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February 14, 2025GA 87

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 22 A bill for an act relating to the payment of fees and expenses of county medical examiners who perform autopsies or conduct investigations of decedents who are out-of-state residents.
HF 50 A bill for an act relating to reports filed with the court by mental health advocates for persons with mental health disorders. (See HF 234.)
HF 53 A bill for an act adding a substance to the controlled substance schedules.
HF 93 A bill for an act relating to sexual orientation change efforts and making penalties applicable.
HF 193 A bill for an act requiring the adoption of rules requiring the use of nontoxic shot to hunt doves and providing penalties.
HF 219 A bill for an act providing for an annual appropriation to the renewable fuels infrastructure fund.
HF 257 A bill for an act relating to facilities licensed to provide inpatient psychiatric treatment and services and the psychiatric bed tracking system.
HF 266 A bill for an act relating to certain actions brought under personal lines property and casualty insurance.
HF 276 A bill for an act relating to child in need of assistance and child abuse cases involving certain drugs and other substances. (See HF 543.)
HF 285 A bill for an act permitting certain motor vehicles to stand unattended without first stopping the engine.
HF 342 A bill for an act relating to county funding of mental health and disability services and the mental health and disability services property tax levy and including effective date provisions.
HF 361 A bill for an act providing for a study regarding the possible establishment of a jail diversion program for offenders with a mental illness.
HF 364 A bill for an act requiring executive branch administrative units that regulate a profession to provide a waiver process to allow persons barred due to a criminal record to apply for a license or other authorization.
HF 411 A bill for an act authorizing the school budget review committee to grant supplemental aid or establish a modified supplemental amount for a school district with an unusual increase in students eligible for free and reduced price meals and including applicability provisions.
HF 424 A bill for an act prohibiting mental health providers from engaging in sexual orientation change efforts with a patient of any age, and making penalties applicable.
HF 425 A bill for an act relating to the payment of costs for a psychiatric evaluation of a defendant in a criminal proceeding.
HF 428 A bill for an act relating to reporting accidents resulting in injury or death, and providing penalties. (See HF 2400.)
HF 454 A bill for an act relating to the regulation of persons, including commercial establishments, keeping nonagricultural animals, providing for fees and appropriations, and making penalties applicable.
HF 2002 A bill for an act relating to health care coverage including the establishment of a healthy Iowans for a public option and the administration of the Medicaid program, and including effective date provisions.
HF 2102 A bill for an act relating to the expenses of bringing certain dispute of denial of coverage actions under property and casualty insurance.
HF 2107 A bill for an act relating to employee organization elections administered by the public employment relations board and including effective date and applicability provisions.
HF 2142 A bill for an act relating to the provision of integrated health homes for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness under Medicaid managed care, and including effective date provisions.
HF 2159 A bill for an act concerning veterans eligible to take holiday time off for Veterans Day.
HF 2201 A bill for an act concerning employment matters involving public employees including collective bargaining, educator employment matters, personnel records and settlement agreements, city civil service requirements, and health insurance matters, and including effective date, applicability, and transition provisions.
HF 2244 A bill for an act relating to the Medicaid program, including long-term services and supports, integrated health homes, capitation and reimbursement rates, and oversight, and including effective date provisions.
HF 2245 A bill for an act relating to maintaining dangerous weapons at a child care facility or when transporting a child receiving care from a child care facility, and providing penalties.
HF 2362 A bill for an act providing for the inclusion of the state as a member of the United States climate alliance.

House Resolution (HR)

Bill Bill Title
HR 17 A resolution to designate November as Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Awareness Month.
HR 104 A resolution honoring and commemorating the city of Buxton.
HR 121 A resolution recognizing and congratulating Andie Dominick on winning the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in editorial writing.
HR 122 A resolution calling on President Donald Trump and the United States Congress to immediately engage in constructive dialogue and to negotiate beneficial trade regulations with other countries in order to discontinue trade practices that have an adverse impact on the people of Iowa and on Iowa’s economy.
HR 123 A resolution expressing support and extending appreciation to the Iowa Department of Justice and Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller for their efforts to advocate for and protect the interests of Iowans in state-federal relations.