Dick L. Dearden
Bills & Committees | |
Retired Job Developer - 5th Jud. District | |
Polk | |
86 | |
01/12/2015 - 01/08/2017 | |
16 |
Serving sixth term in Senate. Retired job developer for the 5th Judicial District. Graduated from Des Moines East High School. Iowa National Guard, 1956 – 1962. Former chair of the Polk County Democratic Party, 1978 – 1980. Member of AMVETS, Izaak Walton League, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, and National Wild Turkey Federation. Born in 1938 in Des Moines. Resides in Des Moines. Wife, Sharon; two sons, one daughter, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.Term
Military Service
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Retired Job Developer - 5th Jud. District | |
Polk | |
85 | |
01/14/2013 - 01/11/2015 | |
16 |
Serving sixth term in Senate. Retired job developer for the 5th Judicial District. Graduated from Des Moines East High School. Iowa National Guard, 1956–1962. Former chair of the Polk County Democratic Party, 1978–1980. Member of AMVETS, Izaak Walton League, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, and National Wild Turkey Federation. Born in 1938 in Des Moines. Resides in Des Moines. Wife, Sharon; two sons, one daughter, six grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.Term
Military Service
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Retired - Job Developer 5th Jud. District | |
Polk | |
84 | |
01/10/2011 - 01/13/2013 | |
34 |
Serving fifth term in Senate. Retired job developer for the 5th Judicial District. Graduated from Des Moines East High School. Iowa National Guard,1956-1962. Former chair of the Polk County Democratic Party, 1978-1980. Member of AMVETS, Izaak Walton League, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, and National Wild Turkey Federation. Born in 1938 in Des Moines. Resides in Des Moines. Wife, Sharon; two sons, one daughter, and six grandchildren.Term
Military Service
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Retired - Job Developer 5th Jud. District | |
Polk | |
83 | |
01/12/2009 - 01/09/2011 | |
34 |
Serving fourth term in Senate. Retired job developer for the 5th Judicial District. Graduated from Des Moines East High School. Iowa National Guard, 1956-1962. Former chair of the Polk County Democratic Party, 1978-1980. Member of AMVETS, Izaak Walton League, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, and National Wild Turkey Federation. Born in 1938 in Des Moines. Resides in Des Moines. Wife Sharon; two sons, one daughter, and six grandchildren. Term
Military Service
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Retired - Job Developer 5th Jud. District | |
Polk | |
82 | |
01/08/2007 - 01/11/2009 | |
34 |
Serving fourth term in Senate. Retired job developer for the 5th Judicial District. Graduated from Des Moines East High School. Iowa National Guard, 1956-1962. Former chair of the Polk County Democratic Party, 1978-1980. Member of AMVETS, Izaak Walton League, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation, and ACLU. Born in 1938 in Des Moines. Resides in Des Moines. Wife Sharon; two sons, one daughter, and six grandchildren. Term
Military Service
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Retired - Job Developer 5th Jud. District | |
Polk | |
81 | |
01/10/2005 - 01/07/2007 | |
34 |
Serving third term in Senate. Retired job developer for the 5th Judicial District. Graduated from Des Moines East High School. Former chair of the Polk County Democratic Party, 1978-1980. Member of AMVETS, lzaak Walton League, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation, and ACLU. Born, raised, and resides in Des Moines. Wife Sharon; two sons, one daughter, and six grandchildren.Term
Memberships and Activities
Birth and Residence
Family Members
Bills & Committees | |
Retired - Job Developer 5th Judicial | |
Polk | |
80 | |
01/13/2003 - 01/09/2005 | |
34 |
Retired job developer for the 5th Judicial District. Born, raised, and resides in Des Moines. Graduated from East High School. Chair, Polk County Democratic Party, 1978-80 and IAFSCME retiree. Member of AMVETS, Izaak Walton League, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, and National Wild Turkey Federation. Iowa National Guard member 1956-62. Wife Sharon; two sons, one daughter, and five grandchildren. Serving second term in Senate.
Bills & Committees | |
Retired - Job Developer 5th Jud. District | |
Polk | |
79 | |
01/08/2001 - 01/12/2003 | |
35 |
Retired job developer for the 5th Judicial District. Born, raised, and resides in Des Moines. Graduated from East High School. Former Chair of the Polk County Democratic Party, 1978-80. AFSCME retiree. Member of AMVETS, Izaak Walton League, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation, and ACLV. Wife Sharon; two sons, one daughter, and six grandchildren. Serving second term in Senate.
Bills & Committees | |
Retired - Job Developer 5th Jud. District | |
Polk | |
78 | |
01/11/1999 - 01/07/2001 | |
35 |
Birth: June 3, 1938, Des Moines. Parents: Harry and Helen Dearden. Education: Des Moines East High School. Military Service: Iowa National Guard, 1956-62. Spouse: Sharon, 1959. Children: 1 daughter, Pamela; 2 sons, David and Mark. Grandchildren: 4. Profession and Activities: Job developer, 5th Judicial District. Member: AFSCME Local 3289, Isaac Walton League, Pheasants Forever, Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation, Iowa Civil Liberties Union, Unity Lutheran Church. Term: Second.
Bills & Committees | |
Retired - Job Developer 5th Jud. District | |
Polk | |
77 | |
01/13/1997 - 01/10/1999 | |
35 |
Birth: June 3, 1938, Des Moines. Parents: Harry and Helen Dearden. Education: Des Moines East High School. Military Service: Iowa National Guard, 1956-62. Spouse: Sharon, 1959. Children: 1 daughter, Pamela; 2 sons, David and Mark. Grandchildren: 3. Profession and Activities: Job developer, 5th Judicial District. Member: AFSCME Local 3289, Unity Lutheran Church. Term: First.
Bills & Committees | |
Retired - Job Developer 5th Jud. District | |
Polk | |
76 | |
01/09/1995 - 01/12/1997 | |
35 |
Birth: June 3, 1938, Des Moines. Parents: Harry and Helen Dearden. Education: Des Moines East High School. Military service: Iowa National Guard, 1956-62. Spouse: Sharon, 1959. Children: 1 daughter: Pamela; 2 sons: David and Mark. Grandchildren: 2. Profession and Activities: Job developer, 5th Judicial District. Member: AFSCME Local 3289, Unity Lutheran Church. Term: First.