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The department shall administer the prevention of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation program in accordance with the requirements of the federal Act. The purpose of the program is to carry out activities for intervention in and response to elder...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
If a broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualified individual reasonably believes financial exploitation of an eligible adult has occurred, has been attempted, or is being attempted, the broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualified individual may...
A broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualified individual who, acting reasonably and in good faith, makes a disclosure of information to the administrator pursuant to this article shall be immune from administrative or civil liability that might ot...
If a broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualified individual reasonably believes financial exploitation of an eligible adult has occurred, has been attempted, or is being attempted, the broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualified individual may...
A broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualified individual who, acting reasonably and in good faith, complies with section 502.804 shall be immune from any administrative or civil liability that might otherwise arise from such disclosure.
If a broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualified individual reasonably believes a disbursement or transaction will likely result in or contribute to the financial exploitation of an eligible adult, the broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualifi...
A broker-dealer or investment adviser who, acting reasonably and in good faith, complies with section 502.806 shall be immune from any administrative or civil liability that might otherwise arise from such delay in a disbursement or transaction.
For purposes of this article, unless the context otherwise requires: “Eligible adult” means any of the following: A person sixty-five years of age or older. A dependent adult as defined in section 235B.2. “Financial exploitation” means any act or ...
A broker-dealer or investment adviser shall provide to its qualified individuals training appropriate to the job responsibilities of a qualified individual. The training shall include all of the following: Instruction on how to identify the suspected ...
A broker-dealer or investment adviser shall provide access to or copies of records that are relevant to the suspected or attempted financial exploitation of an eligible adult to the administrator, either as part of a notification to the administrator ...