SSB 1030 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
requiring students to pass the United States citizenship and immigration services naturalization civics test as a condition of high school graduation and high school equivalency diplomas.
HSB 32 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to public schools, including requiring public schools to display the national motto and the state motto and to start each day of classroom instruction with silent time.
SF 29 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to property tax exemptions by changing the homestead tax exemption to a credit for owners attaining sixty-five years of age and increasing the military service tax exemption, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
Tagged topics: claims, credit, federal government, homesteads, military, property taxes, services taxes, tax credits, tax exemptions
SF 64 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to budget adjustments by school districts affected by a natural disaster.
Tagged topics: budgets, disasters, president of the united states, school budgets, school districts, school finance
SF 71 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to Medicare supplement policies and an annual open enrollment period.
HF 70 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to Medicare supplement policies and an annual open enrollment period.
Tagged topics: medicare, medicare supplement insurance
SF 33 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
providing credit for accrued sick leave for certain law enforcement officers.
Tagged topics: law enforcement, law enforcement officers, medicare, retirement, retirement plans, salaries and wages, sick leave
HF 99 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to citizenship status on forms of voter identification, and including applicability provisions.
HSB 37 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to citizenship or immigration status for purposes of a driver’s license or nonoperator’s identification card, and including applicability provisions.
SF 38 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the operation of railroad trains by a crew of two or more persons, and providing penalties.