Senator Mark S. Lofgren View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Birth Place: Muscatine, Iowa
Birth County: Muscatine
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
Senate: 87 (2017) - 91 (2025)
House: 84 (2011) - 85 (2013)
Home County: Muscatine
Mark S. Lofgren
Muscatine County


Serving second term in Senate. Served two terms in the House.


Residential and commercial real estate sales.


Graduated from Muscatine High School. Received A.A. from Muscatine Community College. Received B.B.A. in finance from the University of Iowa.

Memberships and Activities

Avid runner and longtime Community Y and Youth Sports Foundation coach. Power 9 Steering Committee, Muscatine Blue Zones Project, Muscatine Community YMCA Expansion Committee, Graduate of Leadership Muscatine, Class of 1989, Volunteer for Meals on Wheels.

Birth and Residence

Born in 1961 in Muscatine. Resides in Muscatine.

Family Members

Wife, Paula; three daughters, one son, and four grandchildren.

Text above from Iowa Official Register/Other
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