Date & Time/Public Comments Legislators Bill Bill Title Committee
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SSB 3093 A bill for an act relating to claims for unemployment insurance benefits and including effective date provisions.(See SF 2106.) Workforce (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SSB 3074 A bill for an act creating a grocer reinvestment fund and program under the purview of the economic development authority, and making appropriations. Commerce (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
SSB 3006 A bill for an act relating to protections for health care institutions, health care payors, and medical practitioners including those related to the exercise of a right of conscience, whistleblower activities, and free speech, and providing penalties.(See SF 2286.) Judiciary (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SSB 3098 A bill for an act requiring notice to the general assembly in actions regarding the constitutionality of a statute and including effective date and applicability provisions.(See SF 2275.) Judiciary (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SF 2071 A bill for an act relating to bingo games, including the price to play and the value of merchandise prizes. Effective date: 07/01/2024. State Government (Senate)
SF 2095 A bill for an act relating to the exercise of religion, and including effective date and applicability provisions. Effective date: Enactment, 04/02/2024. Applicability date: 04/02/2024. State Government (Senate)
SF 2096 A bill for an act repealing gender balance requirements for appointive bodies. Effective date: 07/01/2024. State Government (Senate)
SSB 3083 A bill for an act relating to reinsurance requirements for county and state mutual insurance associations.(See SF 2293.) Commerce (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SSB 3144 A bill for an act relating to the organization, structure, and functions of state and local governments, providing for salaries of certain state officers, making statutory corrections, resolving inconsistencies, removing ambiguities, and including effective date provisions.(See SF 2377, SF 2416.) State Government (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
SF 2148 A bill for an act relating to the provision of emergency medical services by a physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon and the definition of first responder. State Government (Senate)
SF 2152 A bill for an act relating to employer recordkeeping and auditing requirements for purposes of unemployment insurance and including applicability provisions. Workforce (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SSB 3139 A bill for an act relating to residential and motor vehicle service contracts and licenses.(See SF 2362.) Commerce (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SSB 3136 A bill for an act relating to the notice requirement for the renewal or nonrenewal of personal lines policies, and including effective date provisions.(See SF 2359.) Commerce (Senate)
SSB 3158 A bill for an act relating to retention and recertification elections for public employee collective bargaining units and including applicability provisions.(See SF 2374.) Workforce (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
SSB 3134 A bill for an act relating to the names of reorganized mutual insurance companies.(See SF 2361.) Commerce (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
SSB 3161 A bill for an act relating to the duties of the secretary of state, including the address confidentiality program and the conduct of elections.(See SF 2380.) State Government (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SSB 3138 A bill for an act relating to the use of genetic information provided to an insurer that offers health insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, or long-term care insurance.(See SF 2360.) Commerce (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SSB 3165 A bill for an act relating to the administration of elections.(See SF 2376.) State Government (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
Status: Cancelled
Location: Senate Lounge
Status: Cancelled
SF 2221 A bill for an act relating to payment card transactions involving firearms and ammunition, and providing civil penalties. Commerce (Senate)
Location: Room G15
Status: Cancelled
SF 2228 A bill for an act relating to illegal reentry into the state by certain aliens, prohibition on arrest in certain locations, orders to return to a foreign nation, immunity from liability and indemnification for enforcement actions, sentencing restrictions, and providing penalties. Judiciary (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
Status: Cancelled
SF 2233 A bill for an act modifying the periods of time to bring civil actions by victims of sexual abuse, human trafficking, or sexual exploitation. Judiciary (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
Status: Cancelled
SF 2234 A bill for an act providing for a study committee to determine the costs to the state, individuals, and families associated with the enforcement of marijuana laws. Judiciary (Senate)
Location: Room 315
Status: Cancelled
SF 2256 A bill for an act establishing license fees for food processing plants. State Government (Senate)
SSB 3176 A bill for an act relating to electric transmission lines and electric transmission owners, and including effective date and applicability provisions.(See SF 2372.) Commerce (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SF 2273 A bill for an act recognizing gold and silver coin as legal tender. Commerce (Senate)
Location: Lobbyist Lounge
SF 2311 A bill for an act relating to audits of state entities by certified public accountants. State Government (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SF 2078 A bill for an act relating to voter registration, including verification of voter citizenship. State Government (Senate)
SSB 3038 A bill for an act relating to state taxation and appropriations by combining special purpose funds, modifying individual income tax rates, placing assessment limitations for property tax purposes on commercial child care facilities, and modifying unemployment benefits, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.(See SF 2398.) Ways and Means (Senate)
Location: Room 315
Status: Cancelled
SSB 3142 A joint resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to requirements for certain state tax law changes and requiring a single rate for individual income taxes.(See SJR 2003.) Ways and Means (Senate)
SF 2393 A bill for an act regulating the marketing of grain, by providing for fees paid by grain dealers and warehouse operators into the grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund, and the payment of claims to reimburse sellers and depositors for losses covered by the fund, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SSB 3174; See SF 2401.) Ways and Means (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
HF 2464 A bill for an act relating to merchant category codes for transactions involving firearms and ammunition, firearm registries and records, and providing civil penalties. (Formerly HSB 671.) Effective date: 07/01/2024. Commerce (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
HF 2490 A bill for an act relating to the reorganization of county and state mutual insurance associations, nonrenewal notices for automobile insurance, and nonrenewal notices by county and state mutual insurance associations, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HSB 652.) Effective date: 07/01/2024, 01/01/2025. Commerce (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
HF 2421 A bill for an act relating to firearms by limiting civil liability of federal firearms licensees who enter into voluntary firearm hold agreements with individuals. (Formerly HF 2080.) Effective date: 07/01/2024. Judiciary (Senate)
SF 2377 A bill for an act relating to the organization, structure, and functions of state and local governments, providing for salaries of certain state officers, making statutory corrections, resolving inconsistencies, removing ambiguities, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SSB 3144; See SF 2416.) Ways and Means (Senate)
HF 2391 A bill for an act relating to health care employment agencies, including the statewide maximum allowable charges schedule applicable to nursing services provided by health care employment agency workers, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly HF 2199.) Workforce (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SF 2259 A bill for an act relating to the Iowa educational savings plan trust by expanding the definition of qualified educational expenses and apprenticeship programs for purposes of withdrawals qualifying for an individual income tax exclusion, and including retroactive applicability provisions.(Formerly SSB 3128; See SF 2440.) Ways and Means (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
SSB 3189 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa by requiring a single rate for individual income taxes.(See SJR 2004.) Ways and Means (Senate)
SF 2053 A bill for an act relating to the tax exemption of religious institution or society property being used for educational purposes by a third party, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. Ways and Means (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
Status: Cancelled
HF 2446 A bill for an act providing for certain business entities by establishing a military service filing fee waiver, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly HSB 632.) Ways and Means (Senate)
Location: Senate Lounge
HF 2639 A bill for an act relating to vehicle registration plates, including registration plate frames and Gadsden flag special registration plates.(Formerly HF 2424, HSB 615.) Ways and Means (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
HF 2661 A bill for an act relating to public safety personnel by modifying the retirement benefits of sheriffs and deputy sheriffs, restricting bail for murder in the first degree or felonious assaults committed upon public safety personnel, and providing for a tax credit for moving expenses available against the individual income tax for new public safety personnel moving to the state, and including retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly HF 2533, HF 2206.) Effective date: 07/01/2024. Applicability date: 01/01/2024. Ways and Means (Senate)
HF 2664 A bill for an act relating to actions involving hazardous liquid pipelines, and providing fees. (Formerly HF 2522, HSB 608.) Ways and Means (Senate)
SSB 3207 A bill for an act relating to state and local finances by modifying individual and alternate income tax rates, withholding credits, franchise tax deductions, methodologies for determining property taxes, and property tax assessment limitations, changing methods of determining compensation of county officials, making contingent transfers from the taxpayer relief fund, and making corrections, and including effective date and applicability provisions.(See SF 2442.) Ways and Means (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2318 A bill for an act relating to the publication of synthetic media concerning an election, and providing penalties. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2057 A bill for an act relating to the maximum amount of property taxes due or rent constituting property taxes paid that may be considered in calculating the elderly and disabled property tax credit or rent reimbursement and including applicability provisions. Ways and Means (Senate)
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  • SF 2317 A bill for an act relating to state and district judicial nominating commissions and county magistrate appointing commissions. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2220 A bill for an act relating to noneconomic, punitive, and exemplary damage awards against health care providers and hospitals. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 543 A bill for an act relating to the carrying, transportation, and possession of weapons by certain persons and in certain locations, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SSB 1168.) Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2167 A bill for an act providing for the direct shipment of beer, and including effective date provisions. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2166 A bill for an act relating to the Iowa public employees’ retirement system by modifying the retirement benefits of sheriffs and deputy sheriffs. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2168 A bill for an act providing for the direct shipment of alcoholic liquor, and including effective date provisions. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2146 A bill for an act concerning presumptions relating to the occurrence of cancers for purposes of providing benefits under the municipal fire and police retirement system. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SJR 2001 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the right to reproductive care. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2080 A bill for an act prohibiting the sale or transfer of large capacity ammunition feeding devices, providing penalties, and including effective date and applicability provisions. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2245 A bill for an act relating to the creation of an extreme risk protective order against a person in possession of a firearm who presents a significant danger to the person’s self or others, and providing penalties. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SSB 3182 A bill for an act relating to unemployment insurance taxes on employers. Ways and Means (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • HF 2375 A bill for an act enacting the dietitian licensure compact. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2175 A bill for an act relating to medical malpractice by exempting claims involving sexual assault from the limitations on noneconomic damages. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2177 A bill for an act relating to sexual abuse evidence collection kits, including testing, retention, and inventory requirements. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2178 A bill for an act establishing certain privileges for communications made regarding incidents of sexual assault, harassment, or discrimination and creating a special motion for expedited relief in such actions. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2179 A bill for an act relating to the victim compensation fund. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2131 A bill for an act relating to lobbying activities of former or future executive or administrative heads of licensing boards, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2130 A bill for an act concerning persons appointed to a convention called by the United States Congress to propose amendments to the United States Constitution, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2032 A bill for an act relating to executive orders of the president of the United States. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2129 A bill for an act protecting religious liberty and state sovereignty relating to marriage. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2030 A bill for an act relating to powers and duties applicable to state of disaster emergencies and public health disasters. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2127 A bill for an act relating to voter records created and retained by the state commissioner of elections and county commissioners of elections. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2007 A bill for an act relating to the bona fide retirement of a teacher under the Iowa public employees’ retirement system. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • HF 2482 A bill for an act concerning benefits relating to members of the public safety peace officers’ retirement, accident, and disability system, and the municipal fire and police retirement system. (Formerly HF 2183.) State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 571 A bill for an act providing for the transportation of biogas using a gathering line system constructed within a secondary road right-of-way, providing fees, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly SSB 1216.) Ways and Means (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 552 A bill for an act relating to individual and corporate income taxes, the insurance premium tax, and including the contingent repeal of the individual income tax, and including retroactive applicability and effective date provisions.(Formerly SSB 1126.) Ways and Means (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 556 A bill for an act providing for financing of certain agricultural commodity programs, by reducing and eliminating fees imposed on licensed grain dealers and warehouse operators, replacing those moneys with moneys collected from a percentage of state assessments imposed on the sale of corn, increasing moneys deposited into the grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund, increasing indemnification amounts, and making appropriations.(Formerly SSB 1205.) Ways and Means (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2247 A bill for an act relating to trigger locks for firearms, including the establishment of a public safety trigger lock fund and requiring trigger locks on certain firearms, and providing penalties. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2085 A bill for an act relating to background checks for acquiring pistols or revolvers. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • HF 2575 A bill for an act relating to the nonconsensual causing of death of, or serious injury to, an unborn person, and providing penalties.(Formerly HSB 621.) Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • HF 2560 A bill for an act relating to the forfeiture of property for criminal offenses and repealing civil forfeiture. (Formerly HSB 634.) Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 297 A bill for an act relating to the protection of religious beliefs and moral convictions of health care providers and health care facilities. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • HF 2549 A bill for an act relating to the conduct of elections, including the use of artificial intelligence and deceptive statements, and providing penalties. (Formerly HSB 599.) State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2240 A bill for an act limiting campaign contributions, and making penalties applicable. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2232 A bill for an act establishing a retirement savings plan trust, and including implementation provisions. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SSB 3036 A bill for an act relating to the costs of litigation in administrative hearings or court proceedings involving the collection of tax penalties and interest by the department of revenue. Judiciary (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • HF 2638 A bill for an act excluding nonqualified deferred compensation income from the individual income tax, and including retroactive applicability provisions.(Formerly HF 2105.) Ways and Means (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 2079 A bill for an act relating to the use of automatic tabulating equipment and optical scan voting systems. State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • HF 2645 A bill for an act relating to the Mississippi river parkway commission.(Formerly HF 2529.) State Government (Senate)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • SF 357 A bill for an act creating a capital murder offense by establishing the penalty of death for murder in the first degree offenses involving kidnapping and sexual abuse offenses against the same victim who is a minor, providing penalties, and including effective date and applicability provisions.(Formerly SF 14.) Judiciary (Senate)