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As a condition of receiving the allocation of the state ceiling as provided in section 7C.4A, subsection 3, the qualified student loan bond issuer shall comply with the provisions of this section. The qualified student loan bond issuer shall submi...
Tagged topics: educationloansstudent loansstudents
A state historical society board of trustees is established consisting of seven members selected as follows: Two members shall be elected by the members of the state historical society according to rules established by the board of trustees. The gover...
The state historical society board of trustees shall annually elect a chairperson and vice chairperson from its membership. The board shall meet as often as deemed necessary, upon the call of the chairperson, or at the request of a majority of the mem...
As used in this subchapter, “state historical society” means a membership organization of the department that is open to members of the general public who are interested in the history of the state. The state historical society board of trustees s...
All funds received by the department relating to the historical resources of the state, including but not limited to gifts, endowments, funds from the sale of memberships in the state historical society, funds from the sale of mementos and other items...
The state historical society board of trustees shall: Recommend to the state historical society a comprehensive, coordinated, and efficient policy to preserve, research, interpret, and promote to the public an awareness and understanding of local, sta...
An Iowa heritage fund is created in the state treasury to be administered by the department. The fund shall consist of all moneys allocated to the fund by the treasurer of state. Moneys in the fund shall be used in accordance with the following: Ninet...
The department shall administer a program of grants and loans for historical resource development throughout the state, subject to funds for such grants and loans being made available through the appropriations process or otherwise provided by law. Th...
A veterans trust fund is created in the state treasury under the control of the commission. The trust fund shall consist of all of the following: Moneys in the form of a devise, gift, bequest, donation, federal or other grant, reimbursement, repayment...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
Members of boards of directors of community and independent school districts, and boards of directors of merged areas shall be elected at the school election. Their terms of office shall be four years, except as otherwise provided by section 260C.11 ...