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The director shall coordinate the department’s conduct of various licensing and regulatory functions of the state under the administrative authority of the department including but not limited to all of the following: Licensing and regulation of certa...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The offices for the board of medicine, the board of pharmacy, the board of nursing, and the dental board shall be located within the department. The individual boards shall have policymaking and rulemaking authority.
The director shall appoint and supervise an executive director for each of the following boards: The board of medicine. The board of nursing. The dental board. The board of pharmacy. Each board listed in subsection 1 shall advise the director in eva...
Each board under chapter 100C, 103, 103A, 105, or 147 that is under the administrative authority of the department shall receive staff support from the department and may not employ its own support staff. The department and the licensing b...
A licensing and regulation fund is created in the state treasury under the control of the department of inspections, appeals, and licensing. Moneys in the fund are appropriated to the department to be used to fulfill the administration and enforcement...
The department shall administer and coordinate the licensing and regulation of several professions by bringing together the following licensing boards: The engineering and land surveying examining board created pursuant to chapter 542B. The Iowa acc...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
Prior to hiring an individual who has been issued a license, endorsement, certification, authorization, or statement of recognition by the board of educational examiners, a school district or an accredited nonpublic school, as applicable, shall view t...
Tagged topics: professional licensure
As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires: “Administrator” means a person who is licensed to coordinate, supervise, or direct an educational program or the activities of other practitioners. “Board” means the board of educational...
The board is created within the higher education division of the department of education to exercise the exclusive authority to: License practitioners, which includes the authority to do all of the following: Establish criteria for the licenses. Estab...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The board of educational examiners shall consist of thirteen members, subject to the following requirements: Four members shall be members of the general public who have demonstrated an interest in education but have never held a practitioner’s licens...