Legislative Guides

Legislative Guides Audio Edition

Date Document
11/07/2024 The General Assembly
11/05/2024 State Board of Regents
12/22/2023 Iowa Public Retirement Systems
02/28/2023 Criminal Law Overview
11/18/2022 Redistricting
11/15/2022 The General Assembly
10/19/2022 Family Investment Program (FIP), Food Assistance, Child Care Assistance, and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
10/18/2022 Public Education in Iowa
12/15/2021 Beverage Container Deposit Laws and Iowa's Bottle Bill
12/09/2021 State Taxation - An Overview
12/07/2021 Marijuana Regulation
12/02/2021 Telecommunications Regulation
11/08/2021 Elections: Voter Identification
02/12/2021 Hunting and Fishing Regulation
01/11/2021 Rulemaking
12/07/2020 Telecommunications Regulation
12/02/2020 Energy Efficiency Programs
12/03/2019 State Taxation - An Overview
11/22/2019 Basic Iowa Education Finance
11/15/2019 Civil Commitment of Sexually Violent Predators
11/07/2019 Involuntary Hospitalization of Adult Persons With Mental Illness
10/30/2019 Judicial Officer Qualifications
10/29/2019 Elections: Vote-by-Mail
12/06/2018 State Banks and Credit Unions
12/06/2018 The General Assembly
11/28/2018 Area Education Agencies
11/28/2018 Forfeiture Reform Act
11/27/2018 Voter Identification
12/14/2016 State Taxation - Corporate Income Tax and Franchise Tax
12/09/2016 Urban Renewal and Tax Increment Financing
12/07/2016 Community Colleges
11/30/2016 Regulation of Health-Related Professions
11/17/2016 Landlord-Tenant Law
11/17/2016 Open Meetings and Public Records
11/17/2016 Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) Law
12/15/2015 State Taxation - Individual Income Tax
12/01/2015 Gambling - Casinos and Racetracks
12/01/2015 Local Property Tax
12/01/2015 Road Use Tax Fund
12/29/2014 State Regulation of Watercraft & Water Navigation
12/19/2014 Elections: Vote-by-Mail
12/08/2014 Area Education Agencies
11/20/2014 Sex Offender Registry Law
12/27/2013 State Taxation - Corporate Income Tax and Franchise Tax
10/21/2013 Health Insurance Reform: Federal Ruling - Iowa Initiatives
10/03/2013 Unemployment Compensation Benefits in Iowa
12/31/2012 State Taxation - Sales and Use Taxes
10/16/2012 Judicial Officer Qualifications
09/12/2012 Separation of Powers
02/03/2011 Family Investment Program (FIP), Food Assistance Program, State Child Care Assistance, and Earned Income Tax Credit
01/18/2010 Charitable Property Tax Exemption
01/18/2010 Community Colleges
01/18/2010 Special Districts
01/20/2009 Iowa Local Government Initiative and Referendum
01/19/2009 Driver's License Sanctions
01/19/2009 Legalizing Acts
01/16/2009 Gambling in Iowa
01/16/2009 Marriage Law