Iowa Administrative Code - 04/16/2014

Medicine Board [653] | Agency Listing
Chapter 9 PERMANENT PHYSICIAN LICENSURE | Chapter Listing (Official Version - PDF format)
Rules PDF RTF Waivers
653.9.1 Definitions.
653.9.2 General licensure provisions.
653.9.3 Eligibility for permanent licensure.
653.9.4 Licensure by examination.
653.9.5 Licensure by endorsement.
653.9.6 Licensure by expedited endorsement.
653.9.7 Licensure examinations.
653.9.8 Permanent licensure application review process.
653.9.9 Licensure application cycle.
653.9.10 Discretionary board actions on licensure applications.
653.9.11 Issuance of a permanent license.
653.9.12 Notification required to change the board’s data system.
653.9.13 Renewal of a permanent license.
653.9.14 Inactive status and reinstatement of a permanent license.
653.9.15 Reinstatement of an unrestricted Iowa license.
653.9.16 Reinstatement of a restricted Iowa license.
653.9.17 Denial of licensure.
653.9.18 Waiver or variance requests.