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The authority shall establish, and, at the direction of the board, shall administer a sports tourism marketing and infrastructure program to provide financial assistance for projects that promote sporting events or for infrastructure projects supporti...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
Applications for assistance under the sports tourism marketing and infrastructure program established in section 15F.401 shall be submitted to the authority. For those applications that meet the eligibility criteria, the authority shall forward the ...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The authority shall establish a fund pursuant to section 15.106A, subsection 1, paragraph “o”, for purposes of financing sports tourism marketing projects as described in this subchapter. The fund established for purposes of this section may b...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
An Iowa wine, beer, and spirits promotion board is created. The board consists of four members appointed by the director of the authority. Each member shall serve a term of two years on the board. One member shall represent the authority, one member s...
The authority shall consult with the Iowa wine, beer, and spirits promotion board on the best means to promote wine, beer, and spirits made in Iowa. The authority shall have the authority to contract with private persons for the promotion of beer, win...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
As used in this section, “district” means a regional sports authority district certified under this section. A convention and visitors bureau may apply to the authority for certification of a regional sports authority district which may include ...
Tagged topics: athleticsmarketing
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The authority shall operate an agricultural marketing program designed to lead to more advantageous marketing of Iowa agricultural products. The authority may develop and carry out activities to implement this program, and shall: Investigate the subje...
The authority may accept grants and allotments of funds from the federal government and enter into cooperative agreements with the secretary of agriculture of the United States for projects to effectuate any of the purposes of the agricultural marketi...
From the moneys transferred to the authority from the beer and liquor control fund pursuant to section 123.17, subsection 7, the authority shall award contracts to one or more entities to conduct statewide tourism marketing services and efforts and ...
Tagged topics: marketingtourism
The administrator shall award the designated prize to the holder of the ticket or share upon presentation of the winning ticket or confirmation of a winning share. The prize shall be given to only one person as provided in this section; however, a p...
Tagged topics: prizes
Rules Implementing Statutes: