Date & Time/Public Comments |
Legislators | Bill |
Bill Title |
Committee |
HF 633 |
A bill for an act relating to shared operational functions for purposes of supplementary weighting for school districts and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly HF 508 & HF 29.) Effective 6-1-18. |
Appropriations (Senate)
SF 2001 |
A bill for an act relating to youth deer hunting license seasonal use restrictions. (See SF 2118.) |
Natural Resources and Environment (Senate)
SSB 3002 |
A bill for an act relating to school bus route ride time limitations. (See SF 2137.) |
Education (Senate)
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3027 |
A bill for an act relating to the expiration date of a license issued by the board of educational examiners. (See SF 2130.) |
Education (Senate)
SSB 3089 |
A bill for an act relating to public funding and regulatory matters and making, reducing, transferring, and supplementing appropriations for expenditures in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, and including effective date provisions. (See SF 2117.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
Status: Cancelled
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
SSB 3091 |
A bill for an act relating to the duties of and programs administered by the department of natural resources, and making penalties applicable. (See SF 2302.) |
Natural Resources and Environment (Senate)
Location: RM 315
Status: Cancelled
SF 2204 |
A bill for an act relating to certification requirements for persons involved in the application of pesticides. |
Agriculture (Senate)
HF 2281 |
A bill for an act relating to confinement feeding operations maintaining fishes, by providing for the calculation of animal unit capacity, making penalties applicable, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HF 2119.) Effective 4-4-18. |
Agriculture (Senate)
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
HF 2422 |
A bill for an act providing for the management of weeds, including noxious weeds, and making penalties applicable. (Formerly HSB 640.) Effective 7-1-18. |
Agriculture (Senate)
HF 2354 |
A bill for an act relating to student personal information protection. (Formerly HF 92.) Effective 7-1-18. |
Education (Senate)
HF 2441 |
A bill for an act relating to school district funding and the authorized purposes for the expenditure of school district funding, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 650.) Effective 7-1-18, with exception of Section 16, effective 4-11-18. |
Education (Senate)
Location: Senate Lobbyist Lounge
HF 2420 |
A bill for an act establishing an Iowa national service corps program administered by the Iowa commission on volunteer service. (Formerly HF 2153.) Effective 7-1-18. |
Education (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3216 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations and related statutory changes involving state government entities involved with agriculture, natural resources, and environmental protection. (See SF 2409.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3215 |
A bill for an act relating to appropriations to the judicial branch. (See SF 2411.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3214 |
A bill for an act relating to transportation and other infrastructure-related appropriations to the department of transportation, including allocation and use of moneys from the road use tax fund and the primary road fund, and providing for other properly related matters. (See SF 2413.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3213 |
A bill for an act relating to appropriations to the justice system. (See SF 2412.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3222 |
A bill for an act relating to appropriations for health and human services and veterans and including other related provisions and appropriations, providing penalties, and including effective date and retroactive and other applicability date provisions. (See SF 2418.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2108 |
A bill for an act relating to a schedule established by the environmental protection commission for civil penalties. |
Natural Resources and Environment (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3221 |
A bill for an act relating to state and local finances by making appropriations, providing for legal and regulatory responsibilities, providing for other properly related matters, and providing for effective date, applicability, and retroactive applicability provisions. (See SF 2419.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2036 |
A bill for an act reducing the size of certain confinement feeding operations that qualify for exemptions from separation distance requirements, and including effective date provisions. |
Agriculture (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3220 |
A bill for an act relating to the funding of, the operation of, and appropriation of moneys to the college student aid commission, the department for the blind, the department of education, and the state board of regents, providing for related matters, and providing applicability provisions. (See SF 2415.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2269 |
A bill for an act providing for a feasibility study regarding the establishment of a modern working farm tourist attraction and including effective date provisions. |
Agriculture (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3219 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations and related statutory changes involving certain state departments, agencies, funds, and certain other entities, providing for regulatory authority, and other properly related matters. (See SF 2416.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3218 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations to state departments and agencies from the rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund and the technology reinvestment fund, providing for related matters, and including effective date provisions. (See SF 2414.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2358 |
A bill for an act relating to authorized expenditures of moneys received by school districts for at-risk programs, alternative schools, and dropout prevention programming, and including effective and applicability dates. |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3217 |
A bill for an act making appropriations to the department of cultural affairs, the economic development authority, the Iowa finance authority, the public employment relations board, the department of workforce development, the state board of regents and certain regents institutions, and the insurance division, providing for properly related matters, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (See SF 2410.) |
Appropriations (Senate)