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February 08, 2025GA 88

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 57 A bill for an act relating to lamps and clothing required for the operation of bicycles, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable.
HF 69 A bill for an act relating to insurance coverage for public and private schools that authorize persons to go armed with, carry, or transport firearms on school grounds.
HF 71 A bill for an act establishing daylight saving time as the official time in this state throughout the year.
HF 161 A bill for an act relating to subject and performance-based assessments administered prior to a student’s completion of a practitioner preparation program, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
HF 164 A bill for an act relating to licenses for apprentice hunters. (See HF 599.)
HF 166 A bill for an act relating to the creation of a green alert program for missing veterans-at-risk.
HF 257 A bill for an act relating to the distribution of certain funds for abortions.
HF 468 A bill for an act requiring that a certain percentage of the tax incentives administered by the economic development authority be provided to projects located in small cities, and including applicability provisions.
HF 496 A bill for an act relating to motor vehicle insurance, including requiring owners of registered motor vehicles to maintain financial liability coverage, establishing a motor vehicle insurance verification database, authorizing the use of automated registration plate reader systems, and authorizing county enforcement and diversion programs, establishing fees, providing penalties, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
HF 2023 A bill for an act exempting from the computation of the individual and corporate state income taxes broadband grants received by communications service providers, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (See HF 2575.)
HF 2030 A bill for an act relating to public assistance program oversight and verification of income eligibility.
HF 2037 A bill for an act relating to lamps and clothing required for the operation of bicycles, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable.
HF 2058 A bill for an act providing for repeal of the Iowa Code over a ten-year period and procedures for legislative review and reenactment.
HF 2065 A bill for an act relating to certain tax credits and assistance awarded by the economic development authority under the high quality jobs program to eligible businesses, including those in rural communities, and including effective date provisions.
HF 2084 A bill for an act relating to the adoption of the interstate curing disease compact. (See HF 2519.)
HF 2162 A bill for an act relating to persons authorized to carry firearms on school grounds, including in a school building.
HF 2190 A bill for an act relating to nonresident deer hunting on land owned or formerly owned by nonresidents and making penalties applicable. (See HSB 668.)
HF 2303 A bill for an act requiring consideration of anti-Semitism by governmental entities when investigating possible discriminatory acts. (See HF 2504.)
HF 2323 A bill for an act relating to deer hunting by nonresidents on land owned or formerly owned by nonresidents, and making penalties applicable.
HF 2451 A bill for an act requiring certain percentages of new motor vehicles sold at retail in the state to be flexible fuel vehicles, and making penalties applicable.

House Concurrent Resolution (HCR)

Bill Bill Title
HCR 104 A concurrent resolution affirming the sovereignty of the states under the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
HCR 106 A concurrent resolution honoring the memory of Harold Keller as one of the Marines who raised the United States flag at Iwo Jima.

House Resolution (HR)

Bill Bill Title
HR 107 A resolution honoring and recognizing Ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn upon his retirement as president of the World Food Prize Foundation.
HR 113 A resolution recognizing the leadership of President Donald J. Trump and Governor Kim Reynolds during the COVID-19 pandemic; recommending targeted expenditures of the Coronavirus Relief Fund; and stating the intent of the House of Representatives to support affordable coverage for pre-existing health conditions, support efforts to protect Iowans from foreclosure and eviction due to the COVID-19 pandemic, support a strong retirement system to allow Iowans to retire with dignity, support secure and fair elections for Iowa citizens, and oppose efforts to defund and abolish law enforcement agencies throughout Iowa.