Senator John Thomas Clarkson View All Years
MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee, appointed to prepare suitable resolutions commemorating the life, character and public service of the late Honorable John T. Clarkson of Albia, Iowa, begs leave to submit the following report:
John T. Clarkson was born of English and Welsh parents at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, December 16, 1861. He attended public school until ten years of age, when he began to work in coal mines. He continued his education by home study and special instruction, obtaining the equivalent of a college education. In 1884 he moved to Kirkville, Wapello county, Iowa, and after reading law in the office of A. C. Steck of Ottumwa, was admitted to the practice of law in May, 1895, and practiced law in Albia until July 1, 1937. In 1896 he was elected County Attorney of Monroe county and served two terms. He was elected State Senator, representing Monroe and Marion counties in 1908, and served two terms. He was the author of the Workmen’s Compensation Law, and was appointed by Governor Kraschel as Industrial Commissioner July 1, 1937, which office he capably filled for six years.
From 1913 to 1931 he served as general counsel for District No. 13 of the United Mine Workers of America. After completing his services as Industrial Commissioner, he returned to the practice of law, in partnership with Ralph O. Woodcock at Des Moines, Iowa. He departed this life at his home in Des Moines, Iowa, June 6, 1944, survived by his wife, Mrs. Helen Clarkson; a daughter, Mrs. Theodore B. Perry, Albia; two sons, John L., and Clyde, both of Nashville, Illinois; three sisters, Mrs. Emma Phillips, Des Moines, Iowa, and Mrs. Mary Anderson and Mrs. W. P. Moses, both of Moline, Illinois, and several grandchildren.
He was a man of high character, loved and respected by his associates. He was a capable, conscientious and honest citizen and in his death the citizens and the state suffered a great loss.
Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Senate of the Fifty-first General Assembly, That in the passing of John T. Clarkson, this state mourns the loss of a valuable and honored citizen; a man who devoted many years of his life to public service, and the Senate of Iowa by this resolution extends to the family of John T. Clarkson its deepest sympathy.
Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of this memorial resolution be printed in the Journal of the Senate and that the Secretary be directed to send enrolled copies to the members of the family of the deceased.
The resolution was unanimously adopted.