Learn How Rules Work
Administrative rules are statements of general applicability by executive branch agencies that implement or interpret law or prescribe policy or that describe the organization, procedure, or practice requirements of agencies. Below are links to brief descriptions of key aspects of the rulemaking process.
Rulemaking in Brief - An overview of the rulemaking process.
Rulemaking Process Flowchart - A flowchart showing the minimum timeline for the rulemaking process.
More Detailed Explanation
Elements of Rulemaking Process - A description of key elements of the rulemaking process.
Definition of Administrative Agency - A description of the executive branch agencies that make rules.
Definition of Administrative Rules - A description of the kinds of agency statements that must be made through rulemaking.
The Notice of Intended Action - A description of the first phase of the rulemaking process when the public is given an opportunity for notice and comment.
Adoption and Publication of Rules - A description of the second phase of the rulemaking process when rules are adopted in final form and published in the Iowa Administrative Code.
Emergency Rulemaking - A description of the process for rules to be made more quickly than usual.
Oversight of the Rulemaking Process - A description of the various forms of oversight of the rulemaking process.
Petition for Rulemaking - A description of the process for a member of the public to request that an agency amend or adopt specific rules.
Waiver of Administrative Rules - A description of the process for a member of the public to request a waiver of a rule.
Rulemaking Guide - A detailed legal guide on the rulemaking process.
Iowa Administrative Procedure Act (Iowa Code chapter 17A) - The statute that governs the rulemaking process, contested cases, other agency action, and judicial review.