Legislative Council (J)
Serve as the "steering committee" of the General Assembly during the interim. Appoint interim study committees and recommend to the General Assembly the names and numbers of standing committees. Recommend changes in the rules of the House and Senate. Review and delay, if deemed necessary, the effective date of rules and forms submitted by the Supreme Court pursuant to Iowa Code ยง602.4202.
Senate Members
- John (Jack) P. Kibbie (D, District 4), Chair
- Jerry Behn (R, District 24)
- Thomas G. Courtney (D, District 44)
- Jeff Danielson (D, District 10)
- Robert E. Dvorsky (D, District 15)
- Michael E. Gronstal (D, District 50)
- David Johnson (R, District 3)
- Steve Kettering (R, District 26)
- Paul McKinley (R, District 36)
- Amanda Ragan (D, District 7)
- Brian Schoenjahn (D, District 12)
- Pat Ward (R, District 30)
House Members
- Patrick Murphy (D, District 28), Vice Chair
- Polly Bukta (D, District 26)
- Mary Mascher (D, District 77)
- Kevin M. McCarthy (D, District 67)
- Dolores M. Mertz (D, District 8)
- Jo Oldson (D, District 61)
- Kraig Paulsen (R, District 35)
- J. Scott Raecker (R, District 63)
- Thomas R. Sands (R, District 87)
- Paul C. Shomshor (D, District 100)
- Jodi S. Tymeson (R, District 73)
- Linda L. Upmeyer (R, District 12)