Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship

Michael Naig

Wallace State Office Building
Des Moines, IA 50319
Agency Administration & Staffing - A list of agency employees, including telephone numbers and email addresses.

State Employee Salary Book - Presented as received from the Department of Administrative Services (DAS), pursuant to Iowa Code Section 8A.341(2), without additional verification or editing.

Demographics - A snapshot by pay period of various statistical breakdowns such as payroll expenditures, overtime pay, age plus employment, for the rule of 88, deferred compensations and Blue Cross and Blue Shield percents.

  Budget Information

Budget Schedules - The schedules provide financial information for all agencies in State government. The information used in creating the schedules came from the Department of Management's budget system. The Legislative Services Agency has not altered any of the financial information. The information is organized by department. For each department there is a list of accounts called budget units. Each budget unit represents a distinct account within a department.

Annual State Budget Analysis - Summary analysis of the State Department budget requests and the Governor's budget recommendations.

LSA Appropriations Tracking - LSA Tracking Reports includes reports created by the LSA's Fiscal Services Division that provide relevant information on the status of appropriation decisions during the legislative session.
  Legislation, Laws & Rules

Iowa Code (Ch 159) - Composite of all permanent laws enacted by the Iowa General Assembly.

Iowa Administrative Rules (Agency ID 21) - Composite of all adopted administrative rules.

Department filed bills - Legislative bills and joint resolutions proposed by the department prior to the regular legislative session and drafted by the Legislative Services Agency pursuant to Iowa Code section 2.16 for consideration by the General Assembly.

Rules Tracker - Tool to track the progress of each rulemaking document.


Audit Reports (13) - Audit reports issued by the Auditor of State.

Factbook individual Documents (81) - Individual Factbook pages, statistics on Iowa's government, economy, and population.

Fee Project Report(5) - Biennial report on fees charged by the department as authorized in the Code of Iowa or through administrative rule.

Fiscal Topics (334) - One to two-page summaries reviewing a selected State government issue or topic.

Fiscal Updates (72) - Short written summaries of public meetings and Executive Branch actions.

Fiscal Research Briefs - In-depth, informational report on programs or issues in State or local government.

Materials Distributed (211) - Information prepared by the department for and submitted to a legislative committee or subcommittee.

Reports Required to be Filed with General Assembly (153) - These reports and other documents are officially filed with the Senate or House of Representatives and are organized by department or topic.

Disclaimer: The intent of these pages is to serve as a repository for information submitted to the General Assembly. The materials provided for each agency include information prepared by the Executive and Judicial Branches and by the nonpartisan Legislative Services Agency.