Representative Theodore Michael Gleason View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Date of Death: 1/3/1975
Birth Place: Blairsburg, Iowa
Birth County: Hamilton
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Assemblies Served:
House: 61 (1965)
Home County: Humboldt
Theodore Michael Gleason
Humboldt County


MR. SPEAKER: Your committee appointed to prepare a suitable resolution commemorating the life, character, and public service of the late Honorable Theodore Michael Gleason, begs leave to submit the following memorial:

Theodore Michael Gleason was born April 4, 1904, to Michael J. and Alice Henning Gleason of Blairsburg, Hamilton County, Iowa.

He was a graduate of Blairsburg High School and attended State College of Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa.

He married Dorothy Neel Gleason in 1934 and to this union were born six children: Michael, David, Alan, George, Margaret and Gayle.

He taught in rural schools, was employed by a lumber yard, served on the Gilmore City town council, owned and operated a movie theater and was engaged in farming prior to his retirement in 1973.

Mr. Gleason, a Democrat, served as a State Representative in the Sixty-first General Assembly representing Humboldt and Pocahontas Counties.

He passed away January 3, 1975, and is survived by his wife, Dorothy; four sons, Michael of Pasadena, Texas; David of Arlington Heights, Illinois; Alan of Cincinnati, Ohio; and George of Chicago, Illinois; daughters, Mrs. Margaret Korde, Boston, Massachusetts; and Gayle of New York City; sisters, Mrs. Catherine Maubach of Blairsburg and Mrs. Sadie Carpenter of Des Moines; and eighteen grandchildren.

Therefore, Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Sixty-sixth General Assembly of Iowa: That in the passing of the Honorable Theodore Michael Gleason, the state has lost an honored citizen and a faithful and useful public servant, and the House by this resolution would express its appreciation of his service, and tender its sympathy to the members of his family.

Be It Further Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House, and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.





House District 76
61st GA (1965)
Legislation Sponsored
61st GA (1965)