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A member of the general assembly shall not be held for slander or libel in any court for words used in any speech or debate in either house or at any session of a standing committee.
No member of the commission or head of an agency shall be held liable for damages or loss, or civil or criminal liability, because of the destruction of public records pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter or any other law authorizing their ...
An architect licensed pursuant to chapter 544A or a professional engineer licensed pursuant to chapter 542B who, during a disaster emergency as proclaimed by the governor or a major disaster as declared by the president of the United States, in go...
For purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires: “Business” means any city, county, or township, including but not limited to a fire department or law enforcement office or department, public university, municipal university, co...
The driver of a vehicle who is exercising due care and who injures another person who is participating in a protest, demonstration, riot, or unlawful assembly or who is engaging in disorderly conduct and is blocking traffic in a public street or highw...
Tagged topics: civil liabilityimmunity
For purposes of this section: “Owner” means the person to whom the certificate of title for the vehicle has been issued or assigned or to whom a manufacturer’s or importer’s certificate of origin for the vehicle has been delivered or assigned. Howe...
Tagged topics: civil liability
Rules Implementing Statutes:
A citation for a violation detected by an automated or remote system for traffic law enforcement shall be issued to the owner of the identified motor vehicle. Notwithstanding subsection 1, a local authority shall provide the owner of a motor vehicle...
Tagged topics: civil liability
The board of directors of a school district must receive the prior written consent of a student’s parent or guardian before requiring a student to take part in any survey, analysis, activity, or evaluation that reveals information concerning any of th...
The following shall not be liable for the consequence of any injury or loss arising from the operation of an authorized emergency vehicle in response to an emergency call or to an incident dangerous to the public unless the driver operates the authori...
Notwithstanding any other law of this state, payments paid to an eligible individual of Japanese ancestry under section 105 of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, Pub. L. No. 100-383, Tit. I, shall not be considered as income or an asset for determining ...