Date & Time/Public Comments |
Legislators | Bill |
Bill Title |
Committee |
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
Status: Cancelled
SF 528 |
A bill for an act relating to reports prepared by a chief medical officer, licensed physician, or a mental health professional concerning the hospitalization of a person with a mental illness.(Formerly SSB 1229.) |
Health and Human Services (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SF 2049 |
A bill for an act relating to affirmative defenses for entities using cybersecurity programs and electronic transactions recorded by blockchain technology. |
Commerce (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SF 2121 |
A bill for an act relating to health insurance coverage for hearing aids for covered persons age eighteen and younger. |
Commerce (Senate)
SSB 3032 |
A bill for an act related to matters under the purview of the economic development authority including the high quality jobs program, the Iowa energy center, and the workforce housing tax incentive program.(See SF 2325.) |
Commerce (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
Status: Cancelled
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
SF 2214 |
A bill for an act establishing a therapeutic foster care services study committee. |
Health and Human Services (Senate)
SSB 3135 |
A bill for an act establishing a dairy processing and milk production innovation and revitalization fund and program to be administered by the economic development authority, in consultation with the department of agriculture and land stewardship, and creating a task force to explore the feasibility of establishing an artisanal dairy processing program at a community college or at an institution governed by the state board of regents.(See SF 2290.) |
Agriculture (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
HF 736 |
A bill for an act relating to recovery of an overpayment to a provider based on specified grounds under the Medicaid program. (Formerly HSB 225.) Effective date: 07/01/2022. |
Health and Human Services (Senate)
Location: Room 217 Conference Room
HF 2302 |
A bill for an act relating to affirmative defenses for entities using cybersecurity programs. (Formerly HSB 555.) |
Commerce (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2208 |
A bill for an act relating to consumer data protection, making penalties applicable, and including effective date provisions. |
Commerce (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2146 |
A bill for an act relating to a study regarding reimbursement for administrative days. |
Health and Human Services (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HF 2560 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations involving state government entities involved with agriculture, natural resources, and environmental protection, and making related statutory changes, and including effective date provisions. Effective date: 07/01/2022, 06/17/2022. |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3163 |
A bill for an act relating to and making appropriations involving certain state departments, agencies, funds, and certain other entities, providing for regulatory authority, providing for other properly related matters, and including contingent effective date provisions.(See SF 2385.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SSB 3162 |
A bill for an act relating to state and local finances by making appropriations, providing for legal and regulatory responsibilities, providing for other properly related matters, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.(See SF 2384.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HF 2558 |
A bill for an act relating to appropriations to the judicial branch. Effective date: 07/01/2022. |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
HF 2554 |
A bill for an act relating to adding functional family therapy and multisystemic therapy for youth as covered services under the Medicaid program.(Formerly HF 2533, HF 2310.) |
Appropriations (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2073 |
A bill for an act establishing a neighborhood housing revitalization assistance program within the Iowa finance authority. |
Commerce (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 525 |
A bill for an act relating to child welfare including the temporary custody of a child and judicial proceedings in child in need of assistance and termination of parental rights cases.(Formerly SF 473.) |
Health and Human Services (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2165 |
A bill for an act relating to insurance coverage for prescription drugs used in the treatment of metastatic cancer and associated conditions, and including applicability provisions. |
Commerce (Senate)
01/01/1776 12:01 AM
SF 2164 |
A bill for an act relating to insurance coverage for diagnostic breast cancer examinations, and including applicability provisions. |
Commerce (Senate)