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HF 95 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the use of blue lights on vessels operating on waters under the jurisdiction of the natural resource commission.
Chapter 1001 (HF2485)  Regulation of watercraft on public lakes by common interest communities and nonprofit corporations
2024 Iowa Acts
relating to regulation of watercraft and equipment on public lakes by common interest communities and certain nonprofit corporations, and including effective date provisions. NEW SECTION 462A.17A Common interest communities regulation of watercr...
All other real property is subject to taxation in the manner prescribed, and this section is also intended to embrace ferry franchises and toll bridges, which, for the purpose of this chapter are considered real property. However, this section i...
Tagged topics: bridgesferries
The owner of a boat livery shall cause to be kept a record of the name and address of the person or persons hiring any vessel which is designed or permitted by the owner to be operated for hire, the identification number thereof, the departure date an...
Tagged topics: liveries (boats)
Any person who shall take possession or control of any railroad vehicle, or any self-propelled vehicle, aircraft, or motor boat, the property of another, without the consent of the owner of such, but without the intent to permanently deprive the owner...
ARC #8649C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The Department of Natural Resources (Department) hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 16, “State Park and Recreation Area Fees,” Iowa Administrative Code, and to adopt a new chapter with the same title. This rulemaking is proposed under the authorit...
ARC #8605C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The Natural Resource Commission (Commission) hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 50, “All-Terrain Vehicle, Off-Road Motorcycle, Off-Road Utility Vehicle, Snowmobile and Vessel Bonding,” and to adopt a new Chapter 50, “Regulated Vehicle, Snowmobile ...
ARC #8604C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The Natural Resource Commission (Commission) hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 48, “Inspection of Permanently Moored Vessels,” Iowa Administrative Code, and to adopt a new chapter with the same title. This rulemaking is proposed under the authori...
ARC #8597C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The Natural Resource Commission (Commission) hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 44, “Special Events and Fireworks Displays,” Iowa Administrative Code, and to adopt a new chapter with the same title. This rulemaking is proposed under the authority ...
ARC #7897C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The Natural Resource Commission (Commission) hereby rescinds Chapter 20, “Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin,” Iowa Administrative Code, and adopts a new chapter with the same title. This rulemaking is adopted under the authority provided in Iow...