Senator Edward L. Crow View All Years
MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee named to draft suitable resolutions commemorating the life, character and public service of the late Edward L. Crow, beg leave to submit the following report and move its adoption:
Edward L. Crow was born in Linn county, Iowa, October 13, 1852. He grew to young manhood on the old homestead in Linn county and received his education in the district schools of that locality. Senator Crow moved to Soldier township, Crawford county, Iowa, in 1882, and three years later moved to Mapleton, Monona county, Iowa, where he resided until the time of his death. He was actively engaged in farming and in the livestock business and was the vice president of the First State Bank of Mapleton. He served as Senator from his district in the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth General Assemblies. He died on the 27th day of February, 1928. Senator Crow was a man of most pleasing personality. He was beloved by all those who knew him for his frankness and intense human interest which he at all times displayed to all his fellow men. He was of staunch, sturdy stock of that class of pioneers who have done so much in establishing the institutions of the state of Iowa. He was always a leader in his community and left a record of unselfish service and sacrifice to his many friends.
Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Senate of the Forty-third General Assembly of Iowa, That in the death of Edward L. Crow the state and the community where he lived have suffered the loss of an excellent and high-minded citizen, a man whose life has left a deep impression upon his community and the state.
And Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the Senate, and that the Secretary of the Senate be directed to send an engrossed copy thereof to the family.