Section 7D.16 Alcoholic beverages in state capitol or on complex grounds.
2025 Code of Iowa
Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law prohibiting the use and consumption of alcoholic beverages in a public place, the executive council may authorize, by resolution, the temporary use and consumption of alcoholic beverages, as defined in se...
Tagged topics: alcoholic beverages, capitol complex
Section 15E.116 Iowa wine, beer, and spirits promotion board.
2025 Code of Iowa
An Iowa wine, beer, and spirits promotion board is created. The board consists of four members appointed by the director of the authority. Each member shall serve a term of two years on the board. One member shall represent the authority, one member s...
Section 15E.117 Promotion of Iowa wine, beer, and spirits.
2025 Code of Iowa
The authority shall consult with the Iowa wine, beer, and spirits promotion board on the best means to promote wine, beer, and spirits made in Iowa. The authority shall have the authority to contract with private persons for the promotion of beer, win...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
Section 123.47 Persons under eighteen years of age, persons eighteen, nineteen, or twenty years of age, and persons twenty-one years of age and older.
2025 Code of Iowa
A person shall not sell, give, or otherwise supply any alcoholic beverage to any person knowing or having reasonable cause to believe that person to be under legal age. Except for the purposes described in subsection 3, a pe rson who is the owner or...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
Section 279.9 Use of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, or controlled substances.
2025 Code of Iowa
The rules adopted under section 279.8 shall include rules prohibiting the use of tobacco and the use or possession of alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer or any controlled substance as defined in section 124.101, subsection 5, by any student of the sc...
Section 280.24 Procedures for reporting drug or alcohol possession or use.
2025 Code of Iowa
The board of directors of each public school and the authorities in charge of each accredited nonpublic school shall prescribe procedures to report any use or possession of alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer or any controlled substance on school premises...
Section 321.213 License suspensions or revocations due to violations by juvenile drivers.
2025 Code of Iowa
Upon the entering of a dispositional order suspending or revoking the driver’s license or operating privileges of the juvenile under section 232.52, subsection 2, paragraph “a”, the clerk of the juvenile court shall forward a copy of the adjudicat...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
Section 321.213A License suspension for juveniles adjudicated delinquent for certain drug or alcohol offenses.
2025 Code of Iowa
Upon the entering of a dispositional order under section 232.52, subsection 2, paragraph “a”, the clerk of the juvenile court shall forward a copy of the adjudication and the dispositional order suspending or revoking the driver’s license or opera...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
Section 321.216B Use of driver’s license or nonoperator’s identification card by underage person to obtain alcohol.
2025 Code of Iowa
A person who is under the age of twenty-one, who alters or displays or has in the person’s possession a fictitious or fraudulently altered driver’s license or nonoperator’s identification card and who uses the license to violate or attempt to violate ...
Section 321.284A Open containers in motor vehicles — passengers.
2025 Code of Iowa
A passenger in a motor vehicle upon a public street or highway shall not possess in the passenger area of the motor vehicle an open or unsealed bottle, can, jar, or other receptacle containing an alcoholic beverage. “Passenger area” means the area o...