Date & Time/Public Comments Legislators Bill Bill Title Committee
Location: House Lounge
Status: Cancelled
Location: House Lounge
HSB 528 A bill for an act relating to wrecked or salvage motor vehicles, and making penalties applicable. (See HF 2409.) Commerce (House)
Location: House Lounge
Status: Cancelled
HSB 529 A bill for an act concerning choice of automobile repair facilities under automobile liability insurance policies. Commerce (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 545 A bill for an act permitting optical fiber additions on certain easements, providing remedies, and including retroactive applicability provisions. Commerce (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 546 A bill for an act defining marketplace contractors and designating marketplace contractors as independent contractors under specified circumstances. Commerce (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 557 A bill for an act prohibiting pyramid promotional schemes and making penalties applicable. (See HF 2172.) Commerce (House)
Location: House Lounge
Status: Cancelled
Location: House Lounge
Location: House Lounge
Location: House Lounge
HF 2001 A bill for an act relating to service dogs and assistive animals in residential rental property, providing for landlord remedies to remove dogs and animals, and providing penalties for misrepresenting an animal as a service dog or assistive animal. Commerce (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 599 A bill for an act relating to permissible interest rates and finance charges for certain loans. (See HF 2375.) Commerce (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 649 A bill for an act relating to the classification of drainage or levee districts and library districts as municipalities for the purpose of joining a local government risk pool and including effective date provisions. Commerce (House)
Location: House Lounge
HSB 659 A bill for an act relating to private employer alcohol testing policies. (See HF 2383.) Labor and Workforce (House)
Location: House Lounge
Location: House Lounge
Status: Cancelled
HSB 669 A bill for an act relating to the composition of the engineering and land surveying examining board. (See HF 2382.) Commerce (House)
Location: House Lounge
SF 2257 A bill for an act defining marketplace contractors and designating marketplace contractors as independent contractors under specified circumstances. (Formerly SSB 3058.) Effective 7-1-18. Commerce (House)
Location: House Lounge
HF 2468 A bill for an act prohibiting the mistreatment of animals other than livestock and wild animals, providing for the rescue of animals by local law enforcement agencies, providing for criminal offenses and court orders, and including penalties. (Formerly HSB 608.) Agriculture (House)
Location: House Lounge
SF 2243 A bill for an act prohibiting the use of false or misleading caller identification information to certain persons, and making penalties applicable. (Formerly SF 2126.) Commerce (House)
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  • HF 2315 A bill for an act relating to animals, including dogs, that are subject to certain health and safety regulations, including by providing for rabies control, and the confiscation, impoundment, and disposition of such animals, providing a criminal penalty, and making penalties applicable. Agriculture (House)
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  • HF 2065 A bill for an act prohibiting the mistreatment of animals excluding livestock or unconfined wildlife, providing reporting requirements, providing for criminal offenses, and including penalties. Agriculture (House)
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  • HF 2468 A bill for an act prohibiting the mistreatment of animals other than livestock and wild animals, providing for the rescue of animals by local law enforcement agencies, providing for criminal offenses and court orders, and including penalties. (Formerly HSB 608.) Agriculture (House)