Representative Wayne J. Fullmer View All Years
Mr. Speaker: Your committee, appointed to prepare a suitable resolution commemorating the life, character, and public service of the late Honorable Wayne Jay Fullmer begs to submit the following Memorial:
Wayne Jay Fullmer was born on January 2, 1916, the son of Glenn and Leila Trotter Fullmer. He graduated from Newton Senior High School in 1935. He married Ruby M. Rhoades in 1938.
A democrat, Mr. Fullmer served in the 61st General Assembly from 1965-1966.
Mr. Fullmer was a lifelong resident of Newton. He was employed by Fuzzy’s Service Station. Mr. Fullmer was a member of the First Lutheran Church and the Newton Planning and Zoning Commission. He was president of the Iowa Public Employee Association and National Motor Fuel Tax Conference and Mayor of Lambs Grove.
Mr. Fullmer died on January 7, 2001. Survivors include his wife, Ruby, a son Bruce K. Fullmer of Des Moines; three granddaughters; four great-grandchildren; a brother, Garold Fullmer of Newton; and several nieces and nephews.
Now Therefore, Be It Resolved By The House Of Representatives Of The Seventy-ninth General Assembly Of Iowa, That in the passing of the Honorable Wayne Jay Fullmer, the State has lost an honored citizen and a faithful and useful public servant, and the House by this Resolution would express its appreciation of his service.
Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the Journal of the House, and that the Chief Clerk be directed to forward an enrolled copy to the family of the deceased.