Senator Fred P. Hagemann View All Years
FRED P. HAGEMANN, attorney and legislator, died June 7, 1950, at Waverly, Iowa; born on Christmas day, 1869, at Maxfield, Bremer county, Iowa, of German parentage; after student days in various local schools and academies entered the State University of Iowa and was graduated in liberal arts department in 1896 and received his law degree one year later; served four years as superintendent of schools in Bremer county; practiced law at Waverly fifty years; married May 25, 1898 to Sophia Neverman; served as a member of the Iowa senate in 1913 and 1915, representing the Bremer-Butler district, and also appointed in 1934 a member of the Iowa highway commission, serving one term; was frequently a candidate of his party in unsuccessful campaigns as congressman, U. S. senator, justice of the Iowa supreme court and governor; for many years served as attorney, treasurer and a director of the Lutheran Mutual Life Insurance company; associated in the practice of law at Waverly with his son, Carl, and a nephew, Harry Hagemann; survivors include his wife, another son, Vernon, four grandchildren and two sisters; active in civic, educational and church matters; a member of the Lutheran church and a Democrat.