Dennis H. Black
Bills & Committees | |
Retired Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
85 | |
01/14/2013 - 01/11/2015 | |
15 |
Served six terms in House. Serving fifth term in Senate. Retired professional conservationist of 35 years; writer of Civil War history and individual vignettes on military valor and intrepidity. Received B.S. in forest management and M.S. in natural resource economics from Utah State University. Board of Directors, Iowa Earthpark; Board of Directors, Jasper Community Foundation; Society of American Foresters; Regional coordinator and research director, Medal of Honor Historical Society of America. Author: Over 300 professional and technical publications on natural resources management and protection. Author, “Profiles of Valor, Iowa’s Medal of Honor Recipients, Civil War.” Author, “Profiles of Valor, Iowa’s Medal of Honor Recipients, Indian Wars through Vietnam.” Co-author: CD-Rom, “Iowa’s Medal of Honor Recipients.” Photographs and personal narrative of 115 Medal of Honor Recipients with attachments to the state of Iowa. Legislative liaison for international trade, Southeast Asia, primarily Taiwan. Selected 16 times as “Legislator of the Year” by various business and natural resources interests. Born in 1939 in Randolph, Nebraska. Resides in rural area near Lynnville. Wife, Faun; two sons, one daughter, and five grandchildren.Term
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Retired - Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
84 | |
01/10/2011 - 01/13/2013 | |
21 |
Served six terms in House. Serving fifth term in Senate. Retired professional conservationist of 35 years; writer of Civil War history and individual vignettes on military valor and intrepidity. Received B.S. in forest management and M.S. in natural resource economics from Utah State University. Board of Directors, Iowa Earthpark; Board of Directors, Jasper Community Foundation; Society of American Foresters; Regional coordinator and research director, Medal of Honor Historical Society of America. Author: Over 300 professional and technical publications on natural resources management and protection. Author, “Profiles of Valor. Iowa’s Medal of Honor Recipients, Civil War.” Author, “Profiles of Valor, Iowa’s Medal of Honor Recipients, Indian Wars through Vietnam.” Co-author: CD-Rom, “Iowa’s Medal of Honor Recipients,” available at the State Historical Society of Iowa Museum. Photographs and personal narrative of 115 Medal of Honor Recipients with attachments to the state of Iowa. Legislative liaison for international trade, Southeast Asia, primarily Taiwan. Selected 10 times as “Legislator of the Year” by various business and natural resources interests. Born in 1939 in Randolph, Nebraska. Resides in rural area near Lynnville. Wife, Faun; two sons, one daughter, and five grandchildren.Term
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Retired - Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
83 | |
01/12/2009 - 01/09/2011 | |
21 |
Served six terms in House. Serving fourth term in Senate. Retired professional conservationist of 35 years; writer of Civil War history and individual vignettes on military valor and intrepidity. Received B.S. in forest management and M.S. in natural resource economics from Utah State University. Board of Directors, Iowa Earthpark; Board of Directors, Jasper Community Foundation; Society of American Foresters; Regional coordinator and research director, Medal of Honor Historical Society of America. Author: Over 300 professional and technical publications on natural resources management and protection. Author, “Profiles of Valor. Iowa’s Medal of Honor Recipients, Civil War.” Author, “Profiles of Valor, Iowa’s Medal of Honor Recipients, Indian Wars through Vietnam.” Co-author: CD-ROM, “Iowa’s Medal of Honor Recipients,” available at the State Historical Society of Iowa Museum. Photographs and personal narrative of 115 Medal of Honor recipients with attachments to the State of Iowa. Legislative liaison for international trade, Southeast Asia, primarily Taiwan. Selected 10 times as “Legislator of the Year” by various business and natural resources interests. Born in 1939 in Randolph, Nebraska. Resides in a rural area near Lynnville. Wife Faun; two sons, one daughter, and five grandchildren. Term
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
82 | |
01/08/2007 - 01/11/2009 | |
21 |
Served six terms in House. Serving fourth term in Senate. Retired professional conservationist of 35 years; writer of Civil War history and individual vignettes on military valor and intrepidity. Received B.S. in forest management and M.S. in natural resource economics from Utah State University. Civilian contract service through Utah State University in Aerial Photographic Interpretation, 1963-1965. Board of directors for Iowa Earthpark and Jasper Community Foundation. Member of Society of American Foresters. Regional coordinator and research director for Medal of Honor Historical Society of America. Author of over 300 professional and technical publications on natural resources management and protection. Author of numerous articles on Iowa’s Medal of Honor recipients. Legislative liaison for international trade, South¬east Asia, primarily Taiwan. Selected 10 times as legislator of the year by various business and natural resources interests. Born in 1939 and raised in Randolph, Nebraska. Resides in Lynnville. Wife Faun; two sons, one daughter, and four grandchildren. Term
Military Service
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
81 | |
01/10/2005 - 01/07/2007 | |
21 |
Served six terms in House. Serving third term in Senate. Worked for U.S. Forest Service. Received B.S. in forest management and M.S. in natural resource economics from Utah State University. Retired Director of Jasper County Conservation Board. Author of numerous natural resource and medal of honor publications. Member of Izaak Walton League; Iowa Sister State Taiwan Committee; Jasper Community Foundation Board of Directors; Medal of Honor Historical Society of America; Iowa Farm Bureau Federation; Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America; President’s Award, National Wildlife Federation; Conservationist of the Year, Iowa Wildlife Federation. Born and raised in Randolph, NE. Resides in Grinnell. Wife Faun; two sons, one daughter, and four grandchildren.Term
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
80 | |
01/13/2003 - 01/09/2005 | |
21 |
Retired conservationist. Born and raised in Randolph, NE. Resides in Grinnell. Received B.S. in forest management and M.S. in natural resource economics from Utah State University. Member of board of directors of Iowa Peace Institute, board of directors of Terrace Hill Society, Izaak Walton League, Iowa Sister State -Taiwan Committee. Recipient of "Conservationist of the Year" 1992, awarded by the National Wildlife Federation. Wife Faun; two sons, one daughter, and three grandchildren. Served six terms in House, serving third term in Senate.
Bills & Committees | |
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
79 | |
01/08/2001 - 01/12/2003 | |
29 |
Retired conservationist. Born and raised in Randolph, NE. Resides in Grinnell. Received B.S. in forest management and M.S. in natural resource economics from Utah State University. Member of Izaak Walton League, Iowa Sister State Taiwan Committee, Jasper Community Foundation Board of Directors. Recipient of 1992 "Conservationist of the Year" awarded by the National Wildlife Federation. Wife Faun; two sons, one daughter, and four grandchildren. Served six terms in House. Serving second term in Senate.
Bills & Committees | |
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
78 | |
01/11/1999 - 01/07/2001 | |
29 |
Birth: December 18, 1939, near Randolph, NE. Parents: Howard T. and Helen L. Axelson Black. Education: Graduated Wausa High School, 1958; B.S., 1963, and M.S., 1965 Utah State University, Logan. Spouse: Faun Stewart, 1963. Children: 1 daughter, Anne Marie; 2 sons, Stewart and Steven. Grandchildren, 2. Profession and Activities: Board of Directors, Jasper Community Foundation. Director, Jasper County Conservation Board. Former, Newton Community School Board of Directors and Jasper County Soil Conservation District, commissioner. Member: Izaak Walton League and Jasper County Farm Bureau. Received 1980 "Grassroots Conservationist of the Year," Sierra Club of America; 1982 "Conservation Employee of the Year." Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards; 1984 "County Conservationist of the Year," Izaak Walton League of Iowa; 1991 "Outstanding Legislator Award." Izaak Walton League of Iowa; 1992 "Conservationist of the Year," National Wildlife Federation. Served 6 terms in Iowa House. Term: Second.
Bills & Committees | |
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
77 | |
01/13/1997 - 01/10/1999 | |
29 |
Birth: December 18, 1939, near Randolph, NE. Parents: Howard T. and Helen L. Axelson Black. Education: Graduated Wausa High School, 1958; B.S., 1963, and M.S., 1965 Utah State University, Logan. Spouse: Faun Stewart, 1963. Children: 1 daughter, Anne Marie; 2 sons; Stewart and Steven. Profession and Activities: Director, Jasper County Conservation Board. Former, Newton Community School Board of Directors and Jasper County Soil Conservation District, commissioner. Member: Izaak Walton League and Jasper County Farm Bureau. Received 1980 "Grassroots Conservationist of the Year," Sierra Club of America; 1982 "Conservation Employee of the Year," Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards; 1984 "County Conservationist of the Year," Izaak Walton League of Iowa; 1991 "Outstanding Legislator Award," Izaak Walton League of Iowa; 1992 "Conservationist of the Year," National Wildlife Federation. Served 6 terms in Iowa House. Term: First.
Bills & Committees | |
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
76 | |
01/09/1995 - 01/12/1997 | |
29 |
Birth: December 18, 1939, near Randolph, Nebraska. Parents: Howard T. and Helen L. Axelson Black. Education: Graduated Wausa High School, 1958; B.S., 1963, and M.S., 1965 Utah State University, Logan. Spouse: Faun Stewart, 1963. Children: 1 daughter, Anne Marie; 2 sons: Stewart and Steven. Profession and Activities: Director, Jasper County Conservation Board. Newton Community School Board of Directors. Jasper County Soil Conservation District, commissioner. Member: Izaak Walton League and Jasper County Farm Bureau. Received 1980 "Grassroots Conservationist of the Year," Sierra Club of America; 1982 "Conservation Employee of the Year," Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards; 1984 "County Conservationist of the Year," Izaak Walton League of Iowa; 1991 "Outstanding Legislator Award," Izaak Walton League of Iowa; 1992 "Conservationist of the Year," National Wildlife Federation. Served 6 terms in Iowa House. Term: First.
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
75 | |
01/11/1993 - 01/08/1995 | |
58 |
Birth: December 18, 1939, near Randolph, Nebraska. Parents: Howard T. and Helen L. Axelson Black. Education: Graduated Wausa High School, 1958; B.S., 1963, and MS.. 1965 Utah State University, Logan. Spouse: Faun Stewart, 1963. Children: 1 daughter, Anne Marie; 2 sons: Stewart and Steven. Activities: Director, Jasper County Conservation Board. Newton Community School Board of Directors. Jasper County Soil Conservation District, commissioner. Member: Izaak Walton League and Jasper County Farm Bureau. Received 1980 "Grassroots Conservationist of the Year," Sierra Club of America; 1982 "Conservation Employee of the Year," Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards; 1984 "County Conservationist of the Year," Izaak Walton League of Iowa; 1991 "Outstanding Legislator Award," Izaak Walton League of Iowa; 1992 "Conservationist of the Year," National Wildlife Federation. Term: Sixth.
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
74 | |
01/14/1991 - 01/10/1993 | |
71 |
Birth: December 18, 1939, near Randolph, Nebraska. Parents: Howard T. and Helen L. Axelson Black. Education: Graduated Wausa High School, 1958; B.S., 1963, and M.S., 1965 Utah State University, Logan. Spouse: Faun Stewart, 1963. Children: 1 daughter, Anne Marie; 2 sons: Stewart and Steven. Activities: Director, Jasper County Conservation Board. Newton Community School Board of Directors. Jasper County Soil Conservation District, commissioner. Member: Izaak Walton League and Jasper County Farm Bureau. Received 1980 "Grassroots Conservationist of the Year," Sierra Club of America; 1982 "Conservation Employee of the Year," Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards; 1984 "County Conservationist of the Year," Izaak Walton League of Iowa. Term: Fifth.
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
73 | |
01/09/1989 - 01/13/1991 | |
71 |
Birth: December 18, 1939, near Randolph, Nebraska. Parents: Howard T. and Helen L. Axelson Black. Education: Graduated Wausa High School, 1958; B.S., 1963, and M.S., 1965, from Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Spouse: Faun Stewart, 1963. Children: 1 daughter, Anne Marie; 2 sons: Stewart and Steven. Activities: Director, Jasper County Conservation Board. Newton Community School Board of Directors. Jasper County Soil Conservation District, commissioner. Member: Izaak Walton League and Jasper County Farm Bureau. Received 1980 "Grassroots Conservationist of the Year," Sierra Club of America; 1982 "Conservation Employee of the Year," Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards; 1984 "County Conservationist of the Year," Izaak Walton League of Iowa. Term: Fourth.
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
72 | |
01/12/1987 - 01/08/1989 | |
71 |
Born December 18, 1939, near Randolph, Neb., the third child of Howard T. and Helen L. Axelson Black. Graduated Wausa High School, 1958. B.S., 1963, and M.S., 1965, both from Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Married Faun Stewart, 1963. Three children: Stewart, 1967; Steven, 1969; Anne Marie, 1972. Profession, director, Jasper County Conservation Board; past board member, Newton Community School District; Jasper County Soil Conservation District, commissioner; member, Izaak Walton League and Jasper County Farm Bureau. Recipient, 1980 "Grassroots Conservationist of the Year," Sierra Club of America. Recipient, 1982 "Conservation Employee of the Year," Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards. Recipient, 1984, "County Conservationist of the Year," Izaak Walton League of Iowa. Third term.
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
71 | |
01/14/1985 - 01/11/1987 | |
71 |
Born December 18, 1939, near Randolph, Neb., the third child of Howard T. and Helen L. Axelson Black. Graduated Wausa High School, 1958. B.S., 1963, and M.S., 1965, both from Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Married Faun Stewart, 1963. Three children: Stewart, 1967; Steven, 1969; Anne Marie, 1972. Member, L.D.S. Church. Profession, director, Jasper County Conservation Board; past board member, Newton Community School District; Jasper County Soil Conservation District, commissioner; member, Izaak Walton League and Jasper County Farm Bureau. Recipient, 1980 "Grassroots Conservationist of the Year," Sierra Club of America. Recipient, 1982 "Conservation Employee of the Year," Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards. Recipient, 1984, "County Conservationist of the Year," Izaak Walton League of Iowa. Second term.
Conservationist | |
Jasper | |
70 | |
01/10/1983 - 01/13/1985 | |
71 |
Born December 18,1939, near Randolph, Neb., the third child of Howard T. and Helen L. Axelson Black. Graduated Wausa High School, 1958. B.S., 1963, and M.S., 1965, both from Utah State University, Logan, Utah. Married Faun Stewart, 1963. Three children: Stewart, 1967; Steven, 1969; Anne Marie, 1972. Member, L.D.S. Church. Profession, director, Jasper County Conservation Board; past board member, Newton Community School District; Jasper County Soil Conservation District, commissioner; member, Jasper County Civil Service Commission; Izaak Walton League and Jasper County Farm Bureau. Recipient, 1980 "Grassroots Conservationist of the Year," Sierra Club of America. Recipient, 1982 "Conservation Employee of the Year," Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards. First term.