February 9, 202587GA
Bill History for House Resolution 122
By Smith, M., Staed, Lensing, Steckman, Kurth, Thede, Isenhart, Mascher, Hunter, Anderson, Bearinger, Heddens, Kearns, Cohoon, Oldson, Jacoby, Smith, R., Brown-Powers, Mcconkey, Taylor, T., Gaskill, Breckenridge, Forbes, Miller, H., Meyer, Gaines, Wolfe, Prichard, Wessel-Kroeschell, Olson, Kressig, Abdul-Samad, Kacena, Nielsen, Hall and Winckler
A resolution calling on President Donald Trump and the United States Congress to immediately engage in constructive dialogue and to negotiate beneficial trade regulations with other countries in order to discontinue trade practices that have an adverse impact on the people of Iowa and on Iowa’s economy.
May 01, 2018 | Laid over under Rule 25. H.J. 904. |