Date & Time/Public Comments Legislators Bill Bill Title Committee
Location: House Lounge
HSB 508 A bill for an act appropriating certain tax receipts concerning internet fantasy sports contests and sports wagering to the emergency medical services fund. (See HF 2224.) State Government (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 424 A bill for an act relating to the creation of a green alert program for missing veterans-at-risk. (Formerly HSB 135.) State Government (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2022 A bill for an act concerning fees charged for examining and copying public records relating to claims for veterans benefits. (See HF 2236.) Veterans Affairs (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 552 A bill for an act relating to gambling regulation and enforcement activities of the division of criminal investigation of the department of public safety. (See HF 2586.) State Government (House)
Location: RM 103, Sup. Ct. Chamber
HSB 551 A bill for an act concerning benefits under the municipal fire and police retirement system. (See HF 2592.) State Government (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 547 A bill for an act relating to certificate of eligibility affidavits for admission to the veterans home. (See HF 2312.) Veterans Affairs (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 550 A bill for an act concerning funding authority for training, education, and related expenses of county veteran service officers. (See HF 2300.) Veterans Affairs (House)
HSB 560 A bill for an act relating to confidentiality concerning individuals allowed a disabled veteran tax credit. (See HF 2382.) Veterans Affairs (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 604 A bill for an act relating to injunctions issued to employers for certain violations of the state unemployment insurance law. (See HF 2364.) Labor and Workforce (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 603 A bill for an act relating to unemployment insurance contribution rates for certain landscaping employers. (See HF 2363.) Labor and Workforce (House)
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HSB 631 A bill for an act relating to county emergency medical services by modifying provisions relating to optional taxes for emergency medical services. (See HF 2434, HF 2602.) State Government (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 634 A bill for an act relating to rights and remedies regarding reprisals with respect to employees of the state and a political subdivision of the state. State Government (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2155 A bill for an act providing for specified limitations regarding fees and fines applicable to alarm system contractors, and providing an effective date. State Government (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2056 A bill for an act relating to the employment of county engineers. (See HF 2484.) Local Government (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 656 A bill for an act relating to the setoff procedures used by public agencies. (See HF 2565.) State Government (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2318 A bill for an act relating to persons authorized to request assistance pursuant to the statewide mutual aid compact. (See HF 2528.) Local Government (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2396 A bill for an act relating to the terminology used in relation to the deaf and hard-of-hearing persons. (See HF 2585.) State Government (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2397 A bill for an act relating to closed captioning in places of public accommodation, and making penalties applicable. State Government (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2379 A bill for an act creating a city enforcement surcharge. Local Government (House)
  • 01/01/1776 12:01 AM
  • HSB 509 A bill for an act relating to county emergency medical services by modifying provisions relating to the duration of authority for optional taxes for emergency medical services. State Government (House)