653.13.1 Standards of practice—packaging, labeling and records of prescription drugs dispensed by a physician. |
653.13.2 Standards of practice—appropriate pain management. |
653.13.3 Supervision of pharmacists who administer adult immunizations. |
653.13.4 Supervision of pharmacists engaged in collaborative drug therapy management. |
653.13.5 Standards of practice—chelation therapy. |
653.13.6 Standards of practice—automated dispensing systems. |
653.13.7 Standards of practice—office practices. |
653.13.8 Standards of practice—medical directors at medical spas—delegation and supervision of medical aesthetic services performed by qualified licensed or certified nonphysician persons or qualified laser technicians. |
653.13.9 Standards of practice—interventional chronic pain management. |
653.13.10 Standards of practice—physicians who prescribe or administer abortion-inducing drugs. |
653.13.11 Standards of practice—telemedicine. |
653.13.12 Standards of practice—prescribing epinephrine auto-injectors in the name of an authorized facility. |
653.13.13 Standards of practice—experimental treatments for patients with a terminal illness. |
653.13.14 Standards of practice—tick-borne disease diagnosis and treatment. |
653.13.15 Standards of practice—medical cannabidiol. |
653.13.16 Reserved |
653.13.17 Reserved |
653.13.18 Reserved |
653.13.19 Reserved |
653.13.20 Principles of medical ethics. |
653.13.21 Waiver or variance prohibited. |