HF 38 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
authorizing cities to establish self-supported entertainment areas.
SF 92 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the exercise of eminent domain for the construction of hazardous liquid pipelines and including effective date and applicability provisions.
Section 16.152 Water quality financing program.
2025 Code of Iowa
The authority, in cooperation with the department of natural resources and the department of agriculture and land stewardship, shall establish and administer a water quality financing program. The purpose of the program shall be to provide financial a...
Section 16.151 Definitions.
2025 Code of Iowa
As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires: “Cost” means all costs, charges, expenses, or other indebtedness incurred by a loan recipient and determined by the authority as reasonable and necessary for carrying out all works and un...
Tagged topics: loans, nutrient reduction, water, water associations, water districts, water quality, water utilities
Section 16.153 Water quality financing program fund other funds — trust agreement.
2025 Code of Iowa
A water quality financing program fund is created and shall consist of appropriations made to the fund, moneys credited to the fund pursuant to section 16.134A, and transfers of interest, earnings, and moneys from other funds as provided by law. The...
Tagged topics: loans, trust and agency funds, water, water associations, water districts, water quality, water utilities
Section 16.154 Eligible entities agreements required.
2025 Code of Iowa
An eligible entity may apply to the authority for financial assistance under the program by submitting a plan on an application form as required by the authority. To be approved for an award of financial assistance, the plan must meet all of the follo...
Tagged topics: loans, nutrient reduction, water, water associations, water districts, water quality, water utilities
Section 28E.21 Definition.
2025 Code of Iowa
For the purpose of this subchapter, the term “district” means a unified law enforcement district established by an agreement under the provisions of this chapter by a county, or portions thereof, or cities to provide law enforcement within the b...
Tagged topics: law enforcement, law enforcement districts
Section 28E.22 Referendum for tax.
2025 Code of Iowa
The board of supervisors, or the city councils of a district composed only of cities, may, and upon receipt of a petition signed by eligible electors residing in the district equal in number to at least five percent of the registered voters in the dis...
Tagged topics: law enforcement, law enforcement districts
Section 28E.23 Budget.
2025 Code of Iowa
The public safety commission, on or before January 10 of each year, shall make an estimate of the total amount of revenue deemed necessary for operation of the district and, in conjunction with the county board of supervisors and city councils in the ...
Tagged topics: law enforcement, law enforcement districts
Section 28E.24 Revenue and tax levies.
2025 Code of Iowa
The county board of supervisors shall certify to the public safety commission the amount of revenue from the county general fund credited to the unincorporated area in the district based upon an average of revenues raised for law enforcement purposes ...
Tagged topics: law enforcement, law enforcement districts