CHAPTER 6LIBRARY SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGY ACT (LSTA) PROGRAM[Prior to 3/30/94, see Cultural Affairs Department[221], Library Division[224] Ch 6]286—6.1(256)  Description.  The Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) program is an annual, federally funded program which provides assistance to libraries and library programs in Iowa. The purpose of the Library Services and Technology Act is to stimulate excellence and promote access to learning and information resources in all types of libraries for individuals of all ages. The federal LSTA program, authorized by P.L. 104-208 (H.R. 3610) and enacted September 30, 1997, supersedes the Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA).  6.1(1)  The state library administers and uses the state-based LSTA funds (in any proportion) directly or through subgrants or cooperative agreements for the purposes of  a.  Establishing or enhancing electronic linkage among or between libraries;  b.  Electronically linking libraries with educational, social, or information services;  c.  Assisting libraries in accessing information through electronic networks;  d.  Encouraging libraries in different areas, and encouraging different types of libraries to establish consortia and share resources; and  e.  Paying costs for libraries to acquire or share computer systems and telecommunications technologies.  6.1(2)  The state library targets library and information services to persons having difficulty using a library and to underserved urban and rural communities, including children (from birth through age 17) from families with incomes below the poverty line.286—6.2(256)  Advisory councils.    6.2(1)    State LSTA advisory council.  The LSTA advisory council meets at least annually. The state library when desiring assistance in the program may also call meetings of the LSTA advisory council. The council members are appointed by the state librarian and are broadly representative of the library entities in the state, including public, school, academic, special, and institutional libraries.The council aids the state library in identifying the needs of the Iowa library community and provides suggestions for meeting those needs in accordance with the basic guidelines of the Five-Year Plan for the Use of Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Funds. The council also assists the state library in evaluating LSTA programs and activities and assists the state library in the five-year-plan evaluation.  6.2(2)    State SILO advisory committee.  The SILO advisory committee shall consist of representatives of the Iowa library community.The SILO advisory committee reviews the technology needs of Iowa libraries and provides suggestions for meeting those needs in accordance with the basic guidelines of the Five-Year Plan for the Use of Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Funds.286—6.3(256)  Process.  The state library administers and uses the state-based LSTA funds (in any proportion) directly or through subgrants or cooperative agreements. The actual amount, timing, and availability of funds for projects is determined by the state library of Iowa in consultation with the LSTA advisory council and the Iowa library community. In accordance with the principles set forth in the basic guidelines of the Five-Year Plan for the Use of Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Funds, individual grants are not anticipated. However, when individual grants are deemed to be the appropriate vehicle to meet the identified needs as well as the intent of the guidelines, information on grants will be published and distributed statewide.  6.3(1)    Eligibility.  Eligibility of projects will be determined by the Five-Year Plan for the Use of Library Services and Technology Act Funds. The use of the funds will have a major impact on library service to Iowans; increase access to information; have a statewide benefit; foster cooperation, resource sharing, and partnerships; involve all types and sizes of libraries; encourage innovation; and emphasize evaluation.  6.3(2)    Reporting procedures.  All LSTA grant recipients shall submit to the state library documentation of LSTA project-related expenses and periodic and final project reports. LSTA funded projects are subject to on-site monitoring by state library personnel.  6.3(3)    Informal appeals.  Informal appeals shall be made on procedural grounds only. Such grounds include alleged conflicts of interest, unfair or impartial treatment of applications or procedures not uniformly applied to all applicants.  6.3(4)    Informal appeal hearing.  A written request for an informal appeal hearing shall be sent to the state librarian. The hearing shall be held within 15 calendar days of the date of the request during regular business hours of the state library. The hearing shall be held before the state librarian or such members of a review board as the state librarian designates. The state librarian shall:  a.  Notify the appellant as to the day, hour, and location of the hearing;  b.  Inform the appellant of the right to submit any written documents regarding the application;  c.  Inform the appellant that a spokesperson must be appointed if the appeal involves more than one person per project. The state librarian or designees shall direct questions only to the spokesperson during the hearing. Any other discussion or comments shall be reserved for a closed executive session. No indication of decision shall be given at the time of the hearing;  d.  Notify the appellant in writing of the decision of the state librarian or designee within five calendar days of the hearing.  6.3(5)    Formal appeal.  A formal appeal of the LSTA decision may be made to the Iowa commission of libraries.  a.  The appellant’s argument shall contain:  (1)  The facts of the appeal;  (2)  An argument in favor of the appeal;  (3)  The remedy sought.  b.  Appeals will be allowed on the procedural grounds that:  (1)  Staff of the state library or the advisory council acted outside the statutory authority;  (2)  Projects do not fall within the guidelines of the five-year plan;  (3)  Staff of the state library or advisory council were influenced to act as a result of a conflict of interest;  (4)  Staff of the state library or the advisory council acted in a biased or unfair manner.  c.  The commission will consider and rule on the appeal after receiving all documentation from the appellant and will notify the appellant in writing of the decision within 30 days. The decision of the commission is final except as provided for in Iowa Code sections 17A.19 and 17A.20.These rules are intended to implement Iowa Code section 256.51(2)“b.”