House File 289 - IntroducedA Bill ForAn Act 1relating to conducting elections for benefited
2recreational lake and water quality districts.
1 Section 1. Section 357E.8, Code 2023, is amended to read as
3357E.8 Election on proposed levy and candidates for trustees.
4When a preliminary plat has been approved by the board,
5an election shall be held within the district within sixty
6days to approve or disapprove the levy of a tax of not more
7than four dollars per thousand dollars of assessed value on
8all the taxable property within the benefited recreational
9lake district except property assessed as agricultural land,
10and to choose candidates for the offices of trustees of the
11district. However, for a water quality district, the tax levy
12shall not exceed twenty-five cents per thousand dollars of
13assessed value on all taxable property within the district
14and must be renewed by a similar election every eight years.
15The tax levy for a combined district shall not exceed four
16dollars per thousand dollars of assessed value on all of the
17taxable property within the district. A tax levy approved for
18the purposes of this chapter shall not be levied on property
19assessed as agricultural land. Notice of the election,
20including the time and place of holding the election, shall
21be given as provided in section 357E.4. The vote shall be by
22ballot, which shall state clearly the proposition to be voted
23upon, and any registered voter residing within the district at
24the time of the election may vote. It is not mandatory for the
25 The county commissioner of elections to shall conduct elections
26held pursuant to this chapter, but and the elections shall be
27conducted in accordance with chapter 49 when not in conflict
28with this chapter. Judges shall be appointed by the board from
29among the registered voters of the district to be in charge of
30the election. The judges are not entitled to receive pay. The
31proposition is approved if a majority of those voting on the
32proposition vote in favor of it.
34The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
35the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
-1- 1This bill relates to conducting elections for benefited
2recreational lake and water quality districts. Code chapter
3357E requires elections for a proposed tax levy upon the
4establishment of a benefited recreational lake district, water
5quality district, or combined district; for the selection of
6trustees of the district; and for incurring an indebtedness.
7Current law states that an election under Code chapter 357E
8does not need to be conducted by the county commissioner of
9elections and that judges shall be appointed by the county
10board of supervisors from among the registered voters of the
11district to be in charge of the election. The bill requires
12the county commissioner of elections to conduct elections held
13pursuant to Code chapter 357E and removes judges from the
14election process.
2recreational lake and water quality districts.
1 Section 1. Section 357E.8, Code 2023, is amended to read as
3357E.8 Election on proposed levy and candidates for trustees.
4When a preliminary plat has been approved by the board,
5an election shall be held within the district within sixty
6days to approve or disapprove the levy of a tax of not more
7than four dollars per thousand dollars of assessed value on
8all the taxable property within the benefited recreational
9lake district except property assessed as agricultural land,
10and to choose candidates for the offices of trustees of the
11district. However, for a water quality district, the tax levy
12shall not exceed twenty-five cents per thousand dollars of
13assessed value on all taxable property within the district
14and must be renewed by a similar election every eight years.
15The tax levy for a combined district shall not exceed four
16dollars per thousand dollars of assessed value on all of the
17taxable property within the district. A tax levy approved for
18the purposes of this chapter shall not be levied on property
19assessed as agricultural land. Notice of the election,
20including the time and place of holding the election, shall
21be given as provided in section 357E.4. The vote shall be by
22ballot, which shall state clearly the proposition to be voted
23upon, and any registered voter residing within the district at
24the time of the election may vote. It is not mandatory for the
25 The county commissioner of elections to shall conduct elections
26held pursuant to this chapter, but and the elections shall be
27conducted in accordance with chapter 49 when not in conflict
28with this chapter. Judges shall be appointed by the board from
29among the registered voters of the district to be in charge of
30the election. The judges are not entitled to receive pay. The
31proposition is approved if a majority of those voting on the
32proposition vote in favor of it.
34The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
35the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
-1- 1This bill relates to conducting elections for benefited
2recreational lake and water quality districts. Code chapter
3357E requires elections for a proposed tax levy upon the
4establishment of a benefited recreational lake district, water
5quality district, or combined district; for the selection of
6trustees of the district; and for incurring an indebtedness.
7Current law states that an election under Code chapter 357E
8does not need to be conducted by the county commissioner of
9elections and that judges shall be appointed by the county
10board of supervisors from among the registered voters of the
11district to be in charge of the election. The bill requires
12the county commissioner of elections to conduct elections held
13pursuant to Code chapter 357E and removes judges from the
14election process.