Elder Abuse Prevention and Intervention Study Committee (J)
Monitor the progress of, and provide direction to, the Task Force on Elder Abuse Prevention and Intervention created pursuant to 2012 Iowa Acts, chapter 1056, and continued pursuant to 2013 Iowa Acts, SF 446, ยง50. The study committee shall review the task force progress report and approve the final report of the task force and shall submit the committee's recommendations and a final report to the General Assembly following completion of the committee's work.
Senate Members
- Mary Jo Wilhelm (D, District 26), Co-Chair
- Nancy J. Boettger (R, District 9)
- Mark Chelgren (R, District 41)
- Robert E. Dvorsky (D, District 37)
- Liz Mathis (D, District 34)
House Members
- Mark Costello (R, District 23)
- Lisa Heddens (D, District 46)
- Bruce L. Hunter (D, District 34)
- John Landon (R, District 37)