Representative Scott D. Ourth View All Years
Serving fourth term in House.
Legislator and operating engineer.
Graduated from Hixson High School in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Received B.A. from Graceland College, Lamoni. Graduate work, Central Michigan University.
Memberships and Activities
Iowa Mental Health and Disability Services Commission; Statewide Fire and Police Retirement System Board of Directors; Graceland University Board of Trustees; Southern Appalachian Trail Work Center Board of Advisors; Indianola Noon Lions Club; President, Timberline Homeowners Association. Past service includes Governor’s Rebuild Iowa Commission; Warren County Philanthropic Partnership Board of Directors; Iowa Protection and Advocacy Services, Inc. Board of Directors; Graceland University Alumni Board of Directors; Warren County Leadership Institute Board of Directors; Warren County Coalition Against Domestic Violence Board of Directors; Iowa Izaak Walton League 2015 “Legislator of the Year”; Warren County Soil and Water Conservation Board 2016 “Friend of Conservation” Award; Raccoon River Watershed Association 2016 “Legislator of the Year”; Appalachian Trail “2000 Miler” Award, 2002; Outstanding Young Men of America; American Cancer Society Distinguished Service Award; American Heart Association Director’s Award; Who’s Who Among American University and College Students; Hixson High School Hall of Fame.
Birth and Residence
Born in 1959 in Columbia, Missouri. Raised in Morgantown, West Virginia, and Chattanooga, Tennessee. Resides in Ackworth.
Family Members
Wife, Dr. Heather Ourth; one son.