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SF 30 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to employees of the department of corrections and including applicability provisions.
SSB 1029 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to certain cost controls for health care services.
HSB 78 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to government employee paid leave.
State employees are granted, except as provided in subsection 3, the following holidays off from employment with pay: New Year’s Day, January 1. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday, the third Monday in January. Memorial Day, the last Monday in May. I...
For purposes of making appropriations and financial reports and as used in appropriations statutes, “full-time equivalent position” means a budgeting and monitoring unit that equates the aggregate of full-time positions, part-time positions, a vacan...
Tagged topics: state employees
There is created a state employee suggestion system for the purpose of encouraging state employees to develop and submit ideas which will reduce costs and increase efficiency in state government and which will make monetary and other awards to state e...
Tagged topics: state employees
The general purpose of this subchapter is to establish for the state of Iowa a system of human resource administration based on merit principles and scientific methods to govern the appointment, compensation, promotion, welfare, development, transfe...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The merit system shall apply to all employees of the state and to all positions in state government now existing or hereafter established. In addition, the director shall negotiate an agreement with the director of the department for the blind concern...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The director may conduct experimental or research personnel-related projects of limited duration designed to improve the quality of the employment system. The provisions of section 8A.413 or administrative rules adopted pursuant to that section are ...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The department shall adopt rules for the administration of this subchapter pursuant to chapter 17A. Rulemaking shall be carried out with due regard to the terms of collective bargaining agreements. A rule shall not supersede a provision of a colle...
Rules Implementing Statutes: