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Within thirty days of an elective public officer swearing to an oath of office, the governmental entity the officer serves shall provide the officer with designated contact information with the governmental entity. A governmental entity that maintains...
A person subject to rules adopted by the department of public safety pursuant to section 321.449 shall not operate a commercial motor vehicle while engaged in texting as prohibited by 49 C.F.R. §392.80, except in an emergency or as otherwise permi...
As used in this subchapter unless the context otherwise requires: “Administrator” means the administrator of the public broadcasting division of the department of education. “Board” means the Iowa public broadcasting board. “Broadcast” means comm...
The public broadcasting division of the department of education is created. The chief administrative officer of the division is the administrator who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Iowa public broadcasting board. The board shal...
The Iowa public broadcasting board is created to plan, establish, and operate educational radio and television facilities and other telecommunications services to serve the educational needs of the state. The board shall be composed of nine members se...
The board shall elect from among its members a president and a vice president to serve a one-year term. The board shall hold meetings at the call of the president or in the absence of the president by the vice president or by the president upon writte...
The board may purchase, lease, and improve property, equipment, and services for educational telecommunications including the broadcast and narrowcast systems, and may dispose of property and equipment when not necessary for its purposes. The board sh...
It is the intent of the general assembly that the division shall not compete with the private sector by actively seeking revenue from its operations except as provided in this chapter. The division may receive revenue for providing services, product...
Notwithstanding section 633.63, the board may accept and administer trusts and may authorize nonprofit foundations acting solely for the support of educational telecommunications including the broadcast and narrowcast systems to accept and administe...
A capital equipment replacement revolving fund is created in the state treasury. The revolving fund shall be administered by the board and shall consist of moneys collected by the division as fees and any other moneys obtained or accepted by the divis...