Representative Eric J. Gjerde View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Party Affiliation: Democrat
Assemblies Served:
House: 89 (2021) - 91 (2025)
Home County: Linn
Eric J. Gjerde
Linn County


Serving second term in House.


Police officer for the city of Cedar Rapids.


Received B.A. in sociology and religion, Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois; M.A. in secondary education-social studies and M.A. in educational administration, University of Iowa; and Ed.D. in policy and leadership studies, University of Northern Iowa.

Memberships and Activities

Member of the Iowa State Education Association, Iron Workers Local 89, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No. 7, and the Iowa State Police Association.

Birth and Residence

Born in 1978 in Spicer, Minnesota. Resides in Cedar Rapids.

Family Members

Wife, Amy; three daughters.

Text above from Iowa Official Register/Other
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