House File 637 - IntroducedA Bill ForAn Act 1relating to an application for a reprieve, pardon,
2commutation of sentence, remission of fines or forfeitures,
3or restoration of the rights of citizenship made to the
4board of parole.
1 Section 1. Section 914.3, subsection 1, Code 2023, is
2amended to read as follows:
31. a. Except as otherwise provided in section 902.2, the
4board of parole shall periodically review all applications by
5persons convicted of criminal offenses and shall recommend to
6the governor the reprieve, pardon, commutation of sentence,
7remission of fines or forfeitures, or restoration of the rights
8of citizenship for persons who have by their conduct given
9satisfactory evidence that they will become or continue to be
10law-abiding citizens.
11b. The board of parole shall acknowledge an application for
12a reprieve, pardon, commutation of sentence, remission of fines
13or forfeitures, or restoration of the rights of citizenship
14received from a person convicted of a criminal offense within
15thirty days of receipt of the application.
16c. The board of parole shall make a recommendation to the
17governor concerning whether an application for a reprieve,
18pardon, commutation of sentence, remission of fines or
19forfeitures, or restoration of the rights of citizenship should
20be granted within three hundred sixty-five days of receipt of
21the application.
23The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
24the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
25This bill relates to an application for a reprieve, pardon,
26commutation of sentence, remission of fines or forfeitures, or
27restoration of the rights of citizenship made to the board of
29The bill provides that the board of parole shall acknowledge
30an application for a reprieve, pardon, commutation of sentence,
31remission of fines or forfeitures, or restoration of the rights
32of citizenship received from a person convicted of a criminal
33offense within 30 days of receipt of the application, and shall
34make a recommendation to the governor concerning whether an
35application should be granted within 365 days of receipt of the
2commutation of sentence, remission of fines or forfeitures,
3or restoration of the rights of citizenship made to the
4board of parole.
1 Section 1. Section 914.3, subsection 1, Code 2023, is
2amended to read as follows:
31. a. Except as otherwise provided in section 902.2, the
4board of parole shall periodically review all applications by
5persons convicted of criminal offenses and shall recommend to
6the governor the reprieve, pardon, commutation of sentence,
7remission of fines or forfeitures, or restoration of the rights
8of citizenship for persons who have by their conduct given
9satisfactory evidence that they will become or continue to be
10law-abiding citizens.
11b. The board of parole shall acknowledge an application for
12a reprieve, pardon, commutation of sentence, remission of fines
13or forfeitures, or restoration of the rights of citizenship
14received from a person convicted of a criminal offense within
15thirty days of receipt of the application.
16c. The board of parole shall make a recommendation to the
17governor concerning whether an application for a reprieve,
18pardon, commutation of sentence, remission of fines or
19forfeitures, or restoration of the rights of citizenship should
20be granted within three hundred sixty-five days of receipt of
21the application.
23The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
24the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
25This bill relates to an application for a reprieve, pardon,
26commutation of sentence, remission of fines or forfeitures, or
27restoration of the rights of citizenship made to the board of
29The bill provides that the board of parole shall acknowledge
30an application for a reprieve, pardon, commutation of sentence,
31remission of fines or forfeitures, or restoration of the rights
32of citizenship received from a person convicted of a criminal
33offense within 30 days of receipt of the application, and shall
34make a recommendation to the governor concerning whether an
35application should be granted within 365 days of receipt of the