Audio Video Presentations
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Live Chamber Audio 
Streaming audio of Senate and House proceedings is available whenever the chambers are in session via the links below.
*Does not stream in Internet Explorer.
Listen to audio stream on a mobile device by downloading Mixlr app for Apple or Android and searching for "IowaSenate" or "IowaHouse."
Live Chamber Video 
Streaming video of the Senate or House proceedings is available whenever the chamber is in session.
Live (Senate and House video side by side supplemented with current floor action in each chamber)
Senate & House Chamber Display Board
Senate & House - Live information as posted in the chambers regarding current debate and daily schedules.
- Committees Audio and Video - Audio and Video recording of Committees.
- Public Hearings Video Archive - Video archive of public hearings.
Legislative Agenciesshow/hide
- About Legislative Information Office - This video features a description of the services offered by the Legislative Information Office, Capitol Tour Guides, and Capitol Gift Shop of the Legislative Services Agency.
- Annual State Budget Analysis - Summary analysis of the State Department budget requests and the Governor's budget recommendations.
- Conversations About Government in Iowa - Short, conversational interviews conducted by LSA staff regarding State and local government.
- Dollars and Donuts - Informal presentations by LSA staff on a variety of legislative topics.
- End of Session Information - Provides financial information reflecting the final action of the legislative session. Includes balance sheets for various State funds, appropriation tracking reports, and other financial information.
- Fiscal Update - Short written summaries of public meetings and Executive Branch actions.
- Issue Reviews - Audio recording of detailed reviews of selected issues concerning state government.
- Monthly Revenue Memo - Video presentation of the fiscal analysis of the prior month's General Fund receipts.
- Legal Seminars - Materials and audio recordings of in-house legal seminars about particular legal topics of interest to the staff and members of the General Assembly.
- Legal Updates - Summaries of recent court decisions, Attorney General opinions, and other legal interpretations.
- Legislative Guides - Audio recordings of comprehensive surveys of particular areas of law.
Capitol Tours & Resourcesshow/hide
Legislative Process
- Information and various documents which describe and detail the legislative process, state government, the State Capitol, and Iowa facts and history.
Tour the Capitol
- Capitol Monuments Tour - Video presentation featuring 46 videos of monuments and memorials on the grounds of the Iowa State Capitol Complex.
- Capitol Today Videos - Video presentation of the first and second floors of the Capitol.
- Capitol Virtual Tour - An interactive virtual tour of the Iowa Capitol.
- Glass Floor - Video presentation detailing the installation of the new circular glass floor structure on the first floor.
- Installing the Air Handler Unit at the Iowa State Capitol - Installation of the Air Handler Unit in the attic of the Iowa State Capitol. This unit is used for air conditioning and cooling of spaces in the areas in and around the Capitol rotunda’s first, second, and third floors.
- Iowa Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Statue Replacement - The October 28, 2015, reinstallation of the statue of Cavalryman Lieutenant James Horton on the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument on the grounds of the Iowa State Capitol is featured.
- Iowa Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument: Restorative Maintenance of the Statues - In June of 2021, Smith Art Conservation, LLC, of Auburn, California, began restorative maintenance of the statues on the Iowa Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument located on the Iowa State Capitol Complex in Des Moines, Iowa. The project was coordinated by the Iowa Department of Administrative Services. Fundraising for the project was organized through the Iowa Capitol Planning Commission. This video features highlights of the project, beginning with a brief history of the monument.
- USS Iowa - This video encapsulates the battleship USS Iowa experiences from her launch to her last commissioning. Historical film footage and on-camera interviews from USS Iowa veterans who served during World War II, the Korean Conflict, and during the Cold War of the 1980s are featured.
- USS Iowa Bell Removal - The USS Iowa Bell was removed from the first-floor rotunda in the Iowa State Capitol on February 14, 2018, and transported to the original battleship, now a museum in California.
- Cell Phone Audio and Video Tour: - A cell phone audio and video tour of the Capitol grounds and Capitol's interior.