Administrative Rules Review Committee (ARRC)
This joint Senate-House of Representatives committee meets monthly to oversee state executive branch agency rulemaking. The meetings are open to the public, and members of the public may make presentations to the committee. See Iowa Code §17A.8.
Committee Membership - Name and contact information for each ARRC member.
ARRC Agenda - Details of meetings, typically posted three to five days before the meeting.
ARRC Meeting Minutes - Summary of ARRC meeting proceedings.
Legal Updates - Summary of significant ARRC reviews.
Administrative Rules Fiscal Impact - Fiscal review of rules on ARRC agenda.
ARRC Annual Reports - Report on ARRC actions taken.
Iowa Administrative Procedure Act (Iowa Code chapter 17A)
Rules Digest - Summary of significant published rules (2004-2016).
Interim Calendar - Summary of issues discussed at ARRC meetings (2006-2019).