Senator Harry E. Watson View All Years
MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee, appointed to prepare suitable resolutions commemorating the life, character and public service of the late Harry E. Watson, begs leave to submit the following:
Harry E. Watson was born on a farm near Archer, O'Brien County, Iowa, on June 27, 1906 and died December 1, 1958. He was the son of George and Erma Watson. He attended the Archer consolidated school, graduating in 1924.
Mr. Watson was united in marriage to Elbie Hanefeld on December 31, 1928 and to this union five daughters were born.
A farm owner and operator, he started farming near Sanborn, Iowa in 1930 where he made his home until his death. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, Eastern Star, Masonic Order, Consistory and Abu Bekr Shrine.
Mr. Watson had many friends and hobbies. He especially enjoyed fishing, horses and traveling. He was highly respected in the state legislature and in his community, many people seeking his advice and counsel.
Mr. Watson served in the House of Representatives in the Fifty-first, Fifty-second and Fifty-second Extra General Assemblies and was elected to the Senate in 1948, serving in the Fifty-third, Fifty-fourth, Fifty-fifth, Fifty-sixth, and Fifty-seventh sessions, and he passed away prior to his taking office in the Fifty-eighth General Assembly. During his years of service in the legislature, he served as chairman and was a member of many committees, some of which were: appropriations, ways and means, roads and schools. Just before his passing, Mr. Watson received the Iowa Good Roads Association Award of Merit for outstanding service toward better and safer highways for Iowa during the Decade of Progress 1948-1958.
Mr. Watson is survived by his widow, Elbie, of Sanborn; his five daughters, Mary Glee, extension home economist at Sibley; Bernis Maye (Mrs. Walter Lehmann), Hopkins, Minnesota; Carol Jean (Mrs. John J. Getting), Sioux City; LaVonne Raye, a freshman in high school, and Laura Lee, in sixth grade; also his father, George Watson, Archer; a brother, Mott Watson, Archer; and two sisters, Bernice (Mrs. Charles Stewart), Audubon and Mildred of Pasadena, California.
Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Senate of the Fifty-eighth General Assembly: That in the passing of Harry E. Watson the State of Iowa has lost a valuable and honorable citizen and by this resolution tenders its sincere sympathy to the surviving members of the family.
Be It Further Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be spread on the Journal of the Senate, and that the Secretary of the Senate be directed to forward an enrolled copy to each member of the family of the deceased.
The resolution was unanimously adopted.