CHAPTER 321EVEHICLES OF EXCESSIVE SIZE AND WEIGHTReferred to in 307.27, 321.423, 321.437, 321.453, 321.454, 321.457, 322C.2, 331.362
321E.1Definition.As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, “department” means the state department of transportation.[C75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.27]2013 Acts, ch 49, §28321E.1321E.2Permits by department and local authorities.1. The department and local authorities may in their discretion and upon application and with good cause shown issue permits for the movement of special mobile equipment being temporarily moved on streets, roads, or highways and for vehicles with indivisible loads, or divisible loads where expressly authorized under this chapter, which exceed the maximum dimensions and weights specified in sections 321.452 through 321.466, but not to exceed the limitations imposed in this section and sections 321E.3 through 321E.15 except as provided in section 321E.29.2. Vehicles permitted to transport indivisible loads may do any of the following:a. Exceed the width and length limitations specified in sections 321.454 and 321.457 for the purpose of picking up an indivisible load or returning from delivery of the indivisible load. Vehicles with retractable body extensions used to support cargo must be reduced to legal dimensions unless the vehicle is loaded and the extension is in use.b. Move indivisible special mobile equipment which does not otherwise exceed the maximum dimensions and weights specified in sections 321.452 through 321.466 if the vehicle has an overall width not to exceed nine feet and all other conditions of the vehicle’s permit are met.3. A permit issued under this chapter shall be in writing or in an electronic format and shall be carried in the cab of the vehicle for which the permit has been issued. Permits issued under this chapter and the vehicle for which the permit has been issued shall be open to inspection at all times by any peace officer or an authorized agent of any permit-issuing authority.4. When in the judgment of the permit-issuing authority the movement of a vehicle with an indivisible or divisible load or special mobile equipment which exceeds the maximum dimensions and weights will be unduly hazardous to public safety or will cause undue damage to infrastructure or other public or private property, the permit shall be denied and the reasons for denial endorsed on the application. Permits shall designate the days when and routes upon which loads and special mobile equipment may be moved within a county on other than primary roads.5. A permit-issuing authority may allow persons requesting permits under this chapter to do so in person, through the internet, by facsimile machine, or by telephone, authorizing payment for the permits to be made upon receipt of an invoice sent to the persons by the permit-issuing authority.[C31, 35, §5067-d7, -d8; C39, §5035.16, 5035.18, 5035.19; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §321.467, 321.469, 321.470; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.1]83 Acts, ch 116, §3, 85 Acts, ch 257, §20, 94 Acts, ch 1087, §9, 10, 96 Acts, ch 1089, §5, 96 Acts, ch 1152, §19, 2008 Acts, ch 1124, §9, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §2, 28321E.22022 Acts, ch 1076, §2, 8Referred to in 321E.8, 321E.9, 321E.9A, 321E.9B321E.3Permit-issuing authorities.1.a. Permits issued under this chapter shall be issued by the authority responsible for the maintenance of the system of highways or streets. However, the department may issue permits on primary road extensions in cities in conjunction with movements on the rural primary road system.b.(1) The department may issue all-systems permits under section 321E.8 which are valid for movement on all paved highways or streets, except the interstate road system if prohibited under section 321E.8, and except any highways or streets under the jurisdiction of local authorities upon which an all-systems permit is not valid as determined by the applicable local authority if the local authority indicates such highways and streets to the department in writing, including by means of electronic communication. However, a local authority shall not determine that any paved farm-to-market road, or highway or street designated as a truck route, is not valid for purposes of an all-systems permit without justification. A highway or street under the jurisdiction of a local authority upon which movement under an all-systems permit is valid shall connect with a highway or street under the jurisdiction of the state, or with another highway or street upon which movement under an all-systems permit is valid that ultimately connects with a highway or street under the jurisdiction of the state.(2) A local authority that indicates a highway or street, including a paved farm-to-market road, upon which an all-systems permit is not valid under subparagraph (1) shall provide a written justification report to the department explaining the local authority’s determination. If the department disagrees with the local authority’s determination, the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with chapter 17A.(3) Notwithstanding a local authority’s determination under this paragraph, a person who is issued an all-systems permit may operate a permitted vehicle over the most direct route between the location where the vehicle is loaded or is to be unloaded and the nearest highway or street upon which movement under an all-systems permit is valid.2. At the request of a local authority, the department shall issue permits under this chapter for highways or streets that are under the jurisdiction of the local authority if the local authority has indicated to the department in writing, including by means of electronic communication, those streets or highways for which a permit is not valid.3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter to the contrary, the department shall develop and implement a single statewide system to receive applications for and issue permits authorized under this chapter that allow for the operation of vehicles of excessive size or weight on highways or streets under the jurisdiction of the state or local authorities. The department is authorized to determine, in consultation with the applicable local authorities, the network of highways and streets under the jurisdiction of local authorities, including the appropriate routes, on which vehicles issued permits under the system are authorized to operate. Permits issued under the system shall be issued by the department for a fee established by the department by rule, which fees shall be proportionate to the fees set forth in section 321E.14. The department shall allocate a portion of the fees collected under this subsection to local authorities having jurisdiction over highways or streets on which vehicles issued permits under the system are authorized to operate.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.2]86 Acts, ch 1210, §7, 94 Acts, ch 1087, §11, 96 Acts, ch 1089, §6, 2007 Acts, ch 143, §18, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §3, 28321E.32019 Acts, ch 15, §2, 2019 Acts, ch 158, §2, 2022 Acts, ch 1076, §3, 8, 2023 Acts, ch 60, §1Referred to in 321E.2, 321E.26
321E.1 | Definition. |
321E.2 | Permits by department and local authorities. |
321E.3 | Permit-issuing authorities. |
321E.4 | through 321E.6 Reserved. |
321E.7 | Load limits per axle. |
321E.8 | Annual permits. |
321E.8A | Self-propelled implement of husbandry — annual permit. Repealed by 2019 Acts, ch 15, §4. |
321E.9 | Single-trip permits. |
321E.9A | Multi-trip permits. |
321E.9B | Special alternative energy multi-trip permit. |
321E.10 | Semitrailers and trailers manufactured in Iowa. |
321E.11 | Movement under permit penalty. |
321E.12 | Registration must be consistent. |
321E.13 | Financial responsibility. |
321E.14 | Fees for permits. |
321E.15 | Rules made available. |
321E.16 | Violations penalties. |
321E.17 | Serious violations. |
321E.18 | Overall operations considered. |
321E.19 | Permit denial, change, suspension, or revocation. |
321E.20 | Suspension period. |
321E.21 | through 321E.23 Repealed by Acts, ch , §. |
321E.24 | Warning and lighting devices on oversize vehicles and loads. |
321E.25 | Use of interstate road system. |
321E.26 | Transportation of raw forest products. |
321E.27 | Special permits relief supplies during periods of national emergency. |
321E.28 | Permits for manufactured or mobile homes or factory-built structures. Repealed by 2013 Acts, ch 49, §27. |
321E.29 | Excess size divisible load permits. |
321E.29A | Raw milk transporters. |
321E.29B | Fluid milk products annual permit. |
321E.30 | Compacted rubbish transporters. |
321E.31 | Permit for moving certain manufactured or mobile homes. Repealed by 2013 Acts, ch 49, §27. |
321E.32 | Movement of structures and other loads on dolly axles. |
321E.33 | Oversize permit agreement. Repealed by 2013 Acts, ch 49, §27. |
321E.34 | Escort requirements. |
Farm-to-market roads, see chapter 310
On or before July 1, 2025, every county shall authorize vehicles issued a permit under section 321E.8, subsection 2, to operate on certain secondary roads and indicate to the department of transportation in writing, including by means of electronic communication, those secondary roads for which a permit under section 321E.8, subsection 2, is not valid; 2022 Acts, ch 1076, §7
321E.4 through 321E.6 321E.7Load limits per axle.1. The gross weight on any axle of any vehicle or combination of vehicles traveling under a permit issued in accordance with this chapter shall not exceed the maximum axle load prescribed in section 321.463, except for the following: a. Cranes being temporarily moved on streets, roads, or highways may have a gross weight of twenty-four thousand pounds on any single axle.b.(1) Special mobile equipment other than cranes being temporarily moved on streets, roads, or highways may have a maximum gross weight of thirty-six thousand pounds on any single axle equipped with flotation pneumatic tires with a minimum size of twenty-six point five inches by twenty-five inches and a maximum gross weight of twenty thousand pounds on any single axle equipped with flotation pneumatic tires with a minimum size of eighteen inches by twenty-five inches.(2) The department is authorized to adopt rules to permit the use of tire sizes and weights within the minimum and maximum specifications provided in subparagraph (1), provided that the total gross weight of the vehicle or combination of vehicles does not exceed one hundred twenty-six thousand pounds.(3) A manufacturer of machinery or equipment manufactured or assembled in Iowa may be granted a permit for the movement of such machinery or equipment mounted on pneumatic tires with axle loads exceeding the maximum axle load prescribed in section 321.463 for distances not to exceed twenty-five miles at a speed not greater than twenty miles per hour. The movement of such machinery or equipment shall be over a specified route between the place of assembly or manufacture and a storage area, shipping point, proving ground, experimental area, weighing station, or another manufacturing plant.c. Raw milk transporters operating under a permit issued pursuant to section 321E.29A shall not exceed the axle and gross weights specified in that section.d. Compacted rubbish vehicles operating under a permit issued pursuant to section 321E.30 shall not exceed the axle and gross weights specified in that section.e. Vehicles operating under a permit issued pursuant to section 321E.8, 321E.9, 321E.9A, or 321E.26 may have a gross weight not to exceed forty-six thousand pounds on a single tandem axle of the truck tractor and a gross weight not to exceed forty-six thousand pounds on a single tandem axle of the trailer or semitrailer if each axle of each tandem group has at least four tires.2. The gross weight on any one axle of any vehicle or combination of vehicles traveling under a permit issued in accordance with this chapter shall not exceed the maximum axle load prescribed in section 321.463; except that any one axle on a vehicle or combination of vehicles transporting special mobile equipment shall be allowed a one thousand pound weight tolerance, provided the total gross weight of the vehicle or combination of vehicles does not exceed the gross weight allowed by the permit.3. Special mobile equipment, as defined in section 321.1, subsection 74, is not subject to the requirements for distance in feet between the extremes of any group of axles or the extreme axles of the vehicle or combination of vehicles as required by this chapter when being moved upon the highways if the operator has a permit issued under this chapter.[C31, 35, §5067-d7, -d8; C39, §5035.16; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §321.467; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.7]83 Acts, ch 116, §4, 96 Acts, ch 1089, §7, 8, 96 Acts, ch 1152, §20, 97 Acts, ch 100, §7, 2003 Acts, ch 8, §20, 29, 2007 Acts, ch 143, §19, 2008 Acts, ch 1124, §10, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §4, 2016 Acts, ch 1098, §35, 2019 Acts, ch 15, §3, 2019 Acts, ch 158, §3Referred to in 321.463, 321E.2, 321E.8, 321E.9, 321E.9A, 321E.14, 321E.26321E.8Annual permits.Subject to the discretion and judgment provided for in section 321E.2, annual permits shall be issued in accordance with the following provisions:1. Vehicles with indivisible loads, or manufactured or mobile homes including appurtenances, having an overall width not to exceed sixteen feet zero inches, an overall length not to exceed one hundred twenty feet zero inches, an overall height not to exceed fifteen feet five inches, and except for vehicles in compliance with section 321.463, subsection 6, paragraph “c”, subparagraph (1), a total gross weight not to exceed eighty thousand pounds, may be moved as follows:a. Vehicles with indivisible loads, or manufactured or mobile homes including appurtenances, having an overall width not to exceed twelve feet five inches, an overall length not to exceed one hundred twenty feet zero inches, and an overall height not to exceed thirteen feet ten inches may be moved for unlimited distances without route approval from the permit-issuing authority.b. Vehicles with indivisible loads, or manufactured or mobile homes including appurtenances, having an overall width not to exceed fourteen feet six inches, an overall length not to exceed one hundred twenty feet zero inches, and an overall height not to exceed fifteen feet five inches may be moved on the interstate highway system and primary highways with more than one lane traveling in each direction for unlimited distances and no more than fifty miles from the point of origin on all other highways without route approval from the permit-issuing authority.c. All other vehicles with indivisible loads operating under this subsection shall obtain route approval from the permit-issuing authority.d. Vehicles with indivisible loads may operate under an all-systems permit in compliance with paragraph “a”, “b”, or “c”.2. Vehicles with indivisible or divisible loads having an overall width not to exceed the width authorized under section 321.454, an overall length not to exceed the length authorized under section 321.457, an overall height not to exceed the height authorized under section 321.456, and a total gross weight not to exceed the gross weight authorized under section 321.463 by more than twelve percent, may operate under an all-systems permit and shall obtain route approval from the department. Permitted vehicles under this subsection with a gross weight exceeding eighty thousand pounds shall not be allowed to travel on any portion of the interstate road system.3. Vehicles with indivisible loads, or manufactured or mobile homes including appurtenances, having an overall width not to exceed thirteen feet five inches and an overall length not to exceed one hundred twenty feet zero inches may be moved on highways specified by the permit-issuing authority for unlimited distances if the height of the vehicle and load does not exceed fifteen feet five inches and the total gross weight of the vehicle does not exceed one hundred fifty-six thousand pounds.a. The vehicle owner or operator shall verify with the permit-issuing authority prior to movement of the load that highway conditions have not changed so as to prohibit movement of the vehicle.b. Any cost to repair damage to highways or highway structures shall be borne by the owner or operator of the vehicle causing the damage.c. Permitted vehicles under this subsection shall not be allowed to travel on any portion of the interstate highway system.d. Vehicles with indivisible loads operating under the permit provisions of this subsection may operate under the permit provisions of subsection 1 provided the vehicle and load comply with the limitations described in subsection 1.4. Cranes that are being temporarily moved on highways and that have an overall width not to exceed the width authorized under section 321.454, an overall height not to exceed the height authorized under section 321.456, and an overall length not to exceed the length authorized under section 321.457 may be moved on highways specified by the permit-issuing authority if the total gross weight of the crane does not exceed eighty thousand pounds. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to administer this subsection.5. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, cranes exceeding the maximum gross weight on any axle as prescribed in section 321.463 or 321E.7 and used in the construction of alternative energy facilities may be moved with approval from the permit-issuing authority.[C31, 35, §5067-d7, -d8; C39, §5035.16; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §321.467; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, §321E.3, 321E.8; C81, §321E.8; 1982 Acts, ch 1075, §1]88 Acts, ch 1208, §2, 91 Acts, ch 133, §1, 92 Acts, ch 1173, §1, 97 Acts, ch 100, §8, 97 Acts, ch 104, §25, 99 Acts, ch 13, §20, 29, 2001 Acts, ch 32, §26, 27, 2002 Acts, ch 1063, §36, 55, 2003 Acts, ch 44, §59, 2008 Acts, ch 1124, §11, 40, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §5, 2022 Acts, ch 1076, §4, 8, 2022 Acts, ch 1086, §1, 3Referred to in 312.2, 321.463, 321E.2, 321E.3, 321E.7, 321E.14, 321E.29A, 321E.29B321E.8ASelf-propelled implement of husbandry — annual permit.Repealed by 2019 Acts, ch 15, §4.321E.9Single-trip permits.Subject to the discretion and judgment provided for in section 321E.2, single-trip permits, which may include a round trip to and from a job or delivery site, shall be issued in accordance with the following provisions:1. The maximum height, width, length, and weight of vehicles and loads operating under permits authorized by this section shall be limited to the maximum physical limitations and clearances of the roadway and infrastructure of the intended route of travel, provided that the gross weight on any one axle does not exceed the maximum prescribed in section 321.463, pursuant to rules adopted pursuant to chapter 17A. The permit-issuing authority shall make the final determination regarding the issuance of a permit and the suitability of the intended route based upon known roadway clearances and capacities. Permits shall be authorized only when the movement will not cause undue stress or damage to highway pavement, bridges, or other highway infrastructure. In addition to the dimension and weight limitations of an intended route, a permit-issuing authority shall consider the interests of public safety and, at the discretion of the permit-issuing authority, may deny the issuance of a permit when the intended movement of any vehicle or load poses a potential risk to the public.2. Vehicles with indivisible loads may be moved in special or emergency situations, provided the permit-issuing authority has reviewed the route and has approved the movement of the vehicle and load.a. The permit-issuing authority may impose any special restrictions on movements as deemed necessary or exempt movements from the restrictions of sections 321E.7, 321E.11, and 321E.32 by permit under this subsection.b. When the department determines a special or emergency situation exists, the combined gross weight or gross weight on any one axle or group of axles on a vehicle or combination of vehicles issued a permit under this subsection may exceed the maximum weights specified in section 321.463, subject to the limits and routes established by the permit-issuing authority.3. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, cranes exceeding the maximum gross weight on any axle as prescribed in section 321.463 or 321E.7 and used in the construction of alternative energy facilities may be moved with approval from the permit-issuing authority.4. Containers for international shipment shall be considered an indivisible load for purposes of transportation under a permit issued pursuant to this section if all of the following conditions are met:a. The combination of vehicles transporting the container under the permit does not exceed the maximum dimensions specified in sections 321.454 through 321.457.b. The container is sealed for international shipment and is either en route for export to a foreign country or en route to the container’s destination from a foreign country.c. Documentation, such as a bill of lading or another similar document, is carried in the vehicle, in written or electronic form, that ties the container being moved to the container listed in the documentation using the unique container number marked on the container. The documentation shall clearly state the foreign country of origin or destination, and shall be provided to a peace officer upon request.d. The container’s contents are exclusively raw forest products as defined in section 321E.26.[C39, §5035.18; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §321.469; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.9]91 Acts, ch 133, §2, 94 Acts, ch 1087, §12, 96 Acts, ch 1152, §21, 97 Acts, ch 100, §9, 97 Acts, ch 104, §26, 27, 2008 Acts, ch 1124, §13, 40, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §6, 2019 Acts, ch 158, §4, 2023 Acts, ch 3, §1Referred to in 321.463, 321E.2, 321E.7, 321E.14321E.9AMulti-trip permits.Subject to the discretion and judgment provided for in section 321E.2, a multi-trip permit shall be issued for operation of vehicles, in accordance with the following:1. Vehicles with indivisible loads having an overall length not to exceed one hundred twenty feet, an overall width not to exceed sixteen feet, and a height not to exceed fifteen feet five inches may be moved on highways specified by the permit-issuing authority, provided the gross weight on any one axle shall not exceed the maximum prescribed in section 321.463 and the total gross weight is not greater than one hundred fifty-six thousand pounds.2. Vehicles or combinations of vehicles consisting of special mobile equipment not exceeding the height, length, and width limitations of this section being temporarily moved on highways with a maximum total gross weight limitation and a single axle weight limitation in accordance with section 321E.7 may be moved.3. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A governing the issuance of permits under this section.96 Acts, ch 1089, §9, 97 Acts, ch 100, §10, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §7, 2013 Acts, ch 140, §63Referred to in 321E.2, 321E.7, 321E.14321E.9BSpecial alternative energy multi-trip permit.Subject to the discretion and judgment provided for in section 321E.2, a multi-trip permit shall be issued for operation of vehicles in accordance with the following provisions:1. Vehicles with an indivisible load having an overall length not to exceed two hundred twenty-five feet, an overall width not to exceed sixteen feet, a height not to exceed sixteen feet, and a total gross weight not to exceed two hundred fifty-six thousand pounds may be moved on highways specified by the permit-issuing authority to an alternative energy construction site or staging area for alternative energy transportation, provided the gross weight on any one axle shall not exceed twenty thousand pounds.2. The special alternative energy multi-trip permit shall not exceed twelve months in duration.3. The permit-issuing authority shall have discretion to include restrictions and require special considerations, such as responsibility for protection or repair of the roadway and bridges, prior to issuance of the permit.2008 Acts, ch 1124, §14, 40, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §8Referred to in 321E.2, 321E.14321E.10 Semitrailers and trailers manufactured in Iowa.The department or local authorities may upon application issue annual permits for the movement of semitrailers and trailers manufactured or assembled in this state that exceed the maximum length specified in section 321.457 and the maximum width specified in section 321.454. Movement of the semitrailers and trailers shall be solely for the purpose of delivery or transfer from the point of manufacture or assembly to another point of manufacture or assembly within the state or to a point outside the state; shall be only on roadways of twenty-four feet or more in width or on four-lane highways; shall be on the most direct route necessary for such movement; and shall display the special plates designated in section 321.57. All semitrailers and trailers under permit for such movement shall not contain freight or additional load. A vehicle or combination of two or more vehicles inclusive of front and rear bumpers, including towing units, involved in the movement of semitrailers and trailers shall not exceed an overall width of ten feet. [C31, 35, §5067-d7, -d8; C39, §5035.16; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §321.467; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.10]83 Acts, ch 116, §5, 92 Acts, ch 1100, §5, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §9Referred to in 321E.2321E.11 Movement under permit penalty.1. Movements under permit in accordance with this chapter shall be permitted only during the hours from thirty minutes prior to sunrise to thirty minutes following sunset unless the permit-issuing authority determines that the movement can be better accomplished at another period of time because of traffic volume or other roadway-related conditions or the vehicle subject to the permit qualifies for nighttime movement as specified in subsection 2.2. A permitted vehicle which has an overall length not to exceed one hundred feet, an overall width not to exceed eleven feet, and an overall height not to exceed fourteen feet six inches, may operate under permit from thirty minutes following sunset to thirty minutes prior to sunrise on primary and nonprimary highway system roadways that are at least twenty-two feet in total width with at least eleven feet of lane width. Vehicles operating under the provisions of this subsection shall be equipped with operating projecting-load lighting devices which are in addition to the required vehicle lighting and the signs, flags, and warning lights required for vehicles operating under permit. Additional safety lighting and escorts may be required for movement at night as determined by the permit-issuing authority.3. Except as provided in section 321.457, no movement under permit shall be permitted on holidays, after 12:00 noon on days preceding holidays and holiday weekends, or special events when abnormally high traffic volumes can be expected. Such restrictions shall not be applicable to urban transit systems as defined in section 324A.1.4. For the purposes of this chapter, “holidays” shall include Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day.5. A person who violates this section commits a simple misdemeanor.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.11]94 Acts, ch 1087, §13, 95 Acts, ch 67, §27, 95 Acts, ch 118, §28, 97 Acts, ch 104, §28, 2010 Acts, ch 1061, §121, 2010 Acts, ch 1140, §21, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §10, 2015 Acts, ch 30, §106Referred to in 321E.2, 321E.9321E.12Registration must be consistent.1. A vehicle traveling under permit shall be registered for the gross weight of the vehicle and load. A trip permit issued according to section 326.23 shall not be used in lieu of the registration provided for in this section. 2. A private carrier who is not for hire may transport special mobile equipment on a vehicle registered for the gross weight of the transport vehicle and cargo, minus the weight of the special mobile equipment, when the special mobile equipment is owned, leased, or rented and under exclusive control of the private carrier.3. Vehicles, while being used for the transportation of buildings other than mobile homes and factory-built structures, may be registered for the combined gross weight of the vehicle and load on a single-trip basis. The fee is five cents per ton exceeding the weight registered under section 321.122 per mile of travel. Fees shall not be prorated for fractions of miles. This subsection does not exempt these vehicles from any other provision of this chapter.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.12; 1982 Acts, ch 1143, §1]99 Acts, ch 13, §21, 29, 2005 Acts, ch 8, §38, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §11, 2018 Acts, ch 1026, §114Referred to in 321E.2321E.13Financial responsibility.Prior to the issuance of any permit, the applicant for a permit shall be required to file proof of financial responsibility or post a bond with the permit-issuing authority. The amount of the bond shall be determined by the permit-issuing authority and shall be used as security for repair or replacement of official signs, signals, and roadway foundations, surfaces, or structures which may be damaged or destroyed during the movement of a vehicle and load operating under the permit. The duration of the bond shall be determined by the permit-issuing authority for a period not to exceed one year.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.13]2013 Acts, ch 49, §12Referred to in 321E.2321E.14Fees for permits.1. Permit-issuing authorities may charge the following fees:a. Fifty dollars for an annual permit issued pursuant to section 321E.8, subsection 1.b. Four hundred dollars for an annual permit issued pursuant to section 321E.8, subsection 3 or 4.c. Two hundred dollars for a multi-trip permit issued pursuant to section 321E.9A.d. Six hundred dollars for a special alternative energy multi-trip permit issued pursuant to section 321E.9B.e. Thirty-five dollars for a single-trip permit issued pursuant to section 321E.9.f. Twenty-five dollars for an annual permit for special mobile equipment, as defined in section 321.1, subsection 74, issued pursuant to section 321E.7, subsection 3, with a combined gross weight of not more than eighty thousand pounds.g. Twenty-five dollars for a permit issued pursuant to section 321E.29 or 321E.29A.h. One hundred dollars for a permit issued pursuant to section 321E.30.i. One hundred sixty dollars for an annual all-systems permit issued pursuant to section 321E.8, subsection 1, which shall be deposited in the road use tax fund.j. Five hundred dollars for an annual all-systems permit issued pursuant to section 321E.8, subsection 2, which shall be deposited in the road use tax fund.k. One hundred seventy-five dollars for a permit issued pursuant to section 321E.26.l. Four hundred dollars for a fluid milk products annual permit issued pursuant to section 321E.29B.2. Fees for the movement of buildings, parts of buildings, or unusual vehicles or loads may be increased to cover the costs of inspections by the permit-issuing authority.3. A fee not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars per day or a prorated fraction of that fee per person and car for escort service may be charged when requested or when required under this chapter. Proration of escort fees between state and local authorities when more than one governmental authority provides or is required to provide escort for a movement during the period of a day shall be determined by rule under section 321E.15.4. The department and local authorities may charge a permit applicant for the cost of trimming trees and removal and replacement of natural obstructions or official signs and signals or other public or private property required to be removed during the movement of a vehicle and load. [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.14]83 Acts, ch 116, §6, 86 Acts, ch 1210, §8, 87 Acts, ch 186, §11, 91 Acts, ch 133, §3, 96 Acts, ch 1089, §10, 97 Acts, ch 23, §34, 97 Acts, ch 100, §11, 2001 Acts, ch 32, §28, 2002 Acts, ch 1063, §37, 2008 Acts, ch 1124, §15, 40, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §13, 2015 Acts, ch 2, §3, 15, 2019 Acts, ch 158, §5, 2021 Acts, ch 140, §2, 4, 2022 Acts, ch 1076, §5, 6, 8, 2022 Acts, ch 1086, §2, 3Referred to in 312.2, 321E.2, 321E.3321E.15Rules made available.The department may adopt and make available upon request to interested parties printed rules and regulations necessary for the movement by permit of vehicles and indivisible loads under the provisions of this chapter. No rule or regulation shall be adopted without prior notice to city and county officials and without a hearing on the proposed rule or regulation. All rules and regulations adopted shall have due regard for the safety of the traveling public and the protection of the highway surfaces and structures. Rules and regulations for permit travel on the interstate system shall be consistent with the federal requirements for the system.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.15]Referred to in 321E.2, 321E.14, 321E.16321E.16Violations penalties.1. A person who violates a provision of a permit issued pursuant to this chapter or rules adopted under section 321E.15, other than a provision relating to weight, shall be subject to a scheduled fine under section 805.8A, subsection 12, paragraph “f”.2. The fine for violation of the weight allowed by a permit shall be based upon the difference between the actual weight of the vehicle and load and the maximum allowable by permit in accordance with section 321.463. If a vehicle with an indivisible load traveling under permit is found to be in violation of weight limitations, the vehicle operator shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time to remove any ice, mud, snow, and other weight attributable to climatic conditions accumulated along the route prior to application of the penalties prescribed in section 321.463.3. A person operating a civilian escort vehicle in violation of rules adopted pursuant to section 321E.15 shall be subject to a scheduled fine under section 805.8A, subsection 12, paragraph “f”.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.16]83 Acts, ch 116, §7, 90 Acts, ch 1099, §1, 90 Acts, ch 1233, §19, 96 Acts, ch 1090, §8, 2001 Acts, ch 137, §5, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §14Referred to in 321E.17, 805.8A321E.17 Serious violations.Proof of imposition of a penalty for a violation of section 321.256, 321.454, 321.456, 321.457, 321.463, 321.471, 321.474, or 321E.16 or any combination of penalties for violation of those sections with respect to the operation of one or more vehicles by any one permit holder, whether operated personally or through agents, servants, or employees of the permit holder, shall constitute prima facie evidence that the permit holder has willfully operated or caused to be operated a vehicle or vehicles in violation of this chapter.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.17]2013 Acts, ch 49, §15321E.18Overall operations considered.In any proceeding brought under this chapter, the permit-issuing authority shall consider evidence relating to the nature and severity of the violations and the extent of the operations of any vehicles by or on behalf of the permit holder upon the public highways of this state, which did not involve any violations.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.18]2013 Acts, ch 49, §16321E.19Permit denial, change, suspension, or revocation. The permit-issuing authority may deny, change, suspend, or revoke any permit issued by the authority pursuant to this chapter for good cause. A decision of the department may be appealed in accordance with chapter 17A, and a decision of a local authority may be appealed in accordance with the appeal procedures of the local authority.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.19]83 Acts, ch 116, §8, 89 Acts, ch 273, §2, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §17321E.20Suspension period.Whenever the permit-issuing authority finds from the evidence adduced at hearing that a permit holder has willfully operated or caused to be operated a vehicle or vehicles in violation of this chapter, the permit-issuing authority may enter an order suspending, modifying, or revoking the permit in whole or in part at its discretion for a period not to exceed one hundred eighty days. If the permit-issuing authority finds in a subsequent proceeding within twelve months from the date of the initial suspension, modification, or revocation that a permit holder has again willfully operated in violation of this chapter, the permit-issuing authority shall order suspension, modification, or revocation of permit privileges in whole or in part for a period not to exceed two years.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.20]83 Acts, ch 116, §9, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §18321E.21 through 321E.23 321E.24Warning and lighting devices on oversize vehicles and loads.The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A regarding oversize load signs, warning flags, vehicle length warning lights, and projecting-load lights. A vehicle or combination of vehicles with a gross weight or combined gross weight exceeding eighty thousand pounds shall not be required to display warning lights based on the vehicle’s weight, but may otherwise be required to display warning lights based on length, a projecting load, or other factors, as provided by law.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.24]83 Acts, ch 116, §10, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §19, 2023 Acts, ch 60, §2321E.25Use of interstate road system.Use of the national system of interstate and defense highways under the provisions of this chapter shall be restricted by regulation and other appropriate action of the department in such a manner as to not be in conflict with the applicable provisions of 23 U.S.C. §127.[C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §321E.25]2013 Acts, ch 49, §20321E.26Transportation of raw forest products.1. The department may issue annual permits for the operation of a vehicle or combination of vehicles transporting divisible loads of raw forest products from fields to storage, processing, or other commercial facilities. The combined gross weight or gross weight on any one axle or group of axles on a vehicle or combination of vehicles issued a permit under this section may exceed the maximum weights specified in section 321.463, if the gross weight on any one axle does not exceed the limitations specified in section 321E.7.2. A vehicle or combination of vehicles for which a permit is issued under this section shall not exceed the maximum dimensions specified in sections 321.454 through 321.457.3. A vehicle or combination of vehicles for which a permit is issued under this section shall not travel on any portion of the interstate highway system.4. Notwithstanding section 321E.3 or any other provision of law to the contrary, a permit issued by the department pursuant to this section is valid for the operation of a vehicle or combination of vehicles on a nonprimary highway if the local authority having jurisdiction over the nonprimary highway has approved the route within the local authority’s jurisdiction used by the vehicle or combination of vehicles traveling under the permit.5. For the purposes of this section, “raw forest products” means logs, pilings, posts, poles, cordwood products, wood chips, sawdust, pulpwood, intermediary lumber, fuel wood, mulch, tree bark, and Christmas trees not altered by a manufacturing process off the land, sawmill, or factory from which the products were taken.2019 Acts, ch 158, §6Referred to in 321.463, 321E.7, 321E.9, 321E.14321E.27Special permits relief supplies during periods of national emergency.1. During an emergency, the department may issue special permits pursuant to 23 U.S.C.§127(i) authorizing the transportation of divisible loads of relief supplies that exceed the weight limits established under section 321.463 on the interstate highway system if the president of the United States has declared the emergency to be a major disaster under the federal Robert T.Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, Pub.L. No.93-288, as amended, 42 U.S.C.§5121 et seq. 2. The department shall only issue special permits under this section exclusively for vehicles and loads that are delivering relief supplies. 3. The department may issue a special permit under this section to a commercial motor carrier that covers all vehicles operated under the commercial motor carrier’s interstate or intrastate motor carrier number, as those terms are defined in section 325A.1, provided all vehicles operating under the permit comply with subsection 2. 4. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to administer this section. 2021 Acts, ch 32, §1321E.28Permits for manufactured or mobile homes or factory-built structures.Repealed by 2013 Acts, ch 49, §27.321E.29Excess size divisible load permits.Vehicles or a combination of vehicles with divisible loads in excess of the width, length, or height requirements of chapter 321 may be moved on the highways of this state if the department or permit-issuing authority determines there is a special or emergency situation which warrants the issuance of a special permit. The combined gross weight or gross weight on any one axle or group of axles may exceed the limits established in section 321.463, subject to the limits and routes established by the permit-issuing authority. [C79, 81, §321E.29]2013 Acts, ch 49, §21, 2015 Acts, ch 123, §35, 2020 Acts, ch 1054, §4Referred to in 321E.2, 321E.14321E.29ARaw milk transporters. A permit-issuing authority may issue annual permits authorizing a raw milk transporter to transport by motor truck raw milk to or from a milk plant, receiving station, or transfer station. The combined gross weight or gross weight on any axle or group of axles of the motor truck shall not exceed the limits established under section 321.463. The permit-issuing authority may specify weight limits or routes for each raw milk transporter or establish weight limits or routes under section 321E.8.98 Acts, ch 1103, §1, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §22Referred to in 321.463, 321E.7, 321E.14321E.29BFluid milk products annual permit.1. Notwithstanding section 321E.8, the department may issue annual permits for the operation of vehicles or combinations of vehicles transporting fluid milk products to or from a milk plant, receiving station, or transfer station, exceeding the weight limitation of section 321.463 but not exceeding a gross weight of ninety-six thousand pounds, on primary roads and primary road extensions in cities.2. A vehicle or combination of vehicles for which a permit is issued under this section shall not exceed the maximum dimensions specified in sections 321.454 through 321.457.3. For purposes of this section, “fluid milk product” means as defined in 7 C.F.R. §1000.15.4. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A governing the issuance of permits under this section.2021 Acts, ch 140, §3, 4Referred to in 321.463, 321E.14321E.30Compacted rubbish transporters.1. A permit-issuing authority may issue annual permits for the operation of compacted rubbish vehicles and vehicles which transport compacted rubbish from a rubbish collection point to a landfill area, exceeding the weight limitation of section 321.463 but not exceeding twenty thousand pounds per axle, and for tandem axle vehicles or transferrable axle vehicles, not exceeding a gross weight on the rear axles of thirty-six thousand pounds.2. Vehicles operated pursuant to an annual permit issued under this section shall be operated only over routes designated by the permit-issuing authority.3. Annual permits approved by the permit-issuing authority shall be issued upon payment of an annual fee, in addition to other registration fees imposed, to be paid to the permit-issuing authority for all nongovernmental vehicles.2013 Acts, ch 49, §23Referred to in 321E.7, 321E.14321E.31Permit for moving certain manufactured or mobile homes.Repealed by 2013 Acts, ch 49, §27.321E.32Movement of structures and other loads on dolly axles. The movement of structures and other indivisible loads on dolly axles shall be subject to the same weight limits that apply to all other indivisible loads. However, when an indivisible load is moved and the transverse dolly axles under the load have a clear inside spacing of five feet or more, each axle shall be considered a separate axle in determining the axle weight limitations provided by law.88 Acts, ch 1208, §4, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §24Referred to in 321E.9321E.33Oversize permit agreement.Repealed by 2013 Acts, ch 49, §27.321E.34Escort requirements.1. The operator of an escort vehicle serving as an escort in the movement of vehicles and loads of excess size and weight under permits required by this chapter shall have a driver’s license as defined in section 321.1 valid for the operation of the escort vehicle.2. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A for all escort requirements. The rules shall include operator requirements; escort vehicle requirements; and length, height, width, and weight requirements for the load or vehicle being moved under an annual or single-trip permit or in a special or emergency situation.97 Acts, ch 104, §29, 98 Acts, ch 1073, §9, 2013 Acts, ch 49, §25