Establishes the Veterans Affairs Policy Task Force, which will make recommendations on improving the operations of the Iowa Commission of Veteran Affairs. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIV, No. 2 (07/25/2001) p. 129 | |
06/27/2001 | Executive Order Number 20 | Creates the Iowa Education Roundtable, which will focus on creating a more seamless system of providing educational programs at all levels of learning, ranging from early childhood through higher education. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIV, No. 2 (07/25/2001) p. 126 | |
05/21/2001 | Executive Order Number 19 | Continues the work of the Iowa Food Policy Council created by Executive Order 16 (March 31, 2000) and directs the council to create two interagency task forces that will make recommendations on food security and Iowa food products. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIII, No. 25 (06/13/2001) p. 1940 | |
03/28/2001 | Executive Order Number 18 | Rescinds Executive Order 7 (September 14, 1999) and replaces it with a reaffirmation of the State of Iowa’s commitment to equal opportunity in employment to the fullest extent allowable under law. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIII, No. 24 (05/30/2001) p. 1886 | |
02/13/2001 | Executive Order Number 17 | Creates the Taskforce for Responsible Fatherhood, which will focus on identifying obstacles that encourage absent fathers, raising public awareness about the consequences of a father’s absence on his child’s development, and recommending practices that will actively engage fathers in raising their children. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIII, No. 18 (03/07/2001) p. 1415 | |
03/31/2000 | Executive Order Number 16 | Creates the Iowa Food Policy Council, which will address a host of food-related issues. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXIII, No. 21 (04/19/2000) p. 1550 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (45) |
03/14/2000 | Executive Order Number 15 | Creates the Interagency Work Group on Responsible Parenthood. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXII, No. 20 (04/05/2000) p. 1495 | |
02/25/2000 | Executive Order Number 14 | Establishes the Health Consumer Advisory Council, which will advise the Governor and Lieutenant Governor on health-care issues. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXII, No. 19 (03/22/2000) p. 1417 | |
12/09/1999 | Executive Order Number 13 | Accepts the offer of the U.S. Department of the Army to retrocede exclusive federal legislative jurisdiction over the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant to the State of Iowa, which will acquire concurrent jurisdiction over the federal facility. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXII, No. 14 (01/12/2000) p. 1089 | |
12/09/1999 | Executive Order Number 12 | Rescinds and nullifies Governor Ray’s Executive Order 23 (April 22, 1977), which established the Governor’s Science Advisory Council. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXII, No. 14 (01/12/2000) p. 1088 | |
09/14/1999 | Executive Order Number 11 | Directs each state agency that promulgates rules to adopt the Uniform Waiver Rule by no later than February 1, 2000. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXII, No. 7 (10/06/1999) p. 646 | |
09/14/1999 | Executive Order Number 10 | Establishes a Quality in Rule-Making Committee, which will create and administer a program to train state agency personnel in all legal aspects of rule-making with the goal of making all agency rules as precise, clear, and easy to understand as possible. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXII, No. 7 (10/06/1999) p. 644 | |
09/14/1999 | Executive Order Number 09 | Directs each state agency that promulgates rules to issue only those rules that help with interpreting state laws or serving an important public need not already addressed under existing rules and regulations. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXII, No. 7 (10/06/1999) p. 639 | |
09/14/1999 | Executive Order Number 08 | Directs each state agency that promulgates rules to complete a comprehensive review of those rules, and establishes an Agency Plan for Regulatory Review that shall be used to determine whether a rule is outdated, redundant, over-broad, ineffective, unnecessary or otherwise undesirable. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXII, No. 7 (10/06/1999) p. 635 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (44) |
09/14/1999 | Executive Order Number 07 | Rescinds Governor Branstad’s Executive Order 44 (April 30, 1992) regarding affirmative action and reaffirms the State of Iowa’s commitment to equal opportunity in employment by prohibiting discrimination because of an applicant’s race, creed, color, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, and physical or mental disability. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXII, No. 7 (10/06/1999) p. 632 | |
04/23/1999 | Executive Order Number 06 | Grants an indefinite extension to the term of the resident-agent-in-charge of the Des Moines office of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and authorizes this person as an ex-officio nonvoting member of the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Council. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXII, No. 7 (10/06/1999) p. 630 | |
03/25/1999 | Executive Order Number 05 | Authorizes the continuation of the Regional Advisory Boards as the regional arms of the Iowa Workforce Development Board established by Executive Order 1 (January 25, 1999) and resets the boundaries of Region 8 in central Iowa and Region 11 in western Iowa. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXII, No. 7 (10/06/1999) p. 628 | |
02/22/1999 | Executive Order Number 04 | Establishes the 21st-Century Workforce Council that will provide recommendations addressing specific vocations, professions, and fields of employment where there are currently shortages of skilled workers. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXI, No. 21 (04/07/1999) p. 2546 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (43) |
02/05/1999 | Executive Order Number 03 | Establishes the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Advisory Council, composed of the Iowa Vertical Infrastructure Advisory Committee and the Iowa Information Technology lnfrastructure Advisory Committee. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXI, No. 18 (02/24/1999) p. 1681 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
02/01/1999 | Executive Order Number 02 | Creates the Governor’s Strategic Planning Council to outline a plan for future development throughout the state. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXI, No. 18 (02/24/1999) p. 1678 | |
01/25/1999 | Executive Order Number 01 | Rescinds Governor Branstad’s Executive Order 59 (September 30, 1996) and establishes the Iowa Workforce Development Board to serve the functions assigned under the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998. | Thomas J. Vilsack | XXI, No. 17 (02/10/1999) p. 1576 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (42) |
11/23/1998 | Executive Order Number 68 | Prohibits the use of tobacco on the Capitol Complex and in state government offices. | Terry E. Branstad | XXI, No. 13 (12/16/1998) p. 1206 | |
08/21/1998 | Executive Order Number 67 | Establishes the Council for Continuous Improvement in Education to recruit and retain teachers in Iowa. | Terry E. Branstad | XXI, No. 6 (09/09/1998) p. 587 | |
05/21/1998 | Executive Order Number 66 | Establishes the IowAccess Advisory Council to provide advice and counsel to the Director of Information Technology Services in the development, implementation, operation and growth of IowAccess. | Terry E. Branstad | XXI, No. 2 (07/15/1998) p. 176 | |
05/20/1998 | Executive Order Number 65 | Establishes the Iowa Geographic Information Council. | Terry E. Branstad | XXI, No. 2 (07/15/1998) p. 173 | |
05/18/1998 | Executive Order Number 64 | Amends Executive Order 48 (February 14, 1994) by changing the name of the Iowa Commission for National and Community Service to the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service. | Terry E. Branstad | XXI, No. 2 (07/15/1998) p. 171 | |
02/10/1998 | Executive Order Number 63 | Establishes an Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) Committee. | Terry E. Branstad | XXI, No. 2 (07/15/1998) p. 169 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 79 |
01/09/1998 | Executive Order Number 62 | Replaces Executive Order 54 (December 23, 1994) and creates a Primary Iowa Hazard Mitigation Team and a Secondary Iowa Hazard Mitigation Team. | Terry E. Branstad | XX, No. 16 (01/28/1998) p. 1491 | |
07/15/1997 | Executive Order Number 61 | Assigns responsibility for providing the Executive Branch with information technology services to the Information Technology Services Director appointed by the Governor. | Terry E. Branstad | XX, No. 5 (08/27/1997) p. 463 | |
05/19/1997 | Executive Order Number 60 | Rescinds Governor Ray’s Executive Order 50 (January 12, 1983) and mandates that each state agency shall have responsibility for its own management and internal control of services procurement and contracting. | Terry E. Branstad | XX, No. 2 (07/16/1997) p. 214 | Rescinded by Governor Vilsack Executive Order 25 |
09/30/1996 | Executive Order Number 59 | Rescinds the Workforce Development Council established in Executive Order 53 (July 29, 1994) and directs the Workforce Development Department Governing Board to establish a Human Resource Investment Council. | Terry E. Branstad | XIX, No. 9 (10/23/1996) p. 784 | Rescinded by Governor Vilsack Executive Order 1 |
07/01/1996 | Executive Order Number 58 | Delegates administrative responsibility for the federal Job Training Partnership Act to the Workforce Development Department and replaces Executive Order 24 (June 30, 1986). | Terry E. Branstad | XIX, No. 3 (07/31/1996) p. 321 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (41) |
06/28/1996 | Executive Order Number 57 | Directs the Department of Personnel to develop policy, offer training, and establish a Threat Assessment Team in order to maintain a violence-free workplace. | Terry E. Branstad | XIX, No. 2 (07/17/1996) p. 219 | |
12/18/1995 | Executive Order Number 56 | Rescinds and replaces Executive Order 37 (February 13, 1989) and directs state agencies to reduce waste, recycle, and purchase and use recycled materials. | Terry E. Branstad | XVIII, No. 15 (01/17/1996) p. 1220 | |
06/22/1995 | Executive Order Number 55 | Appoints the resident agent-in-charge of the Des Moines office of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration as a nonvoting ex-officio member of the Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Council. | Terry E. Branstad | XVIII, No. 2 (07/19/1995) p. 104 | |
12/23/1994 | Executive Order Number 54 | Rescinds Executive Order 39 (September 12, 1990) and reestablishes the Iowa Hazard Mitigation Team. | Terry E. Branstad | XVII, No. 15 (01/18/1995) p. 1118 | |
07/29/1994 | Executive Order Number 53 | Establishes the Iowa Workforce Development Council to coordinate the implementation of state and federal workforce development programs in the State of Iowa. | Terry E. Branstad | XVII, No. 6 (09/14/1994) p. 458 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 59 |
07/01/1994 | Executive Order Number 52 | Rescinds Executive Order 35 (September 27, 1988) and reestablishes the Iowa Commission on Foreign Language Studies and International Education. | Terry E. Branstad | XVII, No. 6 (09/14/1994) p. 455 | |
05/19/1994 | Executive Order Number 51 | Establishes the Library Services Advisory Council to develop a coordinated, cost effective and comprehensive plan for the implementation of an electronic statewide library and information services program. | Terry E. Branstad | XVII, No. 1 (07/06/1994) p. 93 | |
05/02/1994 | Executive Order Number 50 | Establishes the Iowa Health Reform Transition Team to coordinate implementation, communicate with the federal government, and continue to inform and receive input from Iowans. | Terry E. Branstad | XVI, No. 24 (05/25/1994) p. 2309 | |
03/04/1994 | Executive Order Number 49 | Establishes the Telemedicine Advisory Council to develop a coordinated, cost effective and comprehensive plan for the implementation of a statewide telemedicine program. | Terry E. Branstad | XVI, No. 20 (03/30/1994) p. 2023 | |
02/14/1994 | Executive Order Number 48 | Establishes the Iowa Commission for National and Community Service to advise and assist in the development and implementation of a comprehensive, statewide plan for promoting volunteer involvement in Iowa. | Terry E. Branstad | XVI, No. 18 (03/02/1994) p. 1818 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (40) |
03/29/1993 | Executive Order Number 47 | Accepts a federal offer of assignment of concurrent jurisdiction. | Terry E. Branstad | XV, No. 22 (04/28/1993) p. 2206 | |
01/05/1993 | Executive Order Number 46 | Repeals Executive Order 33 (August 21, 1987) that continued the Telecommunications and Information Management Council created by Executive Order 18 (July 9, 1985). | Terry E. Branstad | XV, No. 17 (02/17/1993) p. 1705 | |
08/27/1992 | Executive Order Number 45 | Directs the Department of Economic Development to continue to work with the Regional Coordinating Councils. | Terry E. Branstad | XV, No. 17 (02/17/1993) p. 1703 | |
04/30/1992 | Executive Order Number 44 | Assigns responsibility for the coordination of affirmative action reporting to the Department of Personnel, and reaffirms the Governor’s commitment to equal employment opportunity. | Terry E. Branstad | XIV, No. 24 (05/27/1992) p. 2238 | Rescinded by Governor Vilsack Executive Order 7 |
04/08/1992 | Executive Order Number 43 | Implements a 0.62% reduction in appropriations for the remainder of FY 1992. | Terry E. Branstad | XIV, No. 22 (04/29/1992) p. 1899 | |
07/01/1991 | Executive Order Number 42 | Implements a 3.25% reduction in appropriations for FY 1992. | Terry E. Branstad | XIV, No. 3 (08/07/1991) p. 273 | |
11/06/1990 | Executive Order Number 41 | Accepts a federal offer of assignment of concurrent jurisdiction. | Terry E. Branstad | XIII, No. 12 (12/12/1990) p. 1163 | |
11/01/1990 | Executive Order Number 40 | Creates the Iowa Drug and Violent Crime Policy Board that is to be responsible for development of the Iowa application for Drug Control and System Improvement Grant Program funds. | Terry E. Branstad | XIII, No. 11 (11/28/1990) p. 1073 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (39) |
09/12/1989 | Executive Order Number 39 | Forms the State Hazard Mitigation Team to promote hazard mitigation, and to develop new cost-reducing initiatives. | Terry E. Branstad | XIII, No. 7 (10/03/1990) p. 650 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 54 |
03/17/1989 | Executive Order Number 38 | Prohibits the use of drugs and alcohol in state government workplaces in compliance with the federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. | Terry E. Branstad | XI, No. 21 (04/19/1989) p. 1863 | |
02/13/1989 | Executive Order Number 37 | Directs state agencies to purchase and use recycled paper products and to develop waste paper recycling programs. | Terry E. Branstad | XI, No. 18 (03/08/1989) p. 1687 | Rescinded and replaced by Governor Branstad Executive Order 56 |
02/13/1989 | Executive Order Number 36 | Directs state agencies to purchase and use biodegradable disposable products, and directs the Department of Natural Resources to promote and develop such products. | Terry E. Branstad | XI, No. 18 (03/08/1989) p. 1684 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (38) |
09/27/1988 | Executive Order Number 35 | Creates an Iowa Commission on Foreign Language Studies and International Education. | Terry E. Branstad | XI, No. 8 (10/19/1988) p. 859 | Rescinded and replaced by Governor Branstad Executive Order 52 |
07/22/1988 | Executive Order Number 34 | Establishes provisions concerning equal employment opportunity and affirmative action in state contracts, and transfers the Contract Compliance Coordinating Group to the Department of Management. | Terry E. Branstad | XI, No. 4 (08/24/1988) p. 401 | |
08/21/1987 | Executive Order Number 33 | Continues the Telecommunication and Information Management Council created in Executive Order 18 (July 9, 1985). | Terry E. Branstad | X, No. 6 (09/09/1987) p. 455 | Repealed by Governor Branstad Executive Order 46 |
07/07/1987 | Executive Order Number 32 | Creates the Governor’s Alliance on Substance Abuse within the Department of Public Health. | Terry E. Branstad | X, No. 6 (09/09/1987) p. 452 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (37) |
06/29/1987 | Executive Order Number 31 | Establishes gift reporting requirements for the executive department. | Terry E. Branstad | X, No. 5 (08/26/1987) p. 375 | |
04/15/1987 | Executive Order Number 30 | Creates and establishes the State Emergency Response Commission of Iowa to implement the federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986. | Terry E. Branstad | IX, No. 23 (05/06/1987) p. 1831 | |
04/01/1987 | Executive Order Number 29 | Extends the state of economic emergency declared in Executive Order 20 (October 1, 1985). | Terry E. Branstad | IX, No. 22 (04/22/1987) p. 1785 | |
03/04/1987 | Executive Order Number 28 | Establishes gift reporting requirements for the executive department. | Terry E. Branstad | IX, No. 20 (03/25/1987) p. 1663 | |
03/03/1987 | Executive Order Number 27 | Creates the Interagency Council to analyze and recommend modifications to the state’s welfare, job training, and job placement delivery systems. | Terry E. Branstad | IX, No. 20 (03/25/1987) p. 1660 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (36) |
12/31/1986 | Executive Order Number 26 | Prohibits the sale of tobacco products in areas of buildings under the Governor’s control on the State Capitol Complex and in all offices occupied by state government. | Terry E. Branstad | ||
11/17/1986 | Executive Order Number 25 | Amends the procedure established in Executive Order 22 (February 19, 1986) for allocating the total principal amount of bonds which may be issued by political subdivisions in any calendar year. | Terry E. Branstad | IX, No. 12 (12/03/1986) p. 1070 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (35) |
06/30/1986 | Executive Order Number 24 | Delegates administrative responsibility for the federal Job Training Partnership Act to the Department of Economic Development, and creates the State Job Training Coordinating Council. | Terry E. Branstad | IX, No. 3 (07/30/1986) p. 296 | Replaced by Governor Branstad Executive Order 58 |
06/09/1986 | Executive Order Number 23 | Designates the Department of Public Safety as the State Highway Safety Agency and the Commissioner of Public Safety as the Governor’s Representative for Highway Safety. | Terry E. Branstad | IX, No. 1 (07/02/1986) p. 59 | |
02/19/1986 | Executive Order Number 22 | Provides a procedure for allocating the total principal amount of bonds which may be issued by political subdivisions in any calendar year. | Terry E. Branstad | VIII, No. 19 (03/12/1986) p. 1444 | Amended by Governor Branstad Executive Order 25 |
12/24/1985 | Executive Order Number 21 | Renames the Iowa Refugee Service Center as the Bureau of Refugee Programs and places it administratively within the Department of Human Services. | Terry E. Branstad | VIII, No. 17 (02/12/1986) p. 1353 | |
10/01/1985 | Executive Order Number 20 | Declares that a state of economic emergency exists in relation to farm real estate loans. | Terry E. Branstad | VIII, No. 17 (02/12/1986) p. 1352 | Extended by Governor Branstad Executive Order 29 |
09/18/1985 | Executive Order Number 19 | Implements a 3.85% reduction in appropriations for FY 1986. | Terry E. Branstad | VIII, No. 8 (10/09/1985) p. 775 | |
07/09/1985 | Executive Order Number 18 | Creates the Telecommunication and Information Management Council to develop a coordinated, cost effective, statewide telecommunications and information management plan. | Terry E. Branstad | VIII, No. 8 (10/09/1985) p. 773 | Ordered no longer effective by Governor Branstad Executive Order 33 |
05/16/1985 | Executive Order Number 17 | Creates the Iowa Partnership for Economic Progress to develop a consensus on economic development strategies. | Terry E. Branstad | VIII, No. 8 (10/09/1985) p. 771 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (34) |
05/10/1985 | Executive Order Number 16 | Establishes the objectives of the Iowa Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. | Terry E. Branstad | VIII, No. 8 (10/09/1985) p. 769 | |
01/29/1985 | Executive Order Number 15 | Creates the Iowa Economic Development Coordinating Committee to exchange information and suggestions on specific state or federal programs critical to Iowa’s economic well-being and to share ideas on new initiatives. | Terry E. Branstad | VII, No. 19 (03/13/1985) p. 1305 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (33) |
09/21/1984 | Executive Order Number 14 | Sets at 20% the maximum percentage of federal funds allotted to Iowa that may be spent on municipal wastewater treatment projects other than those for secondary treatment or more stringent treatment. | Terry E. Branstad | VII, No. 8 (10/10/1984) p. 575 | |
09/21/1984 | Executive Order Number 13 | Directs that each department in the Executive Branch undertake a comprehensive review of its supervisory span of control and develop a plan to streamline supervisory staffing. | Terry E. Branstad | VII, No. 8 (10/10/1984) p. 573 | |
09/06/1984 | Executive Order Number 12 | Establishes the Iowa Literacy Council. | Terry E. Branstad | VII, No. 19 (03/13/1985) p. 1303 | |
03/30/1984 | Executive Order Number 11 | Amends Governor Ray’s Executive Order 15 (April 2, 1973) by designating Primary Interest Agencies to monitor equal opportunity contract compliance and by establishing a Contract Compliance Coordinating Group. | Terry E. Branstad | VI, No. 22 (04/25/1984) p. 1360 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (32) |
03/22/1984 | Executive Order Number 10 | Establishes a procedure to allocate the total principal amount of bonds which may be issued by political subdivisions of the state. | Terry E. Branstad | VI, No. 22 (04/25/1984) p. 1356 | |
02/08/1984 | Executive Order Number 09 | Appoints all present and future members of the District Export Council to the Governor’s Export Advisory Council. | Terry E. Branstad | VI, No. 22 (04/25/1984) p. 1355 | |
01/27/1984 | Executive Order Number 08 | Establishes the Iowa Refugee Service Center to coordinate, develop, and implement federal, state, and local programs. | Terry E. Branstad | VI, No. 22 (04/25/1984) p. 1354 | |
12/16/1983 | Executive Order Number 07 | Establishes the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Committee and the Iowa Vietnam Veterans Memorial Commission, and orders the construction of the Iowa Vietnam Veterans Memorial. | Terry E. Branstad | VI, No. 14 (01/04/1984) p. 903 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (31) |
11/23/1983 | Executive Order Number 06 | Reaffirms and continues membership in the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association. Reaffirms and continues membership in the Upper Mississippi River Basin Association. | Terry E. Branstad | VI, No. 14 (01/04/1984) p. 901 | |
10/25/1983 | Executive Order Number 05 | Establishes gift reporting requirements for the executive department. | Terry E. Branstad | VI, No. 22 (04/25/1984) p. 1352 | |
09/03/1983 | Executive Order Number 04 | Implements a 2.8% reduction in appropriations for FY 1984. | Terry E. Branstad | VI, No. 7 (09/28/1983) p. 417 | |
07/01/1983 | Executive Order Number 03 | Establishes the Select Advisory Panel on Hazardous Waste Management. | Terry E. Branstad | VI, No. 2 (07/20/1983) p. 127 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (30) |
07/01/1983 | Executive Order Number 02 | Implements the Assurance Network for Easing Widowhood and establishes the Governor’s Committee on Widowed Persons. | Terry E. Branstad | VI, No. 2 (07/20/1983) p. 125 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (29) |
05/06/1983 | Executive Order Number 01 | Appoints the Advisory Commission on Corrections in Iowa. | Terry E. Branstad | V, No. 24 (05/25/1983) p. 1471 | |
01/13/1983 | Executive Order Number 51 | Establishes the Iowa High Technology Commission, which will coordinate a program for attracting technological enterprises to Iowa. | Robert D. Ray | V, No. 19 (03/16/1983) p. 1173 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (28) |
01/12/1983 | Executive Order Number 50 | Requires state agencies to follow rules issued by the State Comptroller, or refer to comparable guidelines, when selecting and procuring professional services offered by individuals or organizations from outside Iowa’s state government. | Robert D. Ray | V, No. 19 (03/16/1983) p. 1172 | Rescinded by Governor Branstad Executive Order 60 |
01/07/1983 | Executive Order Number 49 | Creates within the Executive Office the seven-member Iowa Economic Forecasting Council, which will evaluate the effectiveness of economic forecasting tools used by the state, including econometric models. | Robert D. Ray | V, No. 19 (03/16/1983) p. 1172 | Disbanded and replaced by Governor Vilsack Executive Order 34 |
01/03/1983 | Executive Order Number 48 | Directs state agencies to adopt an environmentally responsible policy toward land development in order to protect natural resources, encourage the creation of wildlife habitats, control soil erosion, and ensure the continued sustainability of agricultural land for farming. | Robert D. Ray | V, No. 19 (03/16/1983) p. 1171 | |
12/29/1982 | Executive Order Number 47 | Creates the State Job Training Coordinating Council, and it designates the Office of Planning and Programming as the Governor’s administrative agent for the Job Training Partnership Act. | Robert D. Ray | V, No. 19 (03/16/1983) p. 1171 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (27) |
12/21/1982 | Executive Order Number 46 | Requires all public officers, state employees, and state agencies, boards, commissions to improve policies regarding affirmative action and equal employment opportunity. | Robert D. Ray | V, No. 14 (01/05/1983) p. 897 | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (26) |
08/06/1982 | Executive Order Number 45 | Establishes the Interagency Resource Council, which will coordinate the management and conservation of Iowa’s natural resources. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (25) | |
07/29/1982 | Executive Order Number 44 | Directs all state agencies to consider leasing vacant school buildings rather than purchasing other buildings or constructing new buildings. | Robert D. Ray | V, No. 4 (08/18/1982) p. 285 | |
07/27/1982 | Executive Order Number 43 | Reauthorizes the Iowa Council for Children, Youth and Families established in Executive Order 39 (August 27, 1980) and extends the period of the council’s effectiveness until June 30, 1984. | Robert D. Ray | ||
03/24/1982 | Executive Order Number 42 | Establishes a Forms Control Committee, which will provide recommendations on streamlining the state’s data-collection practices and the standardization of forms used by state agencies. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (24) | |
07/21/1981 | Executive Order Number 41 | Establishes the Statistical Analysis Center, which will be situated within the Office for Planning and Programming and will compile and analyze data pertaining to the state’s criminal justice system. | Robert D. Ray | IV, No. 3 (08/05/1981) p. 206 | |
12/15/1980 | Executive Order Number 40 | Requires a one-percent reduction in appropriations for the second half of FY 1981. | Robert D. Ray | III, No. 14 (01/07/1981) p. 897 | |
08/27/1980 | Executive Order Number 39 | Renames the Iowa Council for Children created by Executive Order 21 (April 21, 1976) and renewed in Executive Order 31 (June 2, 1978) as the Iowa Council for Children, Youth and Families, which will continue to advocate for public and private services for children and families. | Robert D. Ray | Continued by Governor Ray Executive Order 43 | |
08/12/1980 | Executive Order Number 38 | Requires a 3.5-percent reduction in state appropriations for the second quarter of FY 1981 with the exception of state funding excluded by Iowa Code section 8.2.(1) (the courts, the legislature, and state construction funds). | Robert D. Ray | III, No. 5 (09/03/1980) p. 246 | |
07/02/1980 | Executive Order Number 37 | Creates the Governor’s Life Cycle Purchasing Advisory Committee, which together with the Energy Policy Council will offer recommendations on purchasing procedures. | Robert D. Ray | III, No. 2 (07/23/1980) p. 99 | |
07/02/1980 | Executive Order Number 36 | Establishes criteria for reporting gifts made to officials and employees of the executive department and their immediate family members. | Robert D. Ray | III, No. 2 (07/23/1980) p. 97 | |
06/07/1979 | Executive Order Number 35 | Renews the authority of the Governor’s Economy Committee created by Executive Order 1 (August 20, 1969) to conduct studies regarding governmental efficiency, and it directs all state agencies and employees to fully cooperate with the committee’s information-gathering efforts. | Robert D. Ray | I, No. 28 (06/27/1979) p. 1549 | |
11/03/1978 | Executive Order Number 34 | Establishes the Iowa Commission on the International Year of the Child. | Robert D. Ray | I, No. 13 (11/29/1978) p. 756 | |
11/02/1978 | Executive Order Number 33 | Creates the Iowa Office for Volunteerism, which will guide, review, promote, and monitor the programs of the Office for Volunteerism. | Robert D. Ray | I, No. 13 (11/29/1978) p. 755 | |
07/31/1978 | Executive Order Number 32 | Allows an eligible state employee who has not used any sick-leave for a calendar month to receive four hours of vacation time in lieu of accruing 12 hours of sick leave for that month. | Robert D. Ray | I, No. 11 (11/01/1978) p. 649 | |
06/02/1978 | Executive Order Number 31 | Renews the responsibilities of the voluntary Iowa Council for Children created by Executive Order 21 (April 21, 1976). | Robert D. Ray | Continued by Governor Ray Executive Order 39 | |
12/20/1977 | Executive Order Number 30 | Delays implementation of funding procedures for the Iowa Department of Substance Abuse created by the merger of the Division on Alcoholism and the Iowa Drug Abuse Authority. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (23) | |
12/07/1977 | Executive Order Number 29 | Certifies that the State of Iowa provides a level of flood-insurance coverage for its structures and their contents equal to coverage required under standard flood insurance policies. | Robert D. Ray | ||
11/05/1977 | Executive Order Number 28 | Establishes the Iowa Paperwork Task Force, which will evaluate all forms used by state agencies and make recommendations on streamlining and standardizing forms. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (22) | |
09/14/1977 | Executive Order Number 27 | Establishes the Iowa Task Force on Government Ethics, which will assist state employees and agencies in determining and avoiding potential conflicts of interest. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (21) | |
07/16/1977 | Executive Order Number 26 | Establishes the Terrace Hill Authority, which will oversee the completion of renovations to the grounds, lower floors, and outbuildings of Terrace Hill in Des Moines. | Robert D. Ray | ||
07/13/1977 | Executive Order Number 25 | Requires each agency in the Executive Branch to submit a proposal to the Governor regarding flex time for state employees by September 15, 1977. | Robert D. Ray | ||
06/30/1977 | Executive Order Number 24 | Delays the merger of the Division on Alcoholism and the Iowa Drug Abuse Authority pending review of how House File 594 will affect drug and alcoholism treatment programs. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (20) | |
04/22/1977 | Executive Order Number 23 | Creates the Governor’s Science Advisory Council, which will provide scientific and technological recommendations to the Governor and state agencies on matters related to energy, environmental quality, and natural resources. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded and nullified by Governor Vilsack Executive Order 12 | |
12/31/1976 | Executive Order Number 22 | Rescinds both Executive Order 6A (September 3, 1972) and Executive Order 18 (December 28, 1973) regarding the Traffic Records and Criminal Justice Information System (TRACIS). | Robert D. Ray | ||
04/21/1976 | Executive Order Number 21 | Establishes the Iowa Council for Children, which will focus on issues related to early childhood development and the family unit. | Robert D. Ray | Continued by Governor Ray Executive Order 31 | |
12/16/1975 | Executive Order Number 20 | Creates the Governor’s Economic Advisory Council, which will develop policies regarding the operation and budgeting of state government in light of data analysis and forecasts of economic trends. | Robert D. Ray | Disbanded and replaced by Governor Vilsack Executive Order 34 | |
02/28/1974 | Executive Order Number 19 | Amends one of the energy-conservation measures specified in Executive Order 17 (November 12, 1973) by raising the speed limit on nonemergency state vehicles from 50 to 55 miles per hour. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (19) | |
12/28/1973 | Executive Order Number 18 | Transfers the administration of the Traffic Records and Criminal Justice Information System (TRACIS) from the Office of the State Comptroller to the Department of Public Safety. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Ray Executive Order 22 | |
11/12/1973 | Executive Order Number 17 | Requires all state agencies and the Iowa National Guard to institute a broad series of energy-conservation measures, and it also instructs the directors of Iowa’s educational agencies to institute a statewide education program on energy conservation. | Robert D. Ray | Amended by Governor Ray Executive Order 19 Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (18) | |
11/01/1973 | Executive Order Number 16 | Amends Executive Order 14 (December 28, 1972) by clarifying that only the administrative functions of the State Educational Radio and Television Facility Board, such as payroll and processing licensing applications, grant requests, and out-of-state travel requests, are to be transferred to the Department of General Services. | Robert D. Ray | ||
04/02/1973 | Executive Order Number 15 | Proclaims a Code of Fair Practices, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, and physical or mental ability, and repeals and replaces Governor Hughes’s Executive Order 9 (October 11, 1967). | Robert D. Ray | Amended by Governor Branstad Executive Order 11 Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (17) | |
12/28/1972 | Executive Order Number 14 | Transfers the powers, duties, and functions contained in Chapter 8A, 1971 Iowa Code, regarding educational broadcasting, including those of the State Educational Radio and Facility Board, to the Department of General Services. | Robert D. Ray | Amended by Governor Ray Executive Order 16 | |
10/30/1972 | Executive Order Number 13 | Transfers all the powers, duties, and functions of the Executive Council to the Department of General Services. | Robert D. Ray | ||
09/25/1972 | Executive Order Number 12 | Transfers the responsibility and funding for the maintenance and security of the State Capitol Complex to the General Services Department from the Department of Buildings and Grounds and the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. | Robert D. Ray | ||
09/25/1972 | Executive Order Number 11 | Transfers responsibility for the purchase, maintenance, protection, assignment, and disposition of all state-owned vehicles from the State Car Dispatcher to the General Services Department. | Robert D. Ray | ||
09/03/1972 | Executive Order Number 06A | Establishes the Traffic Records and Criminal Justice Information System (TRACIS), a statewide computerized network of records regarding traffic safety and criminal justice that will be linked with other state and national databases of criminal files. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Ray Executive Order 22 | |
06/16/1972 | Executive Order Number 10 | Transfers the funding and the powers, duties, and functions of the Administration of State Communications and the State Communications Advisory Council to the General Services Department. | Robert D. Ray | ||
04/25/1972 | Executive Order Number 09 | Rescinds Executive Order 8 (April 21, 1972), which temporarily halted the movement of all vehicles and aircraft issued to the Iowa National Guard and Iowa Army, provided that settlement of the claims of Ms. Tjernagel, Ms. McCarville, and others affected by the National Guard aircraft crashes will continue to move promptly in the best interests of the claimants. | Robert D. Ray | ||
04/21/1972 | Executive Order Number 08 | Mandates that effective at noon on April 24, 1972, no aircraft and federal vehicles issued to the Iowa Army and the Iowa National Guard will be moved until progress has been made on the federal government’s settlement of claims for extensive damage to Iowa farms owned by the Tjernagel and McCarville families. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Ray Executive Order 9 | |
03/28/1972 | Executive Order Number 07 | Authorizes the Iowa State Drug Abuse Authority as the central clearinghouse, together with the Office of Planning and Programming, for reviewing all applications submitted to state or federal agencies regarding grants to fund drug-abuse treatment and prevention programs. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (16) | |
01/17/1972 | Executive Order Number 06 | Authorizes the transfer of all the powers, duties, and functions of the Printing Board and the Superintendent of Printing to the General Services Department, and reallocates funding for these two former agencies to the General Services Department. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (15) | |
03/27/1971 | Executive Order Number 05 | Authorizes the Commissioner of Public Health to work with the State Geological Survey and the Iowa State Hygienic Laboratory in evaluating proposals for the storage and disposal of radioactive materials in Iowa. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (14) | |
02/26/1971 | Executive Order Number 04 | Establishes the Drug Abuse Authority, made up of a director and an Advisory Council of representatives from various state agencies, which will coordinate the efforts of law enforcement, drug educators, and rehabilitation treatment providers in combating rising levels of substance abuse. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (13) | |
02/05/1971 | Executive Order Number 03 | Establishes the Governor’s Program and Council for Rural Community Development, which will coordinate public and private resources to facilitate economic development and infrastructure improvements in rural communities, as well as improve access to health care, social services, and educational opportunities. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (12) | |
11/12/1970 | Executive Order Number 02 | Instructs the State Car Dispatcher to require all state-owned vehicles to use low-lead or unleaded gasoline. | Robert D. Ray | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (11) | |
08/20/1969 | Executive Order Number 01 | Authorizes the formation of the Iowa Governor’s Economy Committee, which will be made up of businesspeople from the private sector and will make recommendations about how state services can be delivered in the most efficient, expeditious, and economical manner. | Robert D. Ray | Renewed by Governor Ray Executive Order 35 Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (10) | |
02/19/1969 | Executive Order Number 11 | Proclaims the need for a regional form of state government and delineates the manner in which this regional plan will be implemented. | Harold E. Hughes | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (9) | |
02/19/1968 | Executive Order Number 10 | Establishes the regional implementation and administration of state programs and services through sixteen area planning and service regions and sixteen cities. | Harold E. Hughes | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (8) | |
10/11/1967 | Executive Order Number 09 | Establishes a revised Code of Fair Practices, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or ancestry by state agencies, and repeals Executive Order 1 (Code of Fair Practices, May 14, 1964). | Harold E. Hughes | Repealed and replaced by Governor Ray Executive Order 15 | |
08/24/1967 | Executive Order Number 08 | Establishes the Office for Planning and Programming within the Office of the Governor. | Harold E. Hughes | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (7) | |
01/12/1967 | Executive Order Number 07 | Makes honorary appointments to the Staff of the Commander in Chief. | Harold E. Hughes | ||
11/07/1966 | Executive Order Number 06 | Establishes the Office for State Planning and Procedure, which will coordinate the orderly and desirable long-range social, economic, cultural, and physical development of Iowa, including the use of federal grant-in-aid funding and programs. | Harold E. Hughes | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (6) | |
06/29/1966 | Executive Order Number 05 | Calls on all peace officers in the state to assist during the visit of President Lyndon B. Johnson to Des Moines and surrounding areas. | Harold E. Hughes | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (5) | |
06/02/1966 | Executive Order Number 04 | States that Iowa will participate in the Compact for Education formulated at the National Governor’s Conference, which convened on September 29, 1965, in Kansas City, Missouri. | Harold E. Hughes | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (4) | |
12/17/1965 | Executive Order Number 03 | Facilitates the extradition of criminal offenders to other states and ends the practice of collecting a five-dollar service charge for processing an extradition request from another state. | Harold E. Hughes | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (3) | |
09/07/1964 | Executive Order Number 02 | Calls on all peace officers in the state to assist during President B. Lyndon Johnson’s campaign visit to Des Moines. | Harold E. Hughes | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (2) | |
05/14/1964 | Executive Order Number 01 | Establishes the Code of Fair Practices, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or ancestry by state officials and state agencies. | Harold E. Hughes | Rescinded by Governor Reynolds Executive Order 11 (1) |