Senator Arthur Craig Savage View All Years
Arthur C. Savage was born in Prairieburg, Linn county, Iowa, January 2, 1870, and died February 22, 1931.
He moved with his parents to Stuart, Iowa, and later resided in Dexter, Iowa. He attended the schools of Stuart and Dexter, and later attended college at Grinnell, Iowa. He took up his business career in Adair in 1893 and resided there until his removal to Des Moines, upon his appointment as insurance commissioner of the state of Iowa, and at the time of his death was vice president and assistant treasurer of the Royal Union Life Insurance Company. He was elected to the State Senate in 1908 and was re-elected in 1912.
Arthur C. Savage was a typical product of his day and generation, representing the best type of the sons and daughters of the early pioneers, who made the history of Iowa in the last decade. Of unimpeachable character, unassuming, painstaking and industrious in the part that he played in the history of politics, legislation and business of the state, he has left a record that his family and friends will always be proud of. He was one of the builders and not underminers of the commonwealth, its welfare and all that was for the best in our history. He will be remembered by his friends and those who affectionately called him “Art” as long as memory and affection survive throughout the years.
The resolution was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.