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February 12, 2025GA 84

Senate File (SF)

Bill Bill Title
SF 94 A bill for an act establishing the right to choose health care.
SF 102 A bill for an act relating to illegal immigration, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.
SF 104 A bill for an act relating to verification of social security numbers for public programs under the purview of the department of human services.
SF 199 A bill for an act establishing a limitation on the amount of property tax dollars that may be certified by a county or a city and including effective date and applicability provisions.
SF 223 A bill for an act relating to the imposition of a hiring freeze for state departments and establishments and including effective date provisions.
SF 224 A bill for an act reducing the individual income tax rates and including effective date and applicability provisions.
SF 351 A bill for an act relating to the tax rates imposed on corporations and including retroactive applicability provisions.
SF 362 A bill for an act relating to the use of adult stem cells in this state, including uses relating to the practice of medicine, the practice of pharmacy, and clinical research.
SF 432 A bill for an act creating, within the department of public health, a Lyme disease task force.
SF 2116 A bill for an act relating to the review of administrative rules and the rulemaking process.

Senate Joint Resolution (SJR)

Bill Bill Title
SJR 8 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa regarding the validity and recognition of marriages in the state.
SJR 12 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa providing for a general state revenue expenditure limitation.
SJR 2003 A joint resolution relating to the designation of the department of public safety building as the Oran Pape State Office Building.

Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR)

Bill Bill Title
SCR 3 A concurrent resolution claiming state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over certain mandates imposed on the states by the federal government.
SCR 101 A concurrent resolution urging the members of the Congress of the United States to propose a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States for submission to the states for ratification.

Senate Resolution (SR)

Bill Bill Title
SR 13 A resolution honoring the main street Iowa program on its 25th anniversary.
SR 103 A resolution in support of the completion of the Keystone XL pipeline project.
SR 109 A resolution recognizing Dr. Dan Shechtman of the Iowa State University College of Engineering, the United States Department of Energy's Ames Laboratoryand Technion-Israel Institute of Technology on his receipt of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
SR 111 A resolution requesting the United States Congress to make permanent the federal tax reductions provided to all Iowans.
SR 112 A resolution supporting the tradition of youth involvement in family farming and opposing federal labor regulations to the contrary.
SR 116 A resolution to honor Dr. Gregory L. Geoffroy's remarkable achievements as President of Iowa State University.