Date & Time/Public Comments Legislators Bill Bill Title Committee
Location: RM 19
Status: Cancelled
HF 606 A bill for an act relating to nonpublic schools, including authorizing nonpublic schools to withdraw applications for accreditation, authorizing accredited nonpublic schools to terminate accreditation, and including applicability provisions.(Formerly HF 393.) Education (House)
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HSB 557 A bill for an act removing the maximum annual amount of real estate transfer tax receipts that may be transferred into the housing trust fund.(See HF 2188, HF 2634.) Economic Growth and Technology (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 565 A bill for an act relating to the reporting requirements of community colleges in connection with moneys deposited in the community colleges’ workforce training and economic development funds. Education (House)
HF 2079 A bill for an act relating to the use of county funds by ecclesiastical and sectarian institutions.(See HF 2264.) Local Government (House)
Location: House Lounge 2
HF 2031 A bill for an act incorporating provisions related to pregnancy and fetal development into the human growth and development and health curriculum provided by school districts, accredited nonpublic schools, charter schools, and innovation zone schools to students enrolled in grades one through twelve.(See HF 2617.) Education (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 722 A bill for an act expanding the sales and use tax exemption allowed for nonprofit blood centers.(Formerly HSB 247; See HF 2628.) Ways and Means (House)
HF 2030 A bill for an act establishing the advanced dyslexia specialist endorsement competitive grant program within the department of education and making appropriations.(See HF 2377, HF 2643.) Education (House)
Location: RM 304.1
Status: Cancelled
HF 414 A bill for an act relating to Medicaid home and community-based services waiver services and providers, including city and county zoning requirements. Local Government (House)
Location: House Lounge 2
HF 706 A bill for an act creating a vacant school building demolition grant program and fund and including contingent effective date provisions.(Formerly HF 339, HF 153; See HF 2541.) Economic Growth and Technology (House)
Location: RM 102, Sup. Ct. Consult
HF 2357 A bill for an act relating to statewide voluntary preschool program required hours of instruction and funding calculations. Education (House)
Location: House Lounge 2
HF 2189 A bill for an act authorizing the boards of directors of school districts to appoint student liaisons to the boards.(See HF 2609.) Education (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2188 A bill for an act removing the maximum annual amount of real estate transfer tax receipts that may be transferred into the housing trust fund.(Formerly HSB 557; See HF 2634.) Ways and Means (House)
Location: House Lounge 2
Status: Cancelled
Location: House Lounge
HF 2444 A bill for an act establishing license fees for food processing plants.(See HF 2682.) Ways and Means (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2443 A bill for an act raising the limit certain townships may levy for fire protection service and emergency medical service. Ways and Means (House)
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  • HF 2359 A bill for an act relating to the advertised and delivered speeds of broadband services provided by communication service providers, and providing civil penalties. Economic Growth and Technology (House)
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  • HSB 751 A bill for an act relating to transactions involving used catalytic converters.(See HF 2707.) Ways and Means (House)