Senator Warren Garst View All Years
MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee which was appointed to report resolutions commemorating the life, character, and services of the late Warren Garst, beg leave to submit the following report and move its adoption:
Warren Garst was born in Dayton, Ohio, December 4, 1850, and died in Des Moines, Iowa, October 5, 1924. His parents were Michael and Maria Lawrie (Morrison) Garst. He was with them in their removal to Charleston, Illinois, in 1858; to Champaign, Illinois, in 1860; and to Boone (then called Montana), Iowa, in 1866.
Warren attended public school up to about this time, but had commenced work as a farm hand. He also assisted his brother, Edward, in the grocery business in Boone for a year or two, was a salesman in Chicago for a time, also was a brakeman on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway; but in 1876 he formed a partnership with his brother, Edward, in the mercantile business at Coon Rapids, his brother having located there five years previously. The business was very successful and eventually they extended their interests to farming and banking.
Warren was elected Senator in 1893 and was twice re-elected, serving inclusively from the Twenty-fifth to the Thirty-first general assemblies. He was chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate in the last five assemblies of which he was a member, was identified with the progressive element of his party and of the assembly, and had a prominent part in the legislation of that period. He was elected lieutenant governor in 1906, presided over the Senate during the Thirty-second General Assembly, and when Albert B. Cummins resigned November 24, 1908, because of being elected United States Senator, Mr. Garst became Governor, and served until the inauguration of B. F. Carroll, January 14, 1909.
After that, besides looking after his properties, he lived mostly a retired life, removing to Des Moines. Although deprived of the opportunities of obtaining a good education in his youth, he came to be a cultured and well-read man. He was president of the Pioneer Lawmakers’ Association at the time of his death, and also was president of the Iowa Branch of the League of Nations Non-partisan Association.
Whereas, his record as a man, a legislator, a public official and a citizen has been of the highest character; therefore
Be It Resolved, That the Senate take this occasion to express its high appreciation of his lofty character and faithful public service, and adopt this memorial in the name of the people of Iowa as a tribute to his name and memory;
Also, Be It Further Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Senate and that an engrossed copy thereof be sent to the family of the deceased.