Iowa Constitution - Codified: This electronic version of the Iowa Constitution is a copy of the Constitution published in the Iowa Code and incorporates into the original document all amendments ratified by the voters through the 2010 general election, omits certain provisions apparently superseded or obsolete, and uses the form, footnote, and styling conventions used in the Iowa Code. The amendments to the Constitution are presented at the appropriate place in the text, followed at the end of the section by a footnote referring to the latest amendment, identified by year of ratification and amendment number, that affect the text. The codified Iowa Constitution is an official legal publication as provided in Iowa’s “Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act” as enacted in Iowa Code chapter 2B. For a description of the 2019 republication of this codified Iowa Constitution, followed by a revision-marked copy showing changes made to the publication, click here.
Iowa Constitution - Original: With the exception of the table of contents, which appears at the beginning of the Constitution, and the catchwords, which precede each section, this electronic version is a copy of the original, handwritten Constitution. It is a literal print copy of the original 1857 Constitution on file in the Office of the Secretary of State. Footnotes have been added to indicate amended, repealed, or superseded provisions, as well as other issues noted in the original text. Following the original text of the Constitution, the amendments to the Constitution are presented in the order of the year of their ratification by the voters. For a description of the 2019 republication of this original Constitution, followed by a revision-marked copy showing changes made to the publication, click here.
Iowa Constitution - Original Scanned Version Iowa has held three constitutional conventions, in 1844, 1846, and 1857, with the first constitution rejected by the voters and the second and third constitutions ratified by the voters. The document drafted and amended by the 1857 convention is the current, original Constitution of the State of Iowa. This copy is a scanned copy of the handwritten 1857 Constitution on file in the Office of the Secretary of State.
Iowa Constitution - Amendments: An amendment to the Iowa Constitution may be proposed by either the Senate or House of Representatives and must be agreed to by two successive General Assemblies and ratified by a majority of the electors voting at an election designated by the General Assembly. This copy presents the amendments to the Constitution in the order of the year of their ratification by the voters.
Iowa Constitution - Conventions: Three constitutional conventions have been held in Iowa, in 1844, 1846, and 1857, proposing constitutions for the state. The first proposed constitution was rejected by the voters and the second and third proposed constitutions were ratified by the voters. The document proposed by the 1857 convention and ratified by the voters is the current, original Constitution of the State of Iowa.
United States Constitution: Literal reprint of the Constitution of the United States as it appears in Senate Document No. 96, Sixty-Seventh Congress, Second Session.