Legislative Information Office

The Legislative Information Office is located on the ground floor of the Capitol Building and performs the following functions:

  • Publishes informational publications in print and on the Internet.
  • Acts as the international protocol office, welcoming international guests and dignitaries.
  • Responds to inquiries for information on legislative procedures, legislative schedules, legislators, and the status and identification of bills.
  • Offers educational presentations to groups about the legislative process.
  • Includes the operations of the Capitol tour guides, and provides general information to building visitors at the Tours and Information Desk.

Staff List

Name Title Phone Email
Adams, Serena LIO Officer 515.281.8817 serena.adams@legis.iowa.gov
Arnett, Joan Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Bemis, Gail Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Bench, Lonnie Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Brinkman, Debra Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Bunkers, Janet Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Enerson, Ryan Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Evans, Taylor LIO Office Assistant 515.281.5591 taylor.evans@legis.iowa.gov
Fullenwider, Karen Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Hoogland, Julie Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Lamb, Jamie Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Lang, Cathryn Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Macklin, Nancy Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Mead, Michele Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Miller, Kayleen Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Olson, Mark Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Powell Micetich, Cheryl Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Ray, Randi Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Roberts, Sarah Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Stein, Benjamin Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Thompson, Becky Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Vasey, Dana Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Willert, Kelsie LIO Officer 515.281.8122 kelsie.willert@legis.iowa.gov
Williamson, Lawrence Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Willits, Diana Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591
Wood, Eleanor Capitol Tour Guide 515.281.5591